문제가 어디에 있는지 모르겠지만 테이블을 중앙에 맞추는 데 문제가 있습니다. 나는 \centering과 \begin{center}를 시도했지만 여전히 왼쪽 정렬되어 있습니다. 문제가 어디에 있는지 아는 사람이 있나요?
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\usepackage{tabularx, siunitx,booktabs, float}
\setkomafont{captionlabel}{\small\sffamily\bfseries} % kleinere Beschriftungen
\caption{Ergebnisse des Martin-Loef-Tests}
@{\extracolsep{\fill}}% fill the space between columns
l % one left aligned column
*{3}{c} }
{Dimension}&{\emph{LR}} & {\emph{df}} & {$p$}\\ \midrule
UEBE & {331.48} & {255} & {.001}\\
SOUE & {161.92} & {143} & {\phantom{0}.13}\\
ERDR & {211.74} & {319} & {\phantom{0}.99}\\
UNZU & {167.18} & {255} & {\phantom{0}.99}\\
UEFO & {\phantom{1}95.37} & {143} & {\phantom{0}.99}\\
MANG &{\phantom{1}99.40}& {63}& {.002} \\
SOZS &{103.71}&{143}& {\phantom{0}.99}\\
SOZI &{115.44} &{143}& {\phantom{0}.96}\\
SORG &{\phantom{1}68.28}& {63}& {\phantom{0}.30} \\
\item UEBE: Arbeitsüberlastung; SOUE: Soziale Überlastung; ERDR: Erfolgsdruck; UNZU: Arbeitsunzufriedenheit;
\item UEFO: Überforderung; MANG: Mangel an sozialer Anerkennung; SOZS: Soziale Spannungen; SOZI: Soziale Isolation; SORG: Chronische Besorgnis
\caption{Schätzung der Itemparameter für UEBE -- MANG}
@{\extracolsep{\fill}}% fill the space between columns
l % one left aligned column
Items & {Lokalisation} &{$\tau_{i1}$}& {$\tau_{i2}$} &{$\tau_{i3}$}& {$\tau_{i4}$}\\
\textbf{\emph{UEBE}} &&&&&\\ \midrule
TICS 1 &1.08 &-0.82 & 0.04 & 1.89 & 3.20\\
TICS 4 &0.96 &-1.81 & 0.14 & 2.13 & 3.37\\
TICS 17 &0.79 &-1.76 & 0.02 & 1.97 & 2.92\\
TICS 27 &0.91 &-1.09 & 0.78 & 1.19 & 2.75\\
TICS 38 &0.80 &-1.94 &-0.11 & 1.87 & 3.40 \\
TICS 44 &0.55 &-1.58 &-0.48 & 1.28 & 2.96\\
TICS 50 &0.72 &-1.95 &-0.03 & 1.53 & 3.35\\
TICS 54 &0.47 &-1.75 &-0.51 & 1.44 & 2.72\\
\textbf{\emph{SOUE}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
TICS 7 & 0.17 &-1.23 &-0.03 &0.74 & 1.18\\
TICS 19 & 0.83 &-0.76 &0.83 &0.95 & 2.29 \\
TICS 28 &0.64 &-1.14 &0.45 &1.38 & 1.85\\
TICS 39 &-0.05 &-2.03 &-0.55 &0.87 & 1.49\\
TICS 49 &0.43 &-1.23 &0.18 &1.42 & 1.35 \\
TICS 57 &0.98 &-0.92 &0.54 &1.77 & 2.52\\
\textbf{\emph{ERDR}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
TICS 8 & 0.54 &-1.67 &-0.05 &1.63 &2.25\\
TICS 12 & 0.81 &-1.73 & 0.35 &2.09 &2.54\\
TICS 14 & 0.75 &-1.21 & 0.25 &1.82 &2.16\\
TICS 22 & 0.38 &-1.86 & 0.54 &0.61 &2.24\\
TICS 23 & 0.22 &-1.44 & -0.30&0.57 &2.04\\
TICS 30 & 0.61 &-1.94 & -0.07&1.58 &2.86\\
TICS 32 &1.27 &-0.76 & 0.76 &2.07 &2.99\\
TICS 40 &0.98 &-1.05 & 0.54 &1.54 &2.88\\
TICS 43 &0.41 &-2.15 & 0.08 &1.46 &2.26\\
\textbf{\emph{UNZU}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
TICS 5 &0.21 &-1.25 &-0.53 &1.00 &1.61\\
TICS 10 &0.30 &-1.41 &-0.69 &1.44 &1.85\\
TICS 13 &-0.13&-3.04 &-0.54 &1.41 &1.63\\
TICS 21 &0.84 &-0.84 &0.44 &1.89 &1.89\\
TICS 37 & 1.49&0.24 &1.32 &2.14 &2.26 \\
TICS 41 &0.79 &-1.24 &0.61 &2.16 &1.64\\
TICS 48 &0.34 &-1.59 &-0.23 &0.88 &2.30\\
TICS 53 &0.45 &-1.27 &0.27 &1.80 &0.99\\
\textbf{\emph{UEFO}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
TICS 3 & 0.91 & -2.24 & 0.73 & 2.69 & 2.45\\
TICS 20 & 1.31 &-1.41 & 1.42 & 2.47 & 2.74 \\
TICS 24 &0.87 &-1.32 & 0.38 & 2.31 & 2.10\\
TICS 35 & 0.58 &-2.63 & 0.20 & 2.64 & 2.11\\
TICS 47 & 0.09 &-2.49 &-0.17 & 0.85 & 2.20\\
TICS 55 & 0.63 &-2.12 &0.57 & 1.86 & 2.21\\
\textbf{\emph{MANG}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
TICS 2 &0.34 & -3.16 &-0.48 & 1.72 & 3.29\\
TICS 18 &1.37 &-1.64 &0.82 & 2.56 & 3.75\\
TICS 31 &1.13 &-1.85 &0.53 & 2.59 & 3.27\\
TICS 46 &0.84 &-2.00 &0.10 & 2.35 & 2.91\\
\item UEBE: Arbeitsüberlastung; SOUE: Soziale Überlastung; ERDR: Erfolgsdruck; UNZU: Arbeitsunzufriedenheit; UEFO: Überforderung; MANG: Mangel an sozialer Anerkennung; SOZS: Soziale Spannungen; SOZI: Soziale Isolation; SORG: Chronische Besorgnis
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\documentclass[paper=a4, pagesize, fontsize=11pt]{scrartcl}
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Eingabekodierung
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\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % deutsche Sprachenunterstützung; Doku: "gerdoc"
\usepackage{threeparttable,tabularx, siunitx,booktabs, float}
\setkomafont{captionlabel}{\small\sffamily\bfseries} % kleinere Beschriftungen
\caption{Ergebnisse des Martin-Loef-Tests}
@{\extracolsep{\fill}}% fill the space between columns
l % one left aligned column
*{3}{c} }
{Dimension}&{\emph{LR}} & {\emph{df}} & {$p$}\\ \midrule
UEBE & {331.48} & {255} & {.001}\\
SOUE & {161.92} & {143} & {\phantom{0}.13}\\
ERDR & {211.74} & {319} & {\phantom{0}.99}\\
UNZU & {167.18} & {255} & {\phantom{0}.99}\\
UEFO & {\phantom{1}95.37} & {143} & {\phantom{0}.99}\\
MANG &{\phantom{1}99.40}& {63}& {.002} \\
SOZS &{103.71}&{143}& {\phantom{0}.99}\\
SOZI &{115.44} &{143}& {\phantom{0}.96}\\
SORG &{\phantom{1}68.28}& {63}& {\phantom{0}.30} \\
\item UEBE: Arbeitsüberlastung; SOUE: Soziale Überlastung; ERDR: Erfolgsdruck; UNZU: Arbeitsunzufriedenheit;
\item UEFO: Überforderung; MANG: Mangel an sozialer Anerkennung; SOZS: Soziale Spannungen; SOZI: Soziale Isolation; SORG: Chronische Besorgnis
\caption{Schätzung der Itemparameter für UEBE -- MANG}
@{\extracolsep{\fill}}% fill the space between columns
l % one left aligned column
Items & {Lokalisation} &{$\tau_{i1}$}& {$\tau_{i2}$} &{$\tau_{i3}$}& {$\tau_{i4}$}\\
\textbf{\emph{UEBE}} &&&&&\\ \midrule
TICS 1 &1.08 &-0.82 & 0.04 & 1.89 & 3.20\\
TICS 4 &0.96 &-1.81 & 0.14 & 2.13 & 3.37\\
TICS 17 &0.79 &-1.76 & 0.02 & 1.97 & 2.92\\
TICS 27 &0.91 &-1.09 & 0.78 & 1.19 & 2.75\\
TICS 38 &0.80 &-1.94 &-0.11 & 1.87 & 3.40 \\
TICS 44 &0.55 &-1.58 &-0.48 & 1.28 & 2.96\\
TICS 50 &0.72 &-1.95 &-0.03 & 1.53 & 3.35\\
TICS 54 &0.47 &-1.75 &-0.51 & 1.44 & 2.72\\
\textbf{\emph{SOUE}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
TICS 7 & 0.17 &-1.23 &-0.03 &0.74 & 1.18\\
TICS 19 & 0.83 &-0.76 &0.83 &0.95 & 2.29 \\
TICS 28 &0.64 &-1.14 &0.45 &1.38 & 1.85\\
TICS 39 &-0.05 &-2.03 &-0.55 &0.87 & 1.49\\
TICS 49 &0.43 &-1.23 &0.18 &1.42 & 1.35 \\
TICS 57 &0.98 &-0.92 &0.54 &1.77 & 2.52\\
\textbf{\emph{ERDR}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
TICS 8 & 0.54 &-1.67 &-0.05 &1.63 &2.25\\
TICS 12 & 0.81 &-1.73 & 0.35 &2.09 &2.54\\
TICS 14 & 0.75 &-1.21 & 0.25 &1.82 &2.16\\
TICS 22 & 0.38 &-1.86 & 0.54 &0.61 &2.24\\
TICS 23 & 0.22 &-1.44 & -0.30&0.57 &2.04\\
TICS 30 & 0.61 &-1.94 & -0.07&1.58 &2.86\\
TICS 32 &1.27 &-0.76 & 0.76 &2.07 &2.99\\
TICS 40 &0.98 &-1.05 & 0.54 &1.54 &2.88\\
TICS 43 &0.41 &-2.15 & 0.08 &1.46 &2.26\\
\textbf{\emph{UNZU}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
TICS 5 &0.21 &-1.25 &-0.53 &1.00 &1.61\\
TICS 10 &0.30 &-1.41 &-0.69 &1.44 &1.85\\
TICS 13 &-0.13&-3.04 &-0.54 &1.41 &1.63\\
TICS 21 &0.84 &-0.84 &0.44 &1.89 &1.89\\
TICS 37 & 1.49&0.24 &1.32 &2.14 &2.26 \\
TICS 41 &0.79 &-1.24 &0.61 &2.16 &1.64\\
TICS 48 &0.34 &-1.59 &-0.23 &0.88 &2.30\\
TICS 53 &0.45 &-1.27 &0.27 &1.80 &0.99\\
\textbf{\emph{UEFO}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
TICS 3 & 0.91 & -2.24 & 0.73 & 2.69 & 2.45\\
TICS 20 & 1.31 &-1.41 & 1.42 & 2.47 & 2.74 \\
TICS 24 &0.87 &-1.32 & 0.38 & 2.31 & 2.10\\
TICS 35 & 0.58 &-2.63 & 0.20 & 2.64 & 2.11\\
TICS 47 & 0.09 &-2.49 &-0.17 & 0.85 & 2.20\\
TICS 55 & 0.63 &-2.12 &0.57 & 1.86 & 2.21\\
\textbf{\emph{MANG}}&&&&&\\ \midrule
TICS 2 &0.34 & -3.16 &-0.48 & 1.72 & 3.29\\
TICS 18 &1.37 &-1.64 &0.82 & 2.56 & 3.75\\
TICS 31 &1.13 &-1.85 &0.53 & 2.59 & 3.27\\
TICS 46 &0.84 &-2.00 &0.10 & 2.35 & 2.91\\
\item UEBE: Arbeitsüberlastung; SOUE: Soziale Überlastung; ERDR: Erfolgsdruck; UNZU: Arbeitsunzufriedenheit; UEFO: Überforderung; MANG: Mangel an sozialer Anerkennung; SOZS: Soziale Spannungen; SOZI: Soziale Isolation; SORG: Chronische Besorgnis
두 번째 테이블은 한 페이지에 들어갈 수 있을 정도로 키가 큽니다. 따라서 xtabular
숫자가 있는 테이블의 열 너비가 열 유형을 포함하는 열 머리글에 의해 결정되는 위치를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다 X
. 두 테이블 모두에서 S
숫자가 소수점으로 정렬된 열을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다 . 그러면 phantom
첫 번째 테이블의 모든 명령을 제거할 수 있습니다.
테이블 아래 범례의 경우 threeparttable
테이블이 필요하지 않으며 미니페이지 환경에 있을 수 있습니다.
두 번째 테이블은 수동으로 두 페이지로 나뉩니다. 이를 통해 (첫 번째 컴파일 후) 이에 가장 적합한 위치를 결정할 수 있습니다.
\documentclass[paper=a4, pagesize, fontsize=11pt]{scrartcl}
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Fontkodierung
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % deutsche Sprachenunterstützung; Doku: "gerdoc"
\usepackage{booktabs, xltabular}
\setkomafont{captionlabel}{\small\sffamily\bfseries} % kleinere Beschriftungen
\caption{Ergebnisse des Martin-Loef-Tests}
l % one left aligned column
Dimension& \mcx{\emph{LR}}
& \mcx{\emph{df}}
& \mcx{$p$}\\
UEBE & 331.48 & 255 & .001 \\
SOUE & 161.92 & 143 & .13 \\
ERDR & 211.74 & 319 & .99 \\
UNZU & 167.18 & 255 & .99 \\
UEFO & 95.37 & 143 & .99 \\
MANG & 99.40 & 63 & .002 \\
SOZS & 103.71 & 143 & .99 \\
SOZI & 115.44 & 143 & .96 \\
SORG & 68.28 & 63 & .30 \\
UEBE: Arbeitsüberlastung; SOUE: Soziale Überlastung; ERDR: Erfolgsdruck; UNZU: Arbeitsunzufriedenheit; UEFO: Überforderung; MANG: Mangel an sozialer Anerkennung; SOZS: Soziale Spannungen; SOZI: Soziale Isolation; SORG: Chronische Besorgnis
*{2}{S[table-format= 1.2]}
\caption{Schätzung der Itemparameter für UEBE -- MANG}
\label{tab:itempar} \\
Items & \mcx{Lokal.}
& \mcx {$\tau_{i1}$}
& \mcx{$\tau_{i2}$}
& \mcx{$\tau_{i3}$}
& \mcx{$\tau_{i4}$}\\
\caption[]{MSchätzung der Itemparameter für UEBE -- MANG (cont.)} \\
Items & \mcx{Lokal.}
& \mcx {$\tau_{i1}$}
& \mcx{$\tau_{i2}$}
& \mcx{$\tau_{i3}$}
& \mcx{$\tau_{i4}$}\\
\multicolumn{6}{>{\footnotesize\itshape}r}{continue on the next page}\\
% table body
\textbf{\emph{UEBE}} &&&&&\\
TICS 1 & 1.08 &-0.82 & 0.04 & 1.89 & 3.20\\
TICS 4 & 0.96 &-1.81 & 0.14 & 2.13 & 3.37\\
TICS 17 & 0.79 &-1.76 & 0.02 & 1.97 & 2.92\\
TICS 27 & 0.91 &-1.09 & 0.78 & 1.19 & 2.75\\
TICS 38 & 0.80 &-1.94 &-0.11 & 1.87 & 3.40\\
TICS 44 & 0.55 &-1.58 &-0.48 & 1.28 & 2.96\\
TICS 50 & 0.72 &-1.95 &-0.03 & 1.53 & 3.35\\
TICS 54 & 0.47 &-1.75 &-0.51 & 1.44 & 2.72\\
\textbf{\emph{SOUE}}&&&&& \\
TICS 7 & 0.17 &-1.23 &-0.03 & 0.74 & 1.18\\
TICS 19 & 0.83 &-0.76 & 0.83 & 0.95 & 2.29\\
TICS 28 & 0.64 &-1.14 & 0.45 & 1.38 & 1.85\\
TICS 39 &-0.05 &-2.03 &-0.55 & 0.87 & 1.49\\
TICS 49 & 0.43 &-1.23 & 0.18 & 1.42 & 1.35\\
TICS 57 & 0.98 &-0.92 & 0.54 & 1.77 & 2.52\\
\textbf{\emph{ERDR}}&&&&& \\
TICS 8 & 0.54 &-1.67 &-0.05 & 1.63 & 2.25\\
TICS 12 & 0.81 &-1.73 & 0.35 & 2.09 & 2.54\\
TICS 14 & 0.75 &-1.21 & 0.25 & 1.82 & 2.16\\
TICS 22 & 0.38 &-1.86 & 0.54 & 0.61 & 2.24\\
TICS 23 & 0.22 &-1.44 &-0.30 & 0.57 & 2.04\\
TICS 30 & 0.61 &-1.94 &-0.07 & 1.58 & 2.86\\
TICS 32 & 1.27 &-0.76 & 0.76 & 2.07 & 2.99\\
TICS 40 & 0.98 &-1.05 & 0.54 & 1.54 & 2.88\\
TICS 43 & 0.41 &-2.15 & 0.08 & 1.46 & 2.26\\
\textbf{\emph{UNZU}}&&&&& \\
TICS 5 & 0.21 &-1.25 &-0.53 & 1.00 & 1.61\\
TICS 10 & 0.30 &-1.41 &-0.69 & 1.44 & 1.85\\
TICS 13 &-0.13 &-3.04 &-0.54 & 1.41 & 1.63\\
TICS 21 & 0.84 &-0.84 & 0.44 & 1.89 & 1.89\\
TICS 37 & 1.49 & 0.24 & 1.32 & 2.14 & 2.26\\
TICS 41 & 0.79 &-1.24 & 0.61 & 2.16 & 1.64\\
TICS 48 & 0.34 &-1.59 &-0.23 & 0.88 & 2.30\\
TICS 53 & 0.45 &-1.27 & 0.27 & 1.80 & 0.99\\
\textbf{\emph{UEFO}}&&&&& \\
TICS 3 & 0.91 & -2.24 & 0.73 & 2.69 & 2.45\\
TICS 20 & 1.31 &-1.41 & 1.42 & 2.47 & 2.74\\
TICS 24 & 0.87 &-1.32 & 0.38 & 2.31 & 2.10\\
TICS 35 & 0.58 &-2.63 & 0.20 & 2.64 & 2.11\\
TICS 47 & 0.09 &-2.49 &-0.17 & 0.85 & 2.20\\
TICS 55 & 0.63 &-2.12 & 0.57 & 1.86 & 2.21\\
\textbf{\emph{MANG}}&&&&& \\
TICS 2 & 0.34 & -3.16 &-0.48 & 1.72 & 3.29\\
TICS 18 & 1.37 &-1.64 & 0.82 & 2.56 & 3.75\\
TICS 31 & 1.13 &-1.85 & 0.53 & 2.59 & 3.27\\
TICS 46 & 0.84 &-2.00 & 0.10 & 2.35 & 2.91\\
Lokal.: Lokalisation; UEBE: Arbeitsüberlastung; SOUE: Soziale Überlastung; ERDR: Erfolgsdruck; UNZU: Arbeitsunzufriedenheit; UEFO: Überforderung; MANG: Mangel an sozialer Anerkennung; SOZS: Soziale Spannungen; SOZI: Soziale Isolation; SORG: Chronische Besorgnis