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hor in Paralindelof 경고--Paralindelof 경고의 빈 제목--Paralindelof 경고의 빈 저널--Paralindelof 경고의 빈 연도--핸드북 경고의 빈 저자 및 편집자--핸드북 경고의 빈 제목--핸드북 경고의 빈 출판사-- 핸드북 경고의 빈 연도--매핑 경고의 빈 작성자--매핑 경고의 빈 제목--매핑 경고의 빈 저널--매핑 경고의 빈 연도--멩거 경고의 빈 작성자--멩거 경고의 빈 제목--비어 Menger Warning의 저널--Menger Warning의 빈 연도-Some Warning의 빈 저자-Some Warning의 빈 제목-Some Warning의 빈 저널-Some Warning의 빈 연도--The Warning의 빈 저자--빈 제목 The Warning--The Warning의 빈 일지--The의 빈 연도 (18개의 오류 메시지가 있었습니다)
오류로 인해 프로세스가 종료되었습니다.
그리고 내 참고문헌:
@ARTICLE {A comparison of Lindelof-type covering properties of topological spaces,
author = "P. Staynova",
title = "A comparison of Lindelöf-type covering properties of topological spaces",
journal = "Rose-Hulman. Undergraduate Mathematics Journal",
year = "2011",
volume = "12",
number = "2",
pages = "1-42"
@BOOK {Rings of Continuous Functions,
author = "L. Gillman{,} M. Jerison",
title = "Rings of Continuous Functions",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
year = "1960",
edition = "first"
@BOOK {General Topology. Revised and completed edition,
author = "R. Engelking",
title = "General Topology. Revised and completed edition",
publisher = "Heldermann Verlag",
year = "1989"
edition = "first"
@BOOK {Extensions and absolutes of Hausdorff spaces,
author = "J. R. Porter{,} R. G. Woods",
title = "Extensions and absolutes of Hausdorff spaces",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
year = "1980",
edition = "first"
@ARTICLE {Chain Conditions in Para Lindelof and related spaces,
author = "R. L. Blair",
title = "Chain Conditions in Para-Lindelöf and related spaces",
journal = "Topology Proceedings",
year = "1986",
volume = "11",
pages = "247-266"
@ARTICLE {On the generalized Lindelöf property,
author = "J. Ewert{,} S. P. Ponomarev",
title = "On the generalized Lindelöf property",
journal = "Real Analysis Exchange",
year = "1999",
pages = "177-194",
month = "jul"
@ARTICLE {Paralindelof spaces and closed mappings,
author = "D. K. Burke",
title = "Paralindelöf spaces and closed mappings",
journal = "Topology Proceedings",
year = "1980",
volume = "5",
pages = "47-57"
@BOOK {Handbook of the History of General Topology volume 1,
author = "C.E Aull{,} R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "1997",
volume = "Volume 1",
edition = "first"
@BOOK {Handbook of the History of General Topology volume 3,
author = "C.E Aull{,} R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "2001",
volume = "Volume 3",
edition = "first"
@ARTICLE {A Note on Quasi Lindelof Spaces,
author = "P. Staynova",
title = "A Note on Quasi-Lindelöf Spaces",
journal = "Proceedings of the Forty First Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians"
year = "2012",
month = "dec",
@BOOK {Handbook of the History of General Topology volume 2,
author = "C.E Aull{,} R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "1998",
volume = "Volume 2",
edition = "first"
@ARTICLE {Mappings and decompositions of continuity on almost Lindelof spaces,
author = "A. J. Fawakhreh{,} A. Kili{\c c}man",
title = "Mappings and decompositions of continuity on almost Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences",
year = "2006",
pages = "1-7",
month = "mar"
@ARTICLE {Menger type covering properties of topological spaces,
author = "D. Kocev",
title = "Menger-type covering properties of topological spaces",
journal = "Filomat",
year = "2014",
volume = "29"
number = "1"
pages = "99-106"
@ARTICLE{On almost Lindelof spaces,
author = "H. Z. Hdeib{,} M. S. Sarsak",
title = "On almost Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "Questions and Answers in General Topology"
year = "2001",
month = "jan",
@ARTICLE {On relatively almost Lindelof subsets,
author = "M. S. Sarsak",
title = "On relatively almost Lindelöf subsets",
journal = "Acta Mathematica Hungarica",
year = "2002",
volume = "97",
number = "1",
pages = "109-114"
@ARTICLE {Some counterexamples and properties on generalizations of Lindelof spaces,
author = "F. Cammaroto{,} G. Santoro",
title = "Some counterexamples and properties on generalizations of Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences",
year = "1996",
volume = "19",
number = "4",
pages = "737-746",
month = "sep"
@ARTICLE {The almost Lindelof degree,
author = "S. Willard{,} U.N.B. Dissanayake",
title = "The almost Lindelöf degree",
journal = "Canadian Mathematical Bulletin",
year = "1984",
volume = "27",
number = "4",
pages = "452-455"
@inproceedings{The Lindelof Property,
author = "C. Good",
title = "The Lindelöf Property",
year = "2003",
month = "dec",
나는 이 포럼에서 동일한 문제가 있는 항목을 많이 읽었지만 게시된 솔루션이 나에게 적합하지 않습니다.
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BibTeX 버전 0.99d(MiKTeX 2.9.6960 64비트)입니다. 최상위 보조 파일: Propiedadestipo Lindel
오류로 인해 프로세스가 종료되었습니다.
하지만 내 파일은 작동하며 참고문헌이 PDF에 표시됩니다. 내 참고문헌 파일은 다음과 같습니다.
@ARTICLE {p.staynova2011,
author = "P. Staynova",
title = "A comparison of Lindelöf-type covering properties of topological spaces",
journal = "Rose-Hulman. Undergraduate Mathematics Journal",
year = "2011",
volume = "12",
number = "2",
pages = "1-42"
@BOOK {l.gillmanm.jerison1960,
author = "L. Gillman and M. Jerison",
title = "Rings of Continuous Functions",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
year = "1960",
edition = "first"
@BOOK {r.engelking1989,
author = "R. Engelking",
title = "General Topology. Revised and completed edition",
publisher = "Heldermann Verlag",
year = "1989"
edition = "first"
@BOOK {j.r.porterr.g.woods1980,
author = "J. R. Porter and R. G. Woods",
title = "Extensions and absolutes of Hausdorff spaces",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
year = "1980",
edition = "first"
@ARTICLE {r.l.blair1986,
author = "R. L. Blair",
title = "Chain Conditions in Para-Lindelöf and related spaces",
journal = "Topology Proceedings",
year = "1986",
volume = "11",
pages = "247-266"
@ARTICLE {j.ewerts.p.ponomarev1999,
author = "J. Ewert and S. P. Ponomarev",
title = "On the generalized Lindelöf property",
journal = "Real Analysis Exchange",
year = "1999",
pages = "177-194",
month = "jul"
@ARTICLE {d.k.burke1980,
author = "D. K. Burke",
title = "Paralindelöf spaces and closed mappings",
journal = "Topology Proceedings",
year = "1980",
volume = "5",
pages = "47-57"
@BOOK {c.eaullr.lowen1997.volume1,
author = "C.E Aull and R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "1997",
volume = "Volume 1",
edition = "first"
@BOOK {c.eaullr.lowen2001.volume3,
author = "C.E Aull and R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "2001",
volume = "Volume 3",
edition = "first"
@ARTICLE {p.staynova2012,
author = "P. Staynova",
title = "A Note on Quasi-Lindelöf Spaces",
journal = "Proceedings of the Forty First Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians"
year = "2012",
month = "dec",
@BOOK {c.eaullr.lowen2001.volume2,
author = "C.E Aull and R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "1998",
volume = "Volume 2",
edition = "first"
@ARTICLE {a.j.fawakhreha.kilicman2006,
author = "A. J. Fawakhreh and A. Kiliçman",
title = "Mappings and decompositions of continuity on almost Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences",
year = "2006",
pages = "1-7",
month = "mar"
@ARTICLE {d.kocev2014,
author = "D. Kocev",
title = "Menger-type covering properties of topological spaces",
journal = "Filomat",
year = "2014",
volume = "29"
number = "1"
pages = "99-106"
author = "H. Z. Hdeib and M. S. Sarsak",
title = "On almost Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "Questions and Answers in General Topology"
year = "2001",
month = "jan",
@ARTICLE {m.s.sarsak2002,
author = "M. S. Sarsak",
title = "On relatively almost Lindelöf subsets",
journal = "Acta Mathematica Hungarica",
year = "2002",
volume = "97",
number = "1",
pages = "109-114"
@ARTICLE {f.cammarotog.santoro1996,
author = "F. Cammaroto and G. Santoro",
title = "Some counterexamples and properties on generalizations of Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences",
year = "1996",
volume = "19",
number = "4",
pages = "737-746",
month = "sep"
@ARTICLE {s.willardu.n.b.dissanayake1984,
author = "S. Willard and U.N.B. Dissanayake",
title = "The almost Lindelöf degree",
journal = "Canadian Mathematical Bulletin",
year = "1984",
volume = "27",
number = "4",
pages = "452-455"
author = "C. Good",
title = "The Lindelöf Property",
year = "2003",
month = "dec",
@BOOK {a.t.mascaruaf.c.segura2015,
author = "A. T. Mascarúa and F. C. Segura",
title = "Elementos de Topología General",
publisher = "Instituto de Matemáticas. UNAM.",
year = "2015",
edition = "first",
month = "jan"
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오류의 원인은 턱받이 파일의 일부 줄 끝에 쉼표가 누락되었기 때문입니다.
다음 코드를 참조하세요
author = {Goossens, Michel and Mittelbach, Frank and
Samarin, Alexander},
title = {The LaTeX Companion},
edition = {1},
publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
location = {Reading, Mass.},
year = {1994},
title = {The Restaurant at the End of the Universe},
author = {Douglas Adams},
series = {The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy},
publisher = {Pan Macmillan},
year = {1980},
@ARTICLE {p.staynova2011,
author = "P. Staynova",
title = "A comparison of Lindelöf-type covering properties of topological spaces",
journal = "Rose-Hulman. Undergraduate Mathematics Journal",
year = "2011",
volume = "12",
number = "2",
pages = "1-42",
@BOOK {l.gillmanm.jerison1960,
author = "L. Gillman and M. Jerison",
title = "Rings of Continuous Functions",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
year = "1960",
edition = "first",
@BOOK {r.engelking1989,
author = "R. Engelking",
title = "General Topology. Revised and completed edition",
publisher = "Heldermann Verlag",
year = "1989",
edition = "first",
@BOOK {j.r.porterr.g.woods1980,
author = "J. R. Porter and R. G. Woods",
title = "Extensions and absolutes of Hausdorff spaces",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
year = "1980",
edition = "first",
@ARTICLE {r.l.blair1986,
author = "R. L. Blair",
title = "Chain Conditions in Para-Lindelöf and related spaces",
journal = "Topology Proceedings",
year = "1986",
volume = "11",
pages = "247-266",
@ARTICLE {j.ewerts.p.ponomarev1999,
author = "J. Ewert and S. P. Ponomarev",
title = "On the generalized Lindelöf property",
journal = "Real Analysis Exchange",
year = "1999",
pages = "177-194",
month = "jul",
@ARTICLE {d.k.burke1980,
author = "D. K. Burke",
title = "Paralindelöf spaces and closed mappings",
journal = "Topology Proceedings",
year = "1980",
volume = "5",
pages = "47-57",
@BOOK {c.eaullr.lowen1997.volume1,
author = "C.E Aull and R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "1997",
volume = "Volume 1",
edition = "first",
@BOOK {c.eaullr.lowen2001.volume3,
author = "C.E Aull and R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "2001",
volume = "Volume 3",
edition = "first",
@ARTICLE {p.staynova2012,
author = "P. Staynova",
title = "A Note on Quasi-Lindelöf Spaces",
journal = "Proceedings of the Forty First Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians",
year = "2012",
month = "dec",
@BOOK {c.eaullr.lowen2001.volume2,
author = "C.E Aull and R. Lowen",
title = "Handbook of the History of General Topology",
publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
year = "1998",
volume = "Volume 2",
edition = "first",
@ARTICLE {a.j.fawakhreha.kilicman2006,
author = "A. J. Fawakhreh and A. Kiliçman",
title = "Mappings and decompositions of continuity on almost Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences",
year = "2006",
pages = "1-7",
month = "mar",
@ARTICLE {d.kocev2014,
author = "D. Kocev",
title = "Menger-type covering properties of topological spaces",
journal = "Filomat",
year = "2014",
volume = "29",
number = "1",
pages = "99-106",
author = "H. Z. Hdeib and M. S. Sarsak",
title = "On almost Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "Questions and Answers in General Topology",
year = "2001",
month = "jan",
@ARTICLE {m.s.sarsak2002,
author = "M. S. Sarsak",
title = "On relatively almost Lindelöf subsets",
journal = "Acta Mathematica Hungarica",
year = "2002",
volume = "97",
number = "1",
pages = "109-114",
@ARTICLE {f.cammarotog.santoro1996,
author = "F. Cammaroto and G. Santoro",
title = "Some counterexamples and properties on generalizations of Lindelöf spaces",
journal = "International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences",
year = "1996",
volume = "19",
number = "4",
pages = "737-746",
month = "sep",
@ARTICLE {s.willardu.n.b.dissanayake1984,
author = "S. Willard and U.N.B. Dissanayake",
title = "The almost Lindelöf degree",
journal = "Canadian Mathematical Bulletin",
year = "1984",
volume = "27",
number = "4",
pages = "452-455",
author = "C. Good",
title = "The Lindelöf Property",
year = "2003",
month = "dec",
@BOOK {a.t.mascaruaf.c.segura2015,
author = "A. T. Mascarúa and F. C. Segura",
title = "Elementos de Topología General",
publisher = "Instituto de Matemáticas. UNAM.",
year = "2015",
edition = "first",
month = "jan"
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