다음 표에 제목과 메모를 추가하려고 합니다.
& Gov. Rev & Gov. Exp & Interest Rate & DFPA & GDP & Inflation \\
\textit{Business Cycle shock} & + & & & & + & + \\
\textit{Monetary Policy shock} & & & $-$ & & + & + \\
\textit{DFPA shock} & + & $-$ & & $-$ & & \\
이것은 나의 시도입니다:
\usepackage{booktabs, caption}
\caption{Identifying Sign Restrictions}
& Gov. Rev & Gov. Exp & Interest Rate & DFPA & GDP & Inflation \\
\textit{Business Cycle shock} & + & & & & + & + \\
\textit{Monetary Policy shock} & & & $-$ & & + & + \\
\textit{DFPA shock} & + & $-$ & & $-$ & & \\
\item \textit{Note}: This table shows the sign restrictions on the impulse responses for each identified shock. A \enquote{$+$} means that the impulse response of the variable in question is restricted to be positive for six months following the shock, including the month of impact. Likewise, a \enquote{$-$} indicates a negative response. A blank entry indicates that no restrictions have been imposed.
그러나 이것은 내가 얻고 싶은 것을 전달하지 못합니다. 게다가 테이블이 중앙에 위치했으면 좋겠어요.
누구든지 나를 도와줄 수 있나요?
정말 감사합니다!
페이지에 걸쳐 나누는 테이블에 사용되는 threeparttable
일반 테이블 형식과 의 구문 차이를 설명하겠습니다 . 다양한 두께의 규칙을 도입하고 이러한 규칙에 대해 수직 패딩을 추가하는 규칙 threeparttablex
에 몇 가지 개선 사항을 추가했습니다 .\extrarowheight
\usepackage{array, booktabs, caption, longtable, booktabs, makecell}
\begin{ThreePartTable} \centering
\item\hskip -\fontdimen2\font\textit{Note}: This table shows the sign restrictions on the impulse responses for each identified shock. A \enquote{$+$} means that the impulse response of the variable in question is restricted to be positive for six months following the shock, including the month of impact. Likewise, a \enquote{$-$} indicates a negative response. A blank entry indicates that no restrictions have been imposed.
\caption{Identifying Sign Restrictions}\\
& \makecell{Gov.\\ Rev} & \makecell{Gov.\\Exp} & \makecell{Interest\\ Rate} & DFPA & GDP & Inflation \\
& \makecell{Gov.\\ Rev} & \makecell{Gov.\\ Exp} &\makecell{Interest\\ Rate} & DFPA & GDP & Inflation \\
\textit{Business Cycle shock} & + & & & & + & + \\
\textit{Monetary Policy shock} & & & $-$ & & + & + \\
\textit{DFPA shock} & + & $-$ & & $-$ & & \\
\caption{Identifying Sign Restrictions}
& \makecell{Gov.\\ Rev} & \makecell{Gov.\\ Exp} & \makecell{Interest\\ Rate} & DFPA & GDP & Inflation \\
\textit{Business Cycle shock} & + & & & & + & + \\
\textit{Monetary Policy shock} & & & $-$ & & + & + \\
\textit{DFPA shock} & + & $-$ & & $-$ & & \\
\item\hskip -\fontdimen2\font\textit{Note}: This table shows the sign restrictions on the impulse responses for each identified shock. A \enquote{$+$} means that the impulse response of the variable in question is restricted to be positive for six months following the shock, including the month of impact. Likewise, a \enquote{$-$} indicates a negative response. A blank entry indicates that no restrictions have been imposed.
(a) 지시문을 사용하지 않고 \tnote
, (b) 캡션이 매우 짧고, (c) 주요하지만 지금까지 해결되지 않은 서식 지정 작업 중 하나는 표 형식의 자료가 를 초과하지 않도록 하는 것이므로 \textwidth
내 생각에는 환경 을 사용하는 것이 threeparttable
그만큼 유용하다는 것입니다.
헤더 셀에서 줄 바꿈을 허용하는 환경을 사용 하고 tabularx
환경 아래에 긴 범례를 일반 텍스트로 조판하면 됩니다.
\usepackage[english=american]{csquotes} % select suitable language options
\setlength\tabcolsep{3.5pt} % default: 6pt
\caption{Identifying Sign Restrictions}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} >{\itshape}l *{6}{C} @{}}
& Gov. Rev & Gov. Exp & Interest Rate & DFPA & GDP & Inflation \\
Business Cycle shock &$+$& & & &$+$&$+$ \\
Monetary Policy shock & & &$-$& &$+$&$+$ \\
DFPA shock &$+$&$-$& &$-$& & \\
\textit{Note}: This table shows the sign restrictions on the impulse responses for each identified shock. A~\enquote{$+$} means that the impulse response of the variable in question is restricted to be positive for six months following the shock, including the month of impact. Likewise, a~\enquote{$-$} indicates a negative response. A blank entry indicates that no restrictions have been imposed.
테이블이 너무 길어서 두 페이지로 나누어야 하는 경우에는 , 및 (셀 내용 주위에 더 많은 수직 공간을 추가하기 위해) 사용을 고려할 xltabular
수 [referable]{threeparttablex}
있습니다 makecell
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, xltabular}
\usepackage[referable, flushleft]{threeparttablex}
\setlength\tabcolsep{3pt} % default: 6pt
\note{This table shows the sign restrictions on the impulse responses for each identified shock. A \enquote{$+$} means that the impulse response of the variable in question is restricted to be positive for six months following the shock, including the month of impact. Likewise, a \enquote{$-$} indicates a negative response. A blank entry indicates that no restrictions have been imposed.}
\begin{xltabular}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\itshape}l *{6}{C} @{}}
\caption{Identifying Sign Restrictions}
\label{tab:lonmngtable} \\
& Gov. Rev
& Gov. Exp
& Interest Rate
& DFPA & GDP & Infla\-tion \\
\caption[]{Identifying Sign Restrictions (cont.)} \\
& \makecell{Gov.\\ Rev}
& \makecell{Gov.\\Exp}
& \makecell{Interest\\ Rate}
& DFPA & GDP & Inflation \\
\multicolumn{7}{r}{\footnotesize\textit{Continue on the next page}}
Business Cycle shock & + & & & & + & + \\
Monetary Policy shock & & & $-$ & & + & + \\
DFPA shock & + & $-$ & & $-$ & & \\
xxxx shock & + & $-$ & & $-$ & & \\
xxxx shock & + & $-$ & & $-$ & & \\
두 번의 컴파일 후 테이블은 다음과 같습니다.
부록: 고려하면@우나설명, 다음은 테이블의 첫 번째 부분 상단에 메모가 있는 테이블 버전입니다.
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, xltabular}
\usepackage[referable, flushleft]{threeparttablex}
\setlength\tabcolsep{3pt} % default: 6pt
\note{This table shows the sign restrictions on the impulse responses for each identified shock. A \enquote{$+$} means that the impulse response of the variable in question is restricted to be positive for six months following the shock, including the month of impact. Likewise, a \enquote{$-$} indicates a negative response. A blank entry indicates that no restrictions have been imposed.}
\begin{xltabular}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\itshape}l *{6}{C} @{}}
\caption{Identifying Sign Restrictions}
\label{tab:lonmngtable} \\
\insertTableNotes \\
& Gov. Rev
& Gov. Exp
& Interest Rate
& DFPA & GDP & Infla\-tion \\
\caption[]{Identifying Sign Restrictions (cont.)} \\
& \makecell{Gov.\\ Rev}
& \makecell{Gov.\\Exp}
& \makecell{Interest\\ Rate}
& DFPA & GDP & Inflation \\
\multicolumn{7}{r}{\footnotesize\textit{Continue on the next page}}
Business Cycle shock & + & & & & + & + \\
Monetary Policy shock & & & $-$ & & + & + \\
DFPA shock & + & $-$ & & $-$ & & \\
xxxx shock & + & $-$ & & $-$ & & \\
xxxx shock & + & $-$ & & $-$ & & \\