tikz-pgf를 사용하여 새 모양에 새 앵커 테두리를 정의하는 방법

tikz-pgf를 사용하여 새 모양에 새 앵커 테두리를 정의하는 방법

pgf-tikz에서 새로운 모양을 정의하여 기호 라이브러리를 구축하려고 합니다. 솔직히 말해서, 나는 그것을 수행하기 위한 코드의 많은 부분을 이해하지 못하기 때문에 그것은 나에게 엄청난 작업입니다. 다행스럽게도 이러한 웹과 @marmot 덕분에 차근차근 작업을 거의 완료했습니다. 하지만 지금은 앵커 테두리에 문제가 있습니다. 여기에 코드와 해당 자체 설명 결과가 나와 있습니다.




\newlength{\an@ctdordiv} \an@ctdordiv=5mm

%% Anchor path:

\def\generalanchor{} % No es necesario, el nodo no llevará texto.

%% Background path:

\def\contdivborder{ % Obtiene la caja de texto correcta:

  % La parte anterior no es necesaria, no llevará texto el nodo
  % Triángulo izquierdo:
                          {\pgfpoint{ \an@ctdordiv}{ \an@ctdordiv}}

    % La opción clip evita los picos del triángulo sobresaliendo.
  % Línea diagonal
  \pgflineto{\pgfpoint{ \an@ctdordiv}{ \an@ctdordiv}}


%% Declaración de la forma:

\pgfdeclareshape{contador divisionario}{


      \pgf@x = \ctbnex
      \pgf@y = \ctbney
      \advance\pgf@x by \gap
      \advance\pgf@y by \gap

  % Anchors:
  \anchor{c}{\centerpoint \pgf@x=0pt \pgf@y=0pt}
  \anchor{u}{\centerpoint \pgf@x=0pt \pgf@y= \an@ctdordiv}
  \anchor{d}{\centerpoint \pgf@x=0pt \pgf@y=-\an@ctdordiv}
  \anchor{r}{\centerpoint \pgf@x= \an@ctdordiv \pgf@y=0pt}
  \anchor{l}{\centerpoint \pgf@x=-\an@ctdordiv \pgf@y=0pt}
  \anchor{ur}{\centerpoint \pgf@x= \an@ctdordiv \pgf@y= \an@ctdordiv}
  \anchor{dr}{\centerpoint \pgf@x= \an@ctdordiv \pgf@y=-\an@ctdordiv}
  \anchor{ul}{\centerpoint \pgf@x=-\an@ctdordiv \pgf@y= \an@ctdordiv}
  \anchor{dl}{\centerpoint \pgf@x=-\an@ctdordiv \pgf@y=-\an@ctdordiv}




    st texto/.style={
        black,inner sep=0.0em
    st valvula/.style={
        node contents={},
        draw,minimum width=3mm,minimum height=2.85mm,line width=0.1mm,inner sep=0em,scale=2
    st linea nodo/.style={line width=0.1mm,latex-,orange,shorten >= 0.5em},



    \begin{tikzpicture}[x=1mm,y=1mm,remember picture]


    \path (0,0) node (wrong) [%
    contador divisionario,st valvula,
    fill=cyan!50,line width=1mm

  \draw[st linea nodo] (wrong.r) -- ++(0:10) node[st texto] {r};

  \node[circle,minimum size=4mm,draw=red] (circwrong) at (wrong.r) {};
  \node[st texto] (txtwrong) at ([shift={(10,-5)}]wrong.r) {
    anchor in\\ the center\\ of the line\\ I don't need\\ this!
  \draw[-latex,line width=0.1mm] (txtwrong) edge[out=90,in=-20] (circwrong);


    \path (40,0) node (correct) [%
    contador divisionario,st valvula,
    fill=cyan!50,line width=1mm

  \draw[st linea nodo] ([shift={(0.5,0)}]correct.r) -- ++(0:10) node[st texto] {r};

  \node[circle,minimum size=4mm,draw=green] (circcorrect) at (correct.r) {};
  \node[st texto] (txtcorrect) at ([shift={(10,-5)}]correct.r) {
      anchor in\\ the border\\ of the line\\ What I want!
  \draw[-latex,line width=0.1mm] (txtcorrect) edge[out=90,in=-20] (circcorrect);


    \path (80,0) node (correct2) [%
    contador divisionario,st valvula,
    fill=cyan!50,line width=2mm

  \draw[st linea nodo] ([shift={(1,0)}]correct2.r) -- ++(0:10) node[st texto] {r};

  \node[circle,minimum size=4mm,draw=green] (circcorrect2) at (correct2.r) {};
  \node[st texto] (txtcorrect2) at ([shift={(10,-5)}]correct2.r) {
    anchor in\\ the border\\ of the line\\ What I want!
  \draw[-latex,line width=0.1mm] (txtcorrect2) edge[out=90,in=-20] (circcorrect2);



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