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\author{A. U. Thor}
\address{University of Nowhere-Upon-Lostland \\ Department of Metamatics \\ Rue Unknown 0 \\ Neverland N-0000}
\title{Hello world}
주소가 다른 모든 항목과 마찬가지로 왼쪽에 정렬되도록 들여쓰기를 제거하는 방법이 있습니까?
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\address{\noindent \noindent University of Nowhere-Upon-Lostland \\ Department of Metamatics \\ Rue Unknown 0 \\ Neverland N-0000}
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이를 로 변환하려고 합니다 \noindent
\author{A. U. Thor}
\address{University of Nowhere-Upon-Lostland \\
Department of Metamatics \\ Rue Unknown 0 \\ Neverland N-0000}
\email{[email protected]}
\title{Hello world}