재현된 테이블 조정

재현된 테이블 조정

다음 표를 라텍스로 재현하려고 합니다.여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요

이를 위해 다음 코드를 사용하고 있습니다.

      \documentclass[12pt,oneside, brazil]{article}

      \usepackage[colorlinks, linkcolor=blue, citecolor=purple]{hyperref}

        \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\multirow{2}{*}{}}             & \multicolumn{8}{c|}{PRODUCERS AS CONSUMER}                                           & \multicolumn{4}{l|}{FINAL DEMAND}                                           \\ \cline{3-14} 
        \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{}                              & Agric. & Mining & Const. & Manuf. & Trade & Transp. & Services & Outher & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\makecell{Personal\\ Consumption\\ Expenditures}} & \makecell{Gross Private\\ Domestic\\ Investiment} &\makecell{ Govt.\\ Purchases of\\ Goods $\&$ \\Services} & \makecell{Net Exports \\of Goods $\&$\\ Services}\\ \hline
        \multirow{8}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{PRODUCERS}} & Agriculture          &     \cellcolor{gray!25}        &         \cellcolor{gray!25}   & \cellcolor{gray!25}           & \cellcolor{gray!25}           &   \cellcolor{gray!25}        &   \cellcolor{gray!25}          & \cellcolor{gray!25}          &  \cellcolor{gray!25}       &                                                  &              &      &     \\ \cline{2-14} 
        & Mining            &   \cellcolor{gray!25}          &      \cellcolor{gray!25}      &     \cellcolor{gray!25}       &      \cellcolor{gray!25}      &       \cellcolor{gray!25}    &     \cellcolor{gray!25}        &       \cellcolor{gray!25}    &     \cellcolor{gray!25}    &                                                  &              &      &     \\ \cline{2-14} 
        & Construction            &     \cellcolor{gray!25}         &      \cellcolor{gray!25}      &        \cellcolor{gray!25}    &       \cellcolor{gray!25}     &  \cellcolor{gray!25}         &        \cellcolor{gray!25}     &  \cellcolor{gray!25}         &     \cellcolor{gray!25}    &                                                  &              &      &     \\ \cline{2-14} 
        & Manufacturing             &       \cellcolor{gray!25}       &    \cellcolor{gray!25}        &  \cellcolor{gray!25}          &    \cellcolor{gray!25}        &  \cellcolor{gray!25}         &    \cellcolor{gray!25}         &        \cellcolor{gray!25}   &      \cellcolor{gray!25}   &                                                  &              &      &     \\ \cline{2-14} 
        & Trade              &       \cellcolor{gray!25}       &  \cellcolor{gray!25}          &        \cellcolor{gray!25}    &        \cellcolor{gray!25}    &       \cellcolor{gray!25}    &        \cellcolor{gray!25}     &   \cellcolor{gray!25}        &   \cellcolor{gray!25}      &                                                  &              &      &     \\ \cline{2-14} 
        & Transportation            &     \cellcolor{gray!25}         &      \cellcolor{gray!25}      &        \cellcolor{gray!25}    &       \cellcolor{gray!25}     &     \cellcolor{gray!25}      &   \cellcolor{gray!25}          &    \cellcolor{gray!25}       & \cellcolor{gray!25}        &                                                  &              &      &     \\ \cline{2-14} 
        & Services              &    \cellcolor{gray!25}          &  \cellcolor{gray!25}          &  \cellcolor{gray!25}          &     \cellcolor{gray!25}       &  \cellcolor{gray!25}         &         \cellcolor{gray!25}    &      \cellcolor{gray!25}     &       \cellcolor{gray!25}  &                                                  &              &      &     \\ \cline{2-14} 
        & Outher Industry               &        \cellcolor{gray!25}      &   \cellcolor{gray!25}         &        \cellcolor{gray!25}    &        \cellcolor{gray!25}    &   \cellcolor{gray!25}        &    \cellcolor{gray!25}         &   \cellcolor{gray!25}        &      \cellcolor{gray!25}   &                                                  &              &      &     \\ \hline
        \parbox[t]{2mm}{\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{VALUE ADDED}}}           & Employees              & \multicolumn{8}{c|}{Employee compensation}                                             & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{\multirow{3}{*}{GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT}}                  \\ \cline{2-10}
        & \makecell{Business\\ Owners and\\ Capital }& \multicolumn{8}{c|}{Profit-type income and capital consuption allowances}             & \multicolumn{4}{l|}{}                                                        \\ \cline{2-10}
        & Government            & \multicolumn{8}{c|}{Indirect business taxes}                                         & \multicolumn{4}{l|}{}                                                        \\ \hline

여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요

그러나 최종 결과는 더 이상 가까워지지 않습니다. 예를 들어 글꼴이 매우 작아져서 단어를 회전할 때 셀 크기를 조정할 수 없습니다. 예를 들어 VALUE ADDED라는 단어가 셀 내부에 없고 회색 셀에 윤곽선이 없습니다. 수치.

누구든지 나를 도와줄 수 있나요? 제발


가로 방향 페이지에 테이블을 사용하는 제안은 다음과 같습니다. 테이블이 페이지에 맞는지 확인하기 위해 텍스트와 수평선 사이에 공간을 조금 더 확보하고 회색 영역의 수평선에 대해 더 \footnotesize작은 테이블을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.\tabcolsepcellspacehhline

(다음 스크린샷에서는 일부 줄이 누락된 것 같습니다. 이는 PDF 뷰어 때문입니다. 모든 줄을 보려면 코드를 컴파일하고 더 확대하세요.)

여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요

\documentclass[12pt,oneside, brazil]{article}



\usepackage[colorlinks, linkcolor=blue, citecolor=purple]{hyperref}

        \multicolumn{2}{|Sl|}{\multirow{2}{*}{}}             & \multicolumn{8}{c|}{PRODUCERS AS CONSUMER}                                           & \multicolumn{4}{Sc|}{FINAL DEMAND}                                           \\ \cline{3-14} 
        \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{}                              & Agric. & Mining & Const. & Manuf. & Trade & Transp. & Services & Outher & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\makecell{Personal\\ Consumption\\ Expenditures}} & \makecell{Gross Private\\ Domestic\\ Investiment} &\makecell{ Govt.\\ Purchases of\\ Goods $\&$ \\Services} & \makecell{Net Exports \\of Goods $\&$\\ Services}\\ \hline
 \multirow{13}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{PRODUCERS}}        & Agriculture          &     \cellcolor{gray!25}        &         \cellcolor{gray!25}   & \cellcolor{gray!25}           & \cellcolor{gray!25}           &   \cellcolor{gray!25}        &   \cellcolor{gray!25}          & \cellcolor{gray!25}          &  \cellcolor{gray!25}       &                                                  &              &      &     \\ \mycline
        & Mining            &   \cellcolor{gray!25}          &      \cellcolor{gray!25}      &     \cellcolor{gray!25}       &      \cellcolor{gray!25}      &       \cellcolor{gray!25}    &     \cellcolor{gray!25}        &       \cellcolor{gray!25}    &     \cellcolor{gray!25}    &                                                  &              &      &     \\ \mycline  
        & Construction            &     \cellcolor{gray!25}         &      \cellcolor{gray!25}      &        \cellcolor{gray!25}    &       \cellcolor{gray!25}     &  \cellcolor{gray!25}         &        \cellcolor{gray!25}     &  \cellcolor{gray!25}         &     \cellcolor{gray!25}    &                                                  &              &      &     \\ \mycline 
        & Manufacturing             &       \cellcolor{gray!25}       &    \cellcolor{gray!25}        &  \cellcolor{gray!25}          &    \cellcolor{gray!25}        &  \cellcolor{gray!25}         &    \cellcolor{gray!25}         &        \cellcolor{gray!25}   &      \cellcolor{gray!25}   &                                                  &              &      &     \\  \mycline
        & Trade              &       \cellcolor{gray!25}       &  \cellcolor{gray!25}          &        \cellcolor{gray!25}    &        \cellcolor{gray!25}    &       \cellcolor{gray!25}    &        \cellcolor{gray!25}     &   \cellcolor{gray!25}        &   \cellcolor{gray!25}      &                                                  &              &      &     \\ \mycline 
        & Transportation            &     \cellcolor{gray!25}         &      \cellcolor{gray!25}      &        \cellcolor{gray!25}    &       \cellcolor{gray!25}     &     \cellcolor{gray!25}      &   \cellcolor{gray!25}          &    \cellcolor{gray!25}       & \cellcolor{gray!25}        &                                                  &              &      &     \\ \mycline
        & Services              &    \cellcolor{gray!25}          &  \cellcolor{gray!25}          &  \cellcolor{gray!25}          &     \cellcolor{gray!25}       &  \cellcolor{gray!25}         &         \cellcolor{gray!25}    &      \cellcolor{gray!25}     &       \cellcolor{gray!25}  &                                                  &              &      &     \\ \mycline 
        & Outher Industry               &        \cellcolor{gray!25}      &   \cellcolor{gray!25}         &        \cellcolor{gray!25}    &        \cellcolor{gray!25}    &   \cellcolor{gray!25}        &    \cellcolor{gray!25}         &   \cellcolor{gray!25}        &      \cellcolor{gray!25}   &                                                  &              &      &     \\ \hline
        \parbox[t]{2mm}{\multirow{3}{*}{\rotatebox{90}{VALUE ADDED}}}           & Employees              & \multicolumn{8}{c|}{Employee compensation}                                             & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{\multirow{7}{*}{GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT}}                  \\ \cline{2-10}
        & \makecell[l]{Business\\ Owners and\\ Capital }& \multicolumn{8}{c|}{Profit-type income and capital consuption allowances}             & \multicolumn{4}{l|}{}                                                        \\ \cline{2-10}
        & Government            & \multicolumn{8}{c|}{Indirect business taxes}                                         & \multicolumn{4}{l|}{}                                                        \\ \hline

관련 정보