TikZ를 사용하여 LaTeX에서 모델 다이어그램 그리기

TikZ를 사용하여 LaTeX에서 모델 다이어그램 그리기

LaTeX에서 TikZ 패키지를 사용하여 다음 다이어그램을 그려야 합니다. 여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요

지금까지 다음 코드를 작성했지만 결과는 정말 나빴습니다.

\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}
\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing} % noisy shapes
\usetikzlibrary{fit}                    % fitting shapes to coordinates
\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds}    % drawing the background after the foreground
\tikzstyle{measurement}=[circle, thick, minimum size=1.2cm, draw=orange!50, fill=orange!20]
\tikzstyle{input}=[circle, thick, minimum size=1.2cm, draw=purple!50, fill=purple!20]
\tikzstyle{noise}=[circle, thick, minimum size=1.2cm, draw=yellow!50, fill=yellow!20]
\tikzstyle{matrx}=[circle, thick, minimum size=1.2cm, draw=violet!50, fill=violet!20]
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex,text height=1.5ex,text depth=0.25ex]
\matrix[row sep=0.5cm,column sep=0.75cm] {
% First line
    \node (a_1)         {$\theta_1$};           &
    \node (b_1) {$\mu_1$}; &
    \node (c_1)   {$\mu_1$};     &
    \node (d_1) {$\mu_1$}; &
    \node (e_1)         {};           \\       
% Second line
    \node (p_1)         {$\Lambda_1$};           &
    \node (S_1) [input]{$\mathbf{S}_{1}$}; &
    \node (I_1)   [input]{$\mathbf{I}_{1}$};     &
    \node (A_1) [input]{$\mathbf{A}_{1}$}; &
    \node (q_1)         {$\delta_1$};           \\   
% Third line
    \node (a_2)         {$\theta_2$};           &
    \node (b_2) {$\mu_2$}; &
    \node (c_2)   {$\mu_2$};     &
    \node (d_2) {$\mu_2$}; &
    \node (e_2)         {};           \\     
% Fourth line         
    \node (p_2)         {$\Lambda_2$};           &
    \node (S_2) [measurement] {$\mathbf{S}_{2}$}; &
    \node (I_2)   [measurement] {$\mathbf{I}_{2}$};     &
    \node (A_2) [measurement] {$\mathbf{A}_{2}$}; &
   \node (q_2)         {$\delta_2$};           \\
% Fifth line
    \node (a_3)         {$\theta_3$};           &
    \node (b_3) {$\mu_3$}; &
    \node (c_3)   {$\mu_3$};     &
    \node (d_3) {$\mu_3$}; &
    \node (e_3)         {};           \\     
% Sixth line 
    \node (p_3)         {$\Lambda_3$};           &
    \node (S_3) [matrx] {$\mathbf{S}_{3}$}; &
    \node (I_3)   [matrx] {$\mathbf{I}_{3}$};     &
    \node (A_3) [matrx] {$\mathbf{A}_{3}$}; &
   \node (q_3)         {$\delta_3$};           \\  
% Seventh line
    \node (a_4)         {$\theta_4$};           &
    \node (b_4) {$\mu_4$}; &
    \node (c_4)   {$\mu_4$};     &
    \node (d_4) {$\mu_4$}; &
    \node (e_4)         {};           \\     
% Eigth line         
    \node (p_4)         {$\Lambda_4$};           &
    \node (S_4) [noise] {$\mathbf{S}_{4}$}; &
    \node (I_4)   [noise] {$\mathbf{I}_{4}$};     &
    \node (A_4) [noise] {$\mathbf{A}_{4}$}; &
   \node (q_4)         {$\delta_4$};           \\
\draw [arrow] (S_1) -- node[anchor=south] {$\lambda_1(t)$} (I_1);
\draw [arrow] (I_1) -- node[anchor=south] {$\gamma_1$} (A_1);
\draw [arrow] (S_2) -- node[anchor=south] {$\lambda_2(t)$} (I_2);
\draw [arrow] (I_2) -- node[anchor=south] {$\gamma_2$} (A_2);
\draw [arrow] (S_4) -- node[anchor=south] {$\lambda_4(t)$} (I_4);
\draw [arrow] (I_4) -- node[anchor=south] {$\gamma_4$} (A_4);
\draw [arrow] (S_3) -- node[anchor=south] {$\lambda_3(t)$} (I_3);
\draw [arrow] (I_3) -- node[anchor=south] {$\gamma_3$} (A_3);
\draw [->]     
% edge 1     
    (p_1) edge[thick] (S_1)
    (S_1) edge[thick] (I_1)
    (I_1) edge[thick] (A_1)
    (A_1) edge[thick] (q_1)        
    (S_1) edge[thick] (a_1)
    (S_1) edge[thick] (b_1) 
    (I_1) edge[thick] (c_1) 
    (A_1) edge[thick] (d_1) 
% edge 2           
    (p_2) edge[thick] (S_2)
    (S_2) edge[thick] (I_2)
    (I_2) edge[thick] (A_2)  
    (A_2) edge[thick] (q_2)
    (S_2) edge[thick] (a_2)
    (S_2) edge[thick] (b_2) 
    (I_2) edge[thick] (c_2) 
    (A_2) edge[thick] (d_2)
% edge 3    
    (p_3) edge[thick] (S_3)
    (S_3) edge[thick] (I_3)
    (I_3) edge[thick] (A_3)
    (A_3) edge[thick] (q_3)        
    (S_3) edge[thick] (a_3)
    (S_3) edge[thick] (b_3) 
    (I_3) edge[thick] (c_3) 
    (A_3) edge[thick] (d_3)   
% edge 4    
    (p_4) edge[thick] (S_4)
    (S_4) edge[thick] (I_4)
    (I_4) edge[thick] (A_4)
    (A_4) edge[thick] (q_4)        
    (S_4) edge[thick] (a_4)
    (S_4) edge[thick] (b_4) 
    (I_4) edge[thick] (c_4) 
    (A_4) edge[thick] (d_4)
% edge connecting S_2 and S_3
    (S_2) edge[thick] (S_3) 
    (S_3) edge[thick] (S_2);
 \draw[bend right=160, ->]
    (S_1) edge[thick] (S_4)
    (S_4) edge[thick] (S_1);
    (I_1) edge[thick] (S_2)
    (I_2) edge[thick] (S_1)
    (I_4) edge[thick] (S_3)
    (I_3) edge[thick] (S_4);

누구든지 그러한 블록 다이어그램을 그리는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니까?


이 같은?

\tikzset{measurement/.style={circle, thick, minimum size=1.2cm, draw=orange!50, fill=orange!20},
input/.style={circle, thick, minimum size=1.2cm, draw=purple!50, fill=purple!20},
noise/.style={circle, thick, minimum size=1.2cm, draw=yellow!50, fill=yellow!20},
matrx/.style={circle, thick, minimum size=1.2cm, draw=violet!50, fill=violet!20},
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex,text height=1.5ex,text depth=0.25ex]
\matrix[row sep=4em,column sep=0.75cm] (mat) {
% First line
    \node (p_1)         {$\Lambda_1$};           &
    \node (S_1) [input]{$\mathbf{S}_{1}$}; &
    \node (I_1)   [input]{$\mathbf{I}_{1}$};     &
    \node (A_1) [input]{$\mathbf{A}_{1}$}; \\   
% Second line
    \node (p_2)         {$\Lambda_2$};           &
    \node (S_2) [measurement] {$\mathbf{S}_{2}$}; &
    \node (I_2)   [measurement] {$\mathbf{I}_{2}$};     &
    \node (A_2) [measurement] {$\mathbf{A}_{2}$}; \\
% Third line 
    \node (p_3)         {$\Lambda_3$};           &
    \node (S_3) [matrx] {$\mathbf{S}_{3}$}; &
    \node (I_3)   [matrx] {$\mathbf{I}_{3}$};     &
    \node (A_3) [matrx] {$\mathbf{A}_{3}$};  \\  
% fourth         
    \node (p_4)         {$\Lambda_4$};           &
    \node (S_4) [noise] {$\mathbf{S}_{4}$}; &
    \node (I_4)   [noise] {$\mathbf{I}_{4}$};     &
    \node (A_4) [noise] {$\mathbf{A}_{4}$}; \\
 \foreach \X in {1,...,4} 
 {\draw (S_\X.110) -- ++ (0,0.5) node[above]{$e_\X$};
  \draw (S_\X.70) -- ++ (0,0.5) node[above]{$\mu_\X$};
  \draw (I_\X.90) -- ++ (0,0.5) node[above]{$\mu_\X$};
  \draw (A_\X.110) -- ++ (0,0.5) node[above]{$\delta_\X$};
  \draw (A_\X.70) -- ++ (0,0.5) node[above]{$\mu_\X$};
  \draw (p_\X) -- (S_\X);
  \draw (S_\X) -- (I_\X) node[midway,above]{$\lambda_\X(t)$};
  \draw (I_\X) -- (A_\X) node[midway,above]{$\gamma_\X$};
 \draw (S_4.-135) -- ++ (-3,0) |- (S_1.135) node[pos=0.25,left]{$d_3$};
 \draw (S_1.-135) -- ++ (-2.1,0) |- (S_4.135) node[pos=0.25,right]{$d_4$};
 \draw (S_3.135) to[bend left]  node[pos=0.5,left]{$d_1$} (S_2.-135);
 \draw (S_2.-45) to[bend left]  node[pos=0.5,right]{$d_2$} (S_3.45);

여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요

보시다시피 저는

  1. 매트릭스에서 일부 반복을 옮겼습니다.
  2. 일부 연결을 추가했습니다.
  3. 전자는 더 이상 사용되지 않으므로 \tikzstyle해당 구문으로 대체됩니다 .\tikzset
  4. 사용되지 않는 라이브러리를 제거했습니다.

를 사용하면 코드를 좀 더 압축할 수 있습니다 chains.

\begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex,text height=1.5ex,text depth=0.25ex,
every join/.append style={arrow},node distance=1.8cm,
basic/.style={circle, thick, minimum size=1.2cm},
\foreach \X in {1,...,4}
\begin{scope}[start chain=going right]
 \node[on chain] (p_\X) at (0,-2.5*\X)        {$\Lambda_\X$};           
 \node [basic,draw=\mycolor!50,fill=\mycolor!20,node distance=0.9cm,on chain,join] (S_\X) {$\mathbf{S}_{\X}$}; 
 \node [basic,draw=\mycolor!50,fill=\mycolor!20,on chain,join=by {"$\lambda_\X(t)$"}] (I_\X) {$\mathbf{I}_{\X}$};     
 \node [basic,draw=\mycolor!50,fill=\mycolor!20,on chain,join=by {"$\gamma_\X$"}] (A_\X) {$\mathbf{A}_{\X}$};
  \draw (S_\X.115) -- ++ (0,0.5) node[above]{$e_\X$};
  \draw (S_\X.65) -- ++ (0,0.5) node[above]{$\mu_\X$};
  \draw (I_\X.90) -- ++ (0,0.5) node[above]{$\mu_\X$};
  \draw (A_\X.115) -- ++ (0,0.5) node[above]{$\delta_\X$};
  \draw (A_\X.65) -- ++ (0,0.5) node[above]{$\mu_\X$};
 \draw (S_4.-135) -- ++ (-3,0) |- (S_1.135) node[pos=0.25,left]{$d_3$};
 \draw (S_1.-135) -- ++ (-2.1,0) |- (S_4.135) node[pos=0.25,right]{$d_4$};
 \draw (S_3.135) to[bend left]  node[pos=0.5,left]{$d_1$} (S_2.-135);
 \draw (S_2.-45) to[bend left]  node[pos=0.5,right]{$d_2$} (S_3.45);

여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요

관련 정보