The alpha bibliography style doesn't support @thesis - what to do?

The alpha bibliography style doesn't support @thesis - what to do?

I'm using the alpha bibliography style in a document. I don't actually have to use it, but it seems fitting to what I'm writing. Anyway, one of my bibliographies has some @thesis { ... } entries, but alpha doesn't like them:

Warning--entry type for "Foo2001" isn't style-file defined

What should I do?


The alpha bibliography style provides the entry types @mastersthesis and @phdthesis. Will one of them work for you?

Addendum: Both entry types have the same set of required and optional fields:

  • required: author, title, school, year
  • optional: address, note

As always with BibTeX, all fields that are neither required nor optional are silently ignored.

The output of the two entry types differs in that the one says "Master's thesis", whereas the other says "PhD thesis".

This information pertains, incidentally, not just to the alpha bibliography style; it also pertains to the plain, unsrt, and abbrv styles, i.e., to the entire set of "original" bib styles shipped with BibTeX since ca 1984.

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