수학 함수 정의

수학 함수 정의

\def\function(#1){ 96* (#1)-16 *(#1)^2 } 

%1. I am trying to condense the following two lines

z result is \z  %

 %2.  I would like  store the result of the previous line in a 'variable'

 %The following doesn't work 

\def\myfp(#1,#2){\pgfmathparse{#1} \let\#2\pgfmathresult}
\myfp(3+ \function(1),\z)  

% /This yields the right answer BUT  z Result is \z   ..... Yields error 

%3. Why does the following mess up%


z7 result is {\z7} 

%4. PLEASE point me to relevant documentation!


질문을 이해했는지 잘 모르겠습니다. 그러나 매크로를 호출하려는 경우에는 \z7매크로 이름에 숫자가 포함될 수 없기 때문에 작동하지 않습니다. 그리고 도착하려면 백슬래시를 제거해야 했습니다.


\def\function(#1){ 96* (#1)-16 *(#1)^2 } 

%1. I am trying to condense the following two lines

z result is \z  %

 %2.  I would like  store the result of the previous line in a 'variable'

 %The following doesn't work 

\def\myfp(#1,#2){\pgfmathparse{#1} \let#2\pgfmathresult} % <removed \ before #2
\myfp(3+ \function(1),\z)  

% /This yields the right answer BUT  z Result is \z   ..... Yields error 

%3. Why does the following mess up%


z7 result is {\zseven} 

%4. PLEASE point me to relevant documentation!

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