Labeling a loop on a node in tikz with specified "out" and "in" angles

Labeling a loop on a node in tikz with specified "out" and "in" angles

I'm using \draw with parameters "out" and "in" to make loops on a node. I'd like to label these loops, but I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to do this. None of the examples of labeled edges or loops I've found via search use the out/in parameters.

Here is a minimal working example.


\node at (0,0) (0) {node};

\draw [->] (0) to [out=135,in=45,looseness=8] (0);
\draw [->] (0) to [out=300,in=30,looseness=8] (0);
\draw [->] (0) to [out=240,in=150,looseness=8] (0);

\node at (0,1.4) {label 1};
\node at (1.8,-.4) {label 2};
\node at (-1.8,-.4) {label 3};


enter image description here

Notice I've labeled the loops simply by adding new nodes and fine-tuning their positions to match the loops. Of course, this is less than desirable if I want to change the position of the central node.

Thanks in advance!


You basically just need to place node [<options>] {<text>} immedately after to[<options>].

(Note that the minimal class should in general not be used, article is better. See Why should the minimal class be avoided?)

enter image description here


\node at (0,0) (0) {node};

\draw [->] (0) to [out=135,in=45,looseness=8] node[above] {label1} (0);
\draw [->] (0) to [out=300,in=30,looseness=8] node[right] {label2} (0);
\draw [->] (0) to [out=240,in=150,looseness=8] node[below left] {label3} (0);


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