그림 목록의 공간을 변경하는 방법은 무엇입니까?

그림 목록의 공간을 변경하는 방법은 무엇입니까?

이것은 내 코드입니다.

\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{DAFTAR GAMBAR}


\caption{This is the first}
\caption{This is the Second}
\caption{I want to make the space in list of figure is 18pt.}
\caption{For example, I want the space \textbf{Gambar 1.1} to \textbf{Gambar 2.1} is same with space \textbf{Gambar 2.1} to \textbf{Gambar 2.2}}
\caption{That's mean, that space for each \textbf{Gambar} is same}
\caption{But, for case \textbf{Gambar 2.3} and this part, I want to make the space only 12pt. Because \textbf{Gambar 2.3} have 2 line in one caption}


KOMA-Script 클래스와 함께 titlesec및 를 사용하지 마십시오 . titletoc이러한 클래스는 패키지를 tocbasic자동으로 로드합니다. 따라서 패키지를 사용하여 tocbasicTOC 및 LOF 및 LOT와 같은 목록의 레이아웃을 변경할 수 있습니다.

  %twoside,% default
%\usepackage{scrextend}% not needed for this example

\renewcommand{\captionformat}{\ }



\caption{This is the first}
\caption{This is the Second}
\caption{I want to make the space in list of figure is 18pt.}
\caption{For example, I want the space \textbf{Gambar 1.1} to \textbf{Gambar 2.1} is same with space \textbf{Gambar 2.1} to \textbf{Gambar 2.2}}
\caption{That's mean, that space for each \textbf{Gambar} is same}
\caption{But, for case \textbf{Gambar 2.3} and this part, I want to make the space only 12pt. Because \textbf{Gambar 2.3} have 2 line in one caption}


여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요

질문과 MWE를 활용한 제안표준 클래스book(OP의 코멘트 때문에):

\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{DAFTAR GAMBAR}


% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/275577:

\caption{This is the first}
\caption{This is the Second}
\caption{I want to make the space in list of figure is 18pt.}
\caption{For example, I want the space \textbf{Gambar 1.1} to \textbf{Gambar 2.1} is same with space \textbf{Gambar 2.1} to \textbf{Gambar 2.2}}
\caption{That's mean, that space for each \textbf{Gambar} is same}
\caption{But, for case \textbf{Gambar 2.3} and this part, I want to make the space only 12pt. Because \textbf{Gambar 2.3} have 2 line in one caption}

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