hyphenation in partly emphasised words

hyphenation in partly emphasised words

I frequently get to typeset texts where -- due to a specific philological convention -- shorter parts of the words are emphasised. As far as I understand the mechanism the start/end of the \emph-tags are considered word-boundaries, resulting in some correctly hyphenated words but far too few.





some hyphenati\emph{o}n
some hyphenat\emph{i}on
some h\emph{y}phenation
some h\emph{y}phe\emph{n}ation


I am looking for a way to have LaTeX ignore the emphasis and consider the words as wholes when determining the hyphenations.


While \textit{...} and \emph{...} insert italic corrections (a type of "implicit kern", in TeX jargon, which impedes hyphenation), {\itshape ...} does not. Hence, \itshape does not, per se, impede hyphenation.

If you can use LuaLaTeX and are willing to use \itshape to provide emphasis (and, in the process, accept a lack of italic correction of the in-word emphasized material), you can get these words hyphenated after all.

An MWE -- observe that all permissible hyphenation points are "found" in each instance:

enter image description here

% !TEX TS-program = lualatex
\usepackage{showhyphens} % a LuaLaTeX-only package

\hyphenation{hy-phen-a-tion} % indicate all 3 permissible hyphenation points


hyphenati{\itshape o}n
hyphenat{\itshape i}on
h{\itshape y}phenation
h{\itshape y}phe{\itshape n}ation

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