머리글과 바닥글을 최소화하여 여백 설정하기

머리글과 바닥글을 최소화하여 여백 설정하기

시험지를 작성하는 중인데 여백을 설정하는 데 어려움이 있습니다. 가능한 최대 공간을 활용하여 문서 전체에 설정된 여백이 필요합니다. 머리글과 바닥글이 너무 커지는 것을 원하지 않습니다. 나중에 필요에 맞게 변경할 수 있는 방식으로 여백을 정의할 수 있다면 감사하겠습니다. 내 MWE는 다음과 같습니다.

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\title{\LARGE Lautoka Muslim College\\ \LARGE Department of Mathematics and Physics}
\begin{center}\LARGE{Term 1 Examination 2020}\end{center}
\large{\textbf{\LARGE{Y13 MATHEMATICS}}}\\
\textit{Question Paper \& Answer Booklet}
 \begin{center}\large{Time Allowed: $3$ hours\\(\textit{An extra $10$ minutes is allowed for reading this paper})}\end{center}
\textbf{NAME:} \rule{7cm}{0.1pt} \hspace{5cm} \textbf{YEAR:} \rule{2cm}{0.1pt} \\
\item Write your \textbf{Name} and \textbf{Year Level} on the front page. 
\item Write \textbf{all} your answers in the spaces provided
\item If you use extra sheets of paper, be sure to show clearly the question number(s) being answered and to attach each sheet securely at the appropriate places. Ensure that your \textbf{Name} and \textbf{Year Level} is written on the extra sheets.
\item Answer \textbf{all} the questions with a blue \textbf{or} black ballpoint pen or ink pen. \textbf{Do not} use red ink. You may use a pencil only for drawing. Use of \textbf{Friction Pen} is \textbf{strictly prohibited} for this exam.
\item You may use a calculator, provided it is silent, battery-operated and non-programmable.
\item Unless otherwise stated, all rounding off should be corrected to \textbf{two decimal places}. Rounding off decimal answers should be done only at the \textbf{final step}.
\item There are \textbf{$5$} questions in the paper. \textbf{All} questions are \textbf{compulsory}
\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\textbf{STRAND}} & \textbf{MARKS} & \textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}SUGGESTED TIME\end{tabular}} \\ \hline
1         & Complex Numbers           & 25             & 45 MINUTES                                                         \\ \hline
2         & Vectors                   & 15             & 27 MINUTES                                                         \\ \hline
3         & Graphs of Functions       & 30             & 54 MINUTES                                                         \\ \hline
5         & Limits and Continuity     & 15             & 27 MINUTES                                                         \\ \hline
6         & Algebra                   & 15             & 27 MINUTES                                                         \\ \hline
          & \textbf{TOTAL}        & \textbf{100 MARKS}    & \textbf{180 MINUTES}                                                         \\ \hline

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\textbf{STRAND 1} \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \textbf{COMPLEX NUMBERS} \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\quad \hfill{\textbf{25 MARKS}}
\item This strand has \textbf{$8$ Questions}
\item Show all working for \textbf{Questions 1-8}
\question A complex number is given as $z=2-\sqrt{3}i$. Find:
\item $Re(z)$, the \textbf{Real} part of z \hfill{($\frac{1}{2}$ mark)}
\item $Im(z)$, the \textbf{Imaginary} part of z \hfill{($\frac{1}{2}$ mark)}
\item $\bar{z}$, the \textbf{Conjugate} of z \hfill{($\frac{1}{2}$ mark)}
\item $z+\bar{z}$\hfill{($1$ mark)}
\question if $v=1-i$ and $w=5+4i$, find:
\item $|w|$\hfill{($1$ mark)}
\item $v+w$  \hfill{($1$ mark)}
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\item $vw$\hfill{($2$ marks)}
\question Use the quadratic formula, $x=\cfrac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^{2}-4ac}}{2a}$ to solve $x^{2}-2x=-5$ where $x\in Z$ \hfill{($3$ marks)}
\question Let $w=\sqrt{12}+\sqrt{2}i$ 
\item Find $Arg(w)$, the \textbf{Argument} of w \hfill{($1 \frac{1}{2}$ marks)}
\item Find $|w|$, the \textbf{modulus} of w \hfill{($1$ mark)}
\item Convert $w$ into \textbf{polar} form \hfill{($1$ mark)}
    Polar Form$=\rule[-0.5em]{2in}{1pt}$
\item Use \textbf{De Movire's Theorem} to evaluate $w^{3}$ in rectangular form\hfill{($2$ marks)}\\
DMT : $Z^{n}=r^{n}(\cos n\theta + i\sin n\theta)$
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\question Express $\cfrac{1}{2-3i}$ in the form $a+bi$ \hfill{($2$ marks)}
\question Solve for $x$ and $y$ in $(-2+3i)(x+yi)=6-12i$ \hfill{($2$ marks)}
\question Represent on an \textbf{Argand Diagram}: $1<|z|\leq 3$ \hfill{($2$ marks)}
\question Solve the equation $z^{2}=64(\cos {90\degree} +i\sin {90\degree})$ obtaining \textbf{two} distinct complex roots.
Leave your answers in polar form. \textit{Hint}:$W_{k}=\sqrt[n]{r}(\cos \frac{\theta + 360k}{n}+i\sin \frac{\theta + 360k}{n})$ \hfill{($4$ marks)}



간단하게 다음 옵션과 함께 형상을 사용하여 시작할 수 있습니다.

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그런 다음 필요한 것을 얻을 때까지 매개변수를 컴파일하고 변경할 수 있습니다. 옵션은 footskip특히 headsep문서에서 각주와 머리글을 사용할 때 머리글과 바닥글 거리를 미세 조정하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

관련 정보