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author = {Franziska Baumann},
title = {Embodied Human-Computer Interaction in Vocal Music Performance},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2023}
author = {Nuttawat Rungsirisilp and Pakaratee Chaiyawat and Sakaowrat Techataweesub and Aungsunee Meesrisuk and Yodchanan Wongsawat},
title = {Applying Action Observation During a Brain-Computer Interface on Upper Limb Recovery in Chronic Stroke Patients},
journal = {{IEEE} Access},
volume = {11},
pages = {4931--4943},
year = {2023}
author = {Arturo Miguel Russell Bernal and Jane Cleland{-}Huang},
title = {Hierarchically Organized Computer Vision in Support of Multi-Faceted Search for Missing Persons},
booktitle = {{FG}},
pages = {1--7},
publisher = {{IEEE}},
year = {2023}
article = <au>. <title>. <journal>, <year>[, <volume>(<issue>):<startpage>--<endpage>|, <volume>:<startpage>--<endpage>|, <startpage>--<endpage>].
book = <au>. <title>. <publisher>, <year>[, <volume>(<issue>):<startpage>--<endpage>|, <volume>:<startpage>--<endpage>|, <startpage>--<endpage>].
inproceedings = <au>. <title>. <booktitle>, <year>[, <volume>:<startpage>--<endpage>|, <startpage>--<endpage>].
authorlist = <author.to_namelist()>
authorname.n = [<authorlist.n.first> ]<authorlist.n.last>
au = <authorname.0>, ..., <authorname.N>
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