코드가 컴파일 가능하도록 편집 - 충돌을 확인하기 위해 모든 패키지를 나열하고(하지만 충돌이 없어야 한다고 생각함) .bib 파일 없이 컴파일할 수 있도록 참조도 생략합니다. 아무것도 영향을 미치지 않아야합니다. 글꼴 사양이 있기 때문에 주석 처리했지만 지정된 글꼴에 오류가 발생했으며 내 글꼴이 없을 가능성이 높거나 다른 글꼴로 저장될 수 있습니다.
나는 여러 가지 해결책을 시도했지만 운이 없었습니다. 매우 간단한 테이블입니다(비록 다른 곳에 더 복잡한 테이블이 있지만 이전에 작업을 수행한 적이 있지만 다른 작업을 위해 문서를 삭제한 것 같습니다).
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\caption{Some of the events reported during muscular paralysis caused by curare injection.}
2:11 PM: & Curare injection administered over 15 minutes.\marginpar{All events are direct quotes or paraphrases of the original report.} \\
2:20: & Speech no longer possible. Can hear distinctly. Still able to nod head and move hands. \\
2:22: & Subject reports by movement of head that the experience is not unpleasant. \\
2:26: & Ability to comprehend and answer questions accurately is indicated by correctness of replies when inquiries are restated in the negative or double negative. \\
2:45: & Subject now unable to signal response to inquiries due to complete paralysis. \\
2:48: & Eyelids manually opened. Subject stated upon recovery that he was `clear as a bell' all this period. \\
4:50: & Subjects is able to sit up on edge of bed. Complete subjective report dictated. \\ \bottomrule
유용한 작업을 수행하려면 LC 또는 R 열이 필요하며 열은 항상 한 줄이며 테이블 내부에 l
있을 수도 없습니다 .\marginpar
\documentclass[a4paper, titlepage]{book}
\caption{Some of the events reported during muscular paralysis caused by curare injection.}
2:11 PM: & Curare injection administered over 15 minutes. \\
2:20: & Speech no longer possible. Can hear distinctly. Still able to nod head and move hands. \\
2:22: & Subject reports by movement of head that the experience is not unpleasant. \\
2:26: & Ability to comprehend and answer questions accurately is indicated by correctness of replies when inquiries are restated in the negative or double negative. \\
2:45: & Subject now unable to signal response to inquiries due to complete paralysis. \\
2:48: & Eyelids manually opened. Subject stated upon recovery that he was `clear as a bell' all this period. \\
4:50: & Subjects is able to sit up on edge of bed. Complete subjective report dictated. \\ \bottomrule