Putting a set of subfigures of different size and shape side by side, top down, vertically aligned by the subcaption

Putting a set of subfigures of different size and shape side by side, top down, vertically aligned by the subcaption

I want to place four diferent images, two above, two below, as in a matrix, aligned by the subcaption. I have used the \subfigure environment but the images are in disarray.

        \caption[Set of four subfigures.]{Set of four subfigures:
            \subref{fig:A} first subfigure;
            \subref{fig:B} second subfigure;
            \subref{fig:C} third subfigure; and,
            \subref{fig:D} last subfigure.}%


  • your code use obsolete package subfigure. instead it is better use subfloats[]{...} from it supersede subfig (see code snippet below)
  • replace all fixed distances between sub figures with \hfill

with this changes you will get:

enter image description here

    \subfloat[]{ % <---
    \subfloat[]{ % <---

    \subfloat[]{ % <---
    \subfloat[]{ % <---
    \caption[Set of four subfigures.]{Set of four subfigures:
        \subref{fig:A} first subfigure;
        \subref{fig:B} second subfigure;
        \subref{fig:C} third subfigure; and,
        \subref{fig:D} last subfigure.}%

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