단일 열 테이블의 두 열 모두에 걸쳐 확장되는 테이블 캡션

단일 열 테이블의 두 열 모두에 걸쳐 확장되는 테이블 캡션

저는 2열을 사용하고 있어요IET 템플릿그리고 테이블에 문제가 생겼습니다. 즉, 테이블 자체가 단일 열인 경우에도 테이블 캡션이 두 열 모두에 걸쳐 확장됩니다. 나는더미 프로젝트문제를 설명하기 위해 MWE .tex 파일을 사용합니다.





\author{\au{First Author$^{1}$}, \au{Second Author$^{2\corr}$}, \au{Third Author$^{3}$}}

\address{\add{1}{First Department, First University, Address, City, Country Name}
\add{2}{Second Company Department, Company Address, City, Country Name}
\add{3}{Third Department, Third University, Address, Country Name}
\add{4}{Current affiliation: Fourth Department, Fourth University, Address, Country Name}
\email{[email protected]}}

In the beginning the Universe was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.



Figures work fine as seen in Figure \ref{fig:sample}.

    \caption{This is a fairly long caption that doesn't actually provide any relevant, helpful, or indeed at all useful information about the figure in question.}


However, table captions extend over two columns even when the table itself is in a single column as seen in Table \ref{tab:sample}.

    \caption{This is another long and unhelpful caption that doesn't actually say anything about the below table but it does helpfully demonstrate the problem being discussed. Notice the table itself is appropriately placed and centred but the caption extends over both columns.}
         1 & 2 \\
         3 & 4


위 코드의 PDF를 컴파일했습니다.

(30,000자 제한을 초과하므로 클래스 파일 자체에는 붙여넣을 수 없습니다.)

이 문제를 해결하려면 클래스 파일에서 무엇을 수정해야 합니까? 모든 표 캡션에 수동으로 줄바꿈을 추가하는 것을 피하고 싶습니다.


cta-author클래스에는 table.

\usepackage{lipsum} % for filler text




\author{\au{First Author$^{1}$}, \au{Second Author$^{2\corr}$}, \au{Third Author$^{3}$}}

\address{\add{1}{First Department, First University, Address, City, Country Name}
\add{2}{Second Company Department, Company Address, City, Country Name}
\add{3}{Third Department, Third University, Address, Country Name}
\add{4}{Current affiliation: Fourth Department, Fourth University, Address, Country Name}
\email{[email protected]}}

In the beginning the Universe was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.



Figures work fine as seen in Figure \ref{fig:sample}.

    \caption{This is a fairly long caption that doesn't actually provide any relevant, helpful, or indeed at all useful information about the figure in question.}


However, table captions extend over two columns even when the table itself is in a single column as seen in Table \ref{tab:sample}.

\processtable{This is another long and unhelpful caption that doesn't actually say anything 
about the below table but it does helpfully demonstrate the problem being 
discussed. Notice the table itself is appropriately placed and centred but the 
caption extends over both columns.\label{tab:sample}}
1 & 2 \\
3 & 4



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사실 캡션은 (이해할 수 없는 이유로) 표와 같은 폭으로 조판되어 있어서 \makebox[\columnwidth]{...}.

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