숫자 인용 설명에서 [
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The debate on alternatives to null hypothesis significance tests based
on p-values [63] has led to a renewed interest in the Bayesian alternative
known as the Bayes factor. Advantages of such Bayesian tests include the
ability to provide evidence in favor of both the null and the alternative
hypotheses [12].
\item \label{Boscoe}
{Boscoe, A., Paramore, C., & Verbalis, J. G. (2006). Cost of illness of
hyponatremia in the United States. Cost effectiveness and resource
allocation : C/E, 4, 10. https://doi.org/10.1186/1478-7547-4-10}
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( b) 인용 관리 패키지를 로드하고 명령을 사용하여 숫자 스타일 인용 콜아웃을 생성하고, ( c) 패키지를 로드하고 패키지 옵션을 설정합니다 .\item
\usepackage{xurl} % to typeset URL strings
\hyphenation{hypo-na-tremia} % optional
\setcounter{enumiv}{11} % just for this example
\bibitem{Boscoe} Boscoe, A., Paramore, C., \& Verbalis, J. G. (2006). Cost
of illness of hyponatremia in the United States. Cost Effectiveness and
Resource Allocation: C/E, 4, 10. \url{https://doi.org/10.1186/1478-7547-4-10}