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이것이 내가 얻는 것입니다
이것이 내가 원하는거야
의 모든 순간에 상자가 자동으로 동시에 삽입되면 좋겠지만 \note<+>
여전히 메모 앞에 있는 항목과 정렬되어야 합니다.
또 다른 문제는 상자가 텍스트 단어의 중간에 정렬되지 않는다는 것입니다. 두 센터를 함께 정렬하는 방법이 있나요?
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\begin{block}{Why is induction motor very common}
\presentUncoverMoreContents{Induction motors are very practical for the following reasons}
\itemUncoverMoreContents[Rigid] Rigid
\itemUncoverMoreContents[Cheap] Cheap
\itemUncoverMoreContents[Low Maintenance] Low Maintenance
\itemUncoverMoreContents[Self-Starting] Self-starting
\itemUncoverMoreContents[No Excitation Needed] No Excitation Needed
\itemUncoverMoreContents[Something goes here] Extra contents
More content
약간의 tikz
-foo를 사용하면 다음과 같습니다.
\documentclass[aspectratio=169, xcolor={x11names}]{beamer}
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\begin{frame}{Uncovering Contents with Alert}
\item[Rigid] Rigid
\item[Cheap] Cheap
\item[Low Maintenance] Low Maintenance%
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\item[Self-Starting] Self-starting
\item[No Excitation Needed] No Excitation Needed
단순화된 버전입니다. @PaulGaborit에게 감사드립니다!
\documentclass[aspectratio=169, xcolor={x11names}]{beamer}
\setbeameroption{show notes}
\begin{frame}{Uncovering Contents with Alert}
\item[Rigid] Rigid
\item[Cheap] Cheap
\item[Low Maintenance] Low Maintenance%
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\item[Self-Starting] Self-starting
\item[No Excitation Needed] No Excitation Needed