편지의 첫 페이지에 머리글과 바닥글을 어떻게 넣나요?

편지의 첫 페이지에 머리글과 바닥글을 어떻게 넣나요?

따라서 머리글과 바닥글은 다른 모든 페이지에서 작동하지만 첫 페이지에서 그것을 얻는 방법을 평생 알 수 없습니다. 이것이 내가 가진 전부인데 단지 텍스트와 관련된 것이 아닙니다.


\fancyhead[R]{Kalos Health Gold Plus Plan\\
2424 Niagara Falls Blvd\\
Niagara Falls, NY 14304 \\



Dear <Name of Member>,\\
Thank you for enrolling in <plan name>. Medicare has approved your enrollment in <plan name> beginning <effective date>.\\

\bf{How will this plan work?}\\
Beginning <effective date>, you must see your <plan name> doctor(s) for your health care. This means that starting <effective date>, all of your health care, except emergency or urgently needed care, or out-of-area dialysis services, must be given or arranged by a <plan name> doctor(s). You will need to pay your plan co-payments and co-insurance at the time you get health care services, as provided in your member materials.Please remember that, except for emergency or out-of-area urgent care, or out-of-area dialysis services, if you get health care services from a non-<Plan Name> doctor without prior authorization, you will have to pay for these services yourself. 


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