이 질문에는 IMHO 두 가지 측면이 있습니다.
- 경로에 구부러진 화살표를 어떻게 추가할 수 있나요?
- 당신이 보여주는 곡선(RG 흐름?)의 매개변수화를 어떻게 추측할 수 있습니까?
1. 나는 사용하고있다이 스타일, 그리고 2.에 관해서는 비슷해 보이는 것을 빨리 추측했습니다.
% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/430239/121799
\tikzset{% inspired by https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/316050/121799
arc arrow/.style args={%
to pos #1 with length #2 and options #3}{
mark=at position 0 with {\pgfextra{%
mark=at position {#1-\tmpArrowTime} with {\coordinate(@1);},
mark=at position {#1-2*\tmpArrowTime/3} with {\coordinate(@2);},
mark=at position {#1-\tmpArrowTime/3} with {\coordinate(@3);},
mark=at position {#1} with {\coordinate(@4);
(@1) .. controls (@2) and (@3) .. (@4);},
curved arrow/.style={arc arrow={to pos #1 with length 2mm and options {}}},
reversed curved arrow/.style={arc arrow={to pos #1 with length 2mm and options reversed}}]
\draw (-3,0) -- (3,0) node[below] {$x_1$};
\draw (0,-3) -- (0,3) node[left] {$x_2$};
\foreach \X in {2,2.5}
{\draw[rotate=45,curved arrow=0.25] circle (\X cm and 0.4*\X cm);}
\draw (-3,0) -- (3,0) node[below] {$x_1$};
\draw (0,-3) -- (0,3) node[left] {$x_2$};
\draw (-120:pi) -- (60:pi) node[pos=0.9,left]{$v_2$};
\draw[rotate=-20,reversed curved arrow=0.2,curved arrow=0.8]
plot[variable=\x,domain=-1.8:1.8,samples=101] (\x,-\x^3+2*\x);
\draw[rotate=-10,reversed curved arrow=0.2,curved arrow=0.8]
plot[variable=\x,domain=-1.8:1.8,samples=101] (1.5*\x,-\x^3+2*\x);