2.1 대신 2.2에서 내 코드 번호 자체를 컴파일할 때 테이블이 있습니다 . 그것은 나의 두 번째 장을 위한 것입니다. 이 테이블의 번호를 2.1로 시작하려면 어떻게 해야 하는지 아는 사람이 있나요?
미리 감사드립니다!
\caption{An overview of meta-competences that enable engineering students to solve the future challenge, based on \shortcite{Siddique2013}}
\begin{tabular}{ l | l }
\textbf{Dim.} & \textbf{Description} \\
\textbf{MC1} & \textbf{The ability to manage information} \\
MC1.1 & To gather, interpret, validate and use information \\
MC1.2 & Understand and use quantitative and qualitative information \\
MC1.3 & Discard useless information \\
\textbf{MC2} & \textbf{The ability to manage thinking} \\
MC2.1 & Ability to identify and manage dilemmas associated with the realization of complex, \\ & sustainable, socio-techno eco-systems \\
MC2.2 & Ability to think across disciplines \\
MC2.3 & Holistic thinking, conceptual thinking and switching from divergent and convergent thinking \\
MC2.4 & Ability to speculate and to identify research topics worthy of investigation \\
MC2.5 & Ability to engage in critical discussion \\
MC2.6 & Identify and explore opportunities for developing break-through products, systems or services \\
MC2.7 & Ability to think strategically by using both theory and methods \\
\textbf{MC3} & \textbf{The ability to manage collaboration} \\
MC3.1 & Ability to manage the collaboration process in local and global settings \\
MC3.2 & Ability to create new knowledge collaboratively in a diverse team \\
MC3.3 & Competence in negotiation \\
MC3.4 & Teamwork competence \\
\textbf{MC4} & \textbf{The ability to manage learning} \\
MC4.1 & Ability to identify the competencies and meta-competencies needed to create value in the engineering world \\
MC4.2 & Ability to self-instruct and self-monitor learning \\
MC4.3 & Ability to interact with multiple modes of learning \\
MC4.4 & Ability to manage a lifetime of learning or lifelong learning \\
\textbf{MC5} & \textbf{The ability to manage attitude} \\
MC5.1 & Ability to self-motivate \\
MC5.2 & Ability to cope with chaos \\
MC5.3 & Ability to identify and acknowledge mistakes and unproductive paths; \\
MC5.4 & Ability to assess and manage risk taking \\
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