안녕하세요. 저는 라텍스를 처음 접했고 방정식을 정리하는 데 도움이 필요합니다. 이것이 내가 가진 것입니다.
- 숫자 (3)과 정렬하려면 방정식 (3)이 필요합니다.
- 방정식 (5)와 (6)은 서로 중심을 맞추고 정렬됩니다.
여기 mwe가 있습니다.https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/icml-2019-submission-template/vkqjjvzjvhdc
%%%%%%%% ICML 2019 EXAMPLE LATEX SUBMISSION FILE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Recommended, but optional, packages for figures and better typesetting:
\usepackage{booktabs} % for professional tables
% hyperref makes hyperlinks in the resulting PDF.
% If your build breaks (sometimes temporarily if a hyperlink spans a page)
% please comment out the following usepackage line and replace
% \usepackage{icml2019} with \usepackage[nohyperref]{icml2019} above.
% Attempt to make hyperref and algorithmic work together better:
% Use the following line for the initial blind version submitted for review:
% If accepted, instead use the following line for the camera-ready submission:
% The \icmltitle you define below is probably too long as a header.
% Therefore, a short form for the running title is supplied here:
\icmltitlerunning{Submission and Formatting Instructions for ICML 2019}
\icmltitle{Submission and Formatting Instructions for \\
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2019)}
% It is OKAY to include author information, even for blind
% submissions: the style file will automatically remove it for you
% unless you've provided the [accepted] option to the icml2019
% package.
% List of affiliations: The first argument should be a (short)
% identifier you will use later to specify author affiliations
% Academic affiliations should list Department, University, City, Region, Country
% Industry affiliations should list Company, City, Region, Country
% You can specify symbols, otherwise they are numbered in order.
% Ideally, you should not use this facility. Affiliations will be numbered
% in order of appearance and this is the preferred way.
\icmlauthor{Aeiau Zzzz}{equal,to}
\icmlauthor{Bauiu C.~Yyyy}{equal,to,goo}
\icmlauthor{Cieua Vvvvv}{goo}
\icmlauthor{Iaesut Saoeu}{ed}
\icmlauthor{Fiuea Rrrr}{to}
\icmlauthor{Tateu H.~Yasehe}{ed,to,goo}
\icmlauthor{Aaoeu Iasoh}{goo}
\icmlauthor{Buiui Eueu}{ed}
\icmlauthor{Aeuia Zzzz}{ed}
\icmlauthor{Bieea C.~Yyyy}{to,goo}
\icmlauthor{Teoau Xxxx}{ed}
\icmlauthor{Eee Pppp}{ed}
\icmlaffiliation{to}{Department of Computation, University of Torontoland, Torontoland, Canada}
\icmlaffiliation{goo}{Googol ShallowMind, New London, Michigan, USA}
\icmlaffiliation{ed}{School of Computation, University of Edenborrow, Edenborrow, United Kingdom}
\icmlcorrespondingauthor{Cieua Vvvvv}{[email protected]}
\icmlcorrespondingauthor{Eee Pppp}{[email protected]}
% You may provide any keywords that you
% find helpful for describing your paper; these are used to populate
% the "keywords" metadata in the PDF but will not be shown in the document
\icmlkeywords{Machine Learning, ICML}
\vskip 0.3in
% this must go after the closing bracket ] following \twocolumn[ ...
% This command actually creates the footnote in the first column
% listing the affiliations and the copyright notice.
% The command takes one argument, which is text to display at the start of the footnote.
% The \icmlEqualContribution command is standard text for equal contribution.
% Remove it (just {}) if you do not need this facility.
%\printAffiliationsAndNotice{} % leave blank if no need to mention equal contribution
\printAffiliationsAndNotice{\icmlEqualContribution} % otherwise use the standard text.
This document provides a basic paper template and submission guidelines.
Abstracts must be a single paragraph, ideally between 4--6 sentences long.
Gross violations will trigger corrections at the camera-ready phase.
\section{Electronic Submission}
\hspace*{-0.2cm} i_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xi}} * X_t + W_{\textit{hi}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{ci}} \circ C_{t-1} + b_i)\\
\hspace*{-0.2cm} f_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xf}} * X_t + W_{\textit{hf}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{cf}} \circ C_{t-1} + b_f)\\
\hspace*{-0.2cm} C_t &= f_t \circ C_{t-1} + i_t \circ \tanh(W_{\!\textit{xc}} * X_t + W_{\!\textit{hc}} * H_{t-1} + b_c)\\
\hspace*{-0.2cm} o_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xo}} * X_t + W_{\!\textit{ho}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{co}} \circ C_{t} + b_o)\\
S_t &= o_t \circ \textnormal{tanh}(C_t)\\
H_{t,ij} &= \frac{||S_{t,ij}^2||}{1 + ||S_{t,ij}^2||} \frac{S_{t,ij}}{||S_{t,ij}||}
편집: 답변해 주셔서 감사합니다. 그런데 왜 뒷면은 마치 오류인 것처럼 모든 것을 강조합니까? 수집 내부에 정렬을 중첩하면 이런 일이 발생합니다.
이전 세 가지 질문에 대한 의견과 답변을 결합하면 다음 MWE가 됩니다. 여기에서는 환경 align
내부에 두 가지 환경을 사용했습니다 gather
.아까 추천했듯이. 첫 번째 변형에서는 \small
글꼴 크기와 명령을 그대로 유지했고 \hspace*
, 두 번째 예제에서는 방정식 번호가 아래로 이동하는 것을 방지하기 위해 세 번째 방정식을 두 줄로 분할했습니다. 이했다이미 Mico가 추천했습니다..
\section{Electronic Submission}
\hspace*{-0.2cm} i_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xi}} * X_t + W_{\textit{hi}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{ci}} \circ C_{t-1} + b_i)\\
\hspace*{-0.2cm} f_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xf}} * X_t + W_{\textit{hf}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{cf}} \circ C_{t-1} + b_f)\\
\hspace*{-0.2cm} C_t &= f_t \circ C_{t-1} + i_t \circ \tanh(W_{\!\textit{xc}} * X_t + W_{\!\textit{hc}} * H_{t-1} + b_c)\\
\hspace*{-0.2cm} o_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xo}} * X_t + W_{\!\textit{ho}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{co}} \circ C_{t} + b_o)
S_t &= o_t \circ \tanh(C_t)\\
H_{t,ij} &= \frac{||S_{t,ij}^2||}{1 + ||S_{t,ij}^2||} \frac{S_{t,ij}}{||S_{t,ij}||}
i_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xi}} * X_t + W_{\textit{hi}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{ci}} \circ C_{t-1} + b_i)\\
f_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xf}} * X_t + W_{\textit{hf}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{cf}} \circ C_{t-1} + b_f)\\
C_t &= f_t \circ C_{t-1} \notag\\
&+ i_t \circ \tanh(W_{\!\textit{xc}} * X_t + W_{\!\textit{hc}} * H_{t-1} + b_c)\\
o_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\textit{xo}} * X_t + W_{\!\textit{ho}} * H_{t-1} + W_{\!\textit{co}} \circ C_{t} + b_o)
S_t &= o_t \circ \tanh(C_t)\\
H_{t,ij} &= \frac{||S_{t,ij}^2||}{1 + ||S_{t,ij}^2||} \frac{S_{t,ij}}{||S_{t,ij}||}
또한 환경 내부에 한 쌍의 환경을 사용합니다 gather
. 나는~ 아니다하지만 를 사용하세요 \hspace*{-0.2cm}
. 6개의 방정식을 모두 적합하게 만들기 위해 thinmuskip
, \medmuskip
및 의 값을 재설정합니다 \thickmuskip
. 이러한 매개변수는 수학 연산자의 양쪽에 삽입되는 공백의 양을 제어합니다.
아, 그리고 나는 "표준" 구분 기호를 만들기 위해 ||
두 개의 연속 기호를 쓰지 않을 것입니다 . |
대신, \lVert
및 \rVert
또는 중 하나를 사용하여 보다 우아하게 패키지를 로드 하고 가변 크기 펜스로 mathtools
호출되는 매크로를 생성하십시오 .\norm
%\usepackage{subfigure} % this package is deprecated
\usepackage{mathtools} % superset of 'amsmath' package
\newcommand\vn[1]{\textit{#1}} % how to typeset variable names
\section{Electronic Submission}
\begingroup %localize the scope of the following instructions
\thickmuskip=2.5mu % choose values half as large as the defaults
i_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\vn{xi}} * X_t +
W_{\vn{hi}} * H_{t-1} +
W_{\!\vn{ci}} \circ C_{t-1} + b_i)\\
f_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\vn{xf}} * X_t +
W_{\vn{hf}} * H_{t-1} +
W_{\!\vn{cf}} \circ C_{t-1} + b_{\vn{f}})\\
C_t &= f_t \circ C_{t-1} + i_t \circ
\tanh(W_{\!\vn{xc}} * X_t +
W_{\!\vn{hc}} * H_{t-1} + b_c)\\
o_t &= \sigma(W_{\!\vn{xo}} * X_t +
W_{\!\vn{ho}} * H_{t-1} +
W_{\!\vn{co}} \circ C_{t} + b_o)
S_t &= o_t \circ \tanh(C_t)\\
H_{t,ij} &= \frac{\norm{S_{t,ij}^2}}{1+\norm{S_{t,ij}^2}}