Bibtex 이후 두 번째로 PDFlatex를 실행할 때 많은 오류가 발생합니다. 이것이 첫 번째 오류입니다.
! Undefined control sequence.
\hyper@@link ->\let \Hy@reserved@a
\relax \@ifnextchar [{\hyper@link@ }{\hyp...
l.17 \citeA{foo}
blah blah blah blah. Stuff goes here.
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
나는 이것이 전적으로 apa6 대신 apa7을 사용하도록 내 파일을 업데이트했기 때문에 발생했다고 확신하지만 가능하다면 apa7에서 작동하도록 하고 싶습니다.
\documentclass[stu, apacite]{apa7}
\shorttitle{Other title}
\author{My name}
\authorsaffiliations{School, College}
\course{Course name}
\professor{Dr. So and So}
\duedate{November 15, 2020}
\section{A section}
\citeA{foo} blah blah blah blah. Stuff goes here.
\section{A different section}
More writing and stuff \cite{bar}.
MWE용 턱받이:
title={A book title},
author={Doe, John Bob},
publisher={A company}
title={Here's a website},
author={Smith, Jane},