3D 드론에 각도 추가

3D 드론에 각도 추가

그림과 같이 코드에 오일러 각도와 XYZ 각도를 추가하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요

\usetikzlibrary{3d, arrows.meta, calc, quotes}
  x = ( 20:-2cm), y = (-30: 2cm), z = ( 80: 1.6cm),
  > = Triangle]
\draw coordinate (O) (0,0,-.05) ellipse [radius=.2];

\foreach \xy/\yx in {x/y, y/x} {
  \fill[white] (xyz cs: \xy = -1, \yx = -.05) -- (xyz cs: \xy =  1, \yx=-.05)
            -- (xyz cs: \xy =  1, \yx =  .05) -- (xyz cs: \xy = -1, \yx= .05) -- cycle;
  \foreach \lmr in {-.05, 0, .05}
    \draw[gray] (xyz cs: \xy=-1, \yx = \lmr) -- (xyz cs: \xy=1, \yx=\lmr);
  \draw[fill=white, radius=.15] (xyz cs: \xy = -1) ellipse[]
                                (xyz cs: \xy =  1) ellipse[];
\draw[fill=white] (O) ellipse [radius=.2];

\foreach \xyz/\Label/\Ang in {% \Ang needs to start with a ,
  x/left/ {, longitude = 70},
  y/right/{, longitude =-20},
  z/above/{, longitude = 70, latitude=70}%
} {
  \draw[->, densely dashed, red] (0, 0, 0) -- ++(xyz cs: \xyz= 1.5)
    coordinate (ax-\xyz) node[\Label] {$\xyz$};
  \draw[blue, ->]
     (0, 0, 0) -- (xyz spherical cs: radius = 1.5,/tikz/style/.expanded=\Ang)
      coordinate (ax-\xyz') node[\Label] {$\xyz$};

\draw[canvas is xy plane at z=0]
  (0, 1) arc[start angle=90, delta angle=20, radius=1]
  node[midway, below right] {$\varphi$};


패키지 이용을 추천드려요 tikz-3dplot. 패키지 내에는 이미 오일러 각도를 사용하여 정의된 좌표 변환이 있습니다. 유용한 답변이 포함된 유사한 질문을 찾을 수 있습니다.여기. 기본적으로 두 가지 각도(예: )로 방향을 설정할 수 있는 주 좌표계를 정의할 수 있습니다 \tdplotsetmaincoords{50}{115}. 그런 다음 이 좌표계는 명령을 통해 회전할 수 있습니다 \tdplotsetrotatedcoords{<angle1>}{<angle2>}{<angle3>}. 패키지 내에서 이 명령은 zyz 시퀀스의 오일러 각도를 사용하여 좌표계 회전을 수행하도록 구현됩니다.

다른 시퀀스를 얻으려면 이미 설명한 대로 변환 명령을 재정의할 수 있습니다.이것그리고이 답변~로앞서 언급한 질문. 이런 방식으로 궁극적으로 가능한 모든 시퀀스를 추가하고 시퀀스 간에 전환할 수 있습니다. 아래 코드에서는 zyx 시퀀스(Tait-Bryan 또는 Cardan 각도라고 함)를 사용했습니다.오일러 각도에 대한 Wikipedia)), 이는 주어진 그림에 가장 가깝고 Tait-Byran 각도에 가장 일반적이며 가장 일반적인 클래식 오일러 각도인 zxz 시퀀스이기 때문입니다.

그런 다음 기본 좌표계나 회전된 좌표계를 그릴 수 있습니다. 이렇게 하면 드론이나 각도를 표시하는 호 등의 3D 도면을 쉽게 추가할 수 있습니다. 패키지 에는 명령이 tikz-3dplot포함되어 있지만 이미 사용한 \tdplotdrawarc[coordinates_frame,->,colo]{origin}{radius}{start angle}{end angle}{node info}{label}옵션을 사용하여 회전된 좌표계의 평면에 수동으로 호를 그리는 것이 더 직관적이라는 것을 알았습니다 .canvas is xy plane at z=0

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, quotes}
%\usetikzlibrary{3d, arrows.meta, calc, quotes}


% Define new arc command
% Syntax: [draw options] (center) (initial angle:final angle:radius)
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/66220
    \draw [#1] ($(#2)+({#5*cos(#3)}, {#5*sin(#3)})$) arc (#3:#4:#5)%
% Redefine the rotation sequence for the tikz3d-plot to Euler-Angles:
% z-x-z with alpha-beta-gamma (psi-theta-phi)
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/118069/98906
        % Determine the sin and cos of the specified angle in degrees
        % \tdplotsinandcos{sin}{cos}{theta}
        % - #1: Returns sin(#3)
        % - #2: Returns cos(#3)
        % - #3: User-specified angle theta
        % Define trigonometric abbreviations
        % Define the entries for the rotation matrix from the B-System to the I-System
        % This is A_IB = (A_BI)^T
        \pgfmathsetmacro{\raaeul}{+\cacg - \sacbsg}
        \pgfmathsetmacro{\rabeul}{-\casg - \sacbcg}
        \pgfmathsetmacro{\rbaeul}{+\sacg + \cacbsg}
        \pgfmathsetmacro{\rbbeul}{-\sasg + \cacbcg}
% Redefine the rotation sequence for the tikz3d-plot to Cardan-Angles:
% z-y-x with alpha-beta-gamma
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/118069/98906
        % Determine the sin and cos of the specified angle in degrees
        % \tdplotsinandcos{sin}{cos}{theta}
        % - #1: Returns sin(#3)
        % - #2: Returns cos(#3)
        % - #3: User-specified angle theta
        % Define trigonometric abbreviations
        % Define the entries for the rotation matrix from the B-System to the I-System
        % This is A_IB = (A_BI)^T
        \pgfmathsetmacro{\rabeul}{+\casbsg - \sacg}
        \pgfmathsetmacro{\rbbeul}{+\cacg + \sasbsg}
% Plot display orientation


% z-y-x Tait-Bryan angles
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2,tdplot_main_coords,> = Triangle]
    % change ratation to z-y-x Tait-Bryan / Cardan angles
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\angpsi}{-20}  % or alpha
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\angtheta}{-10}    % or beta
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\angphi}{-5}   % or gamma

    \pgfmathsetmacro{\r}{2} % unit length radius      
    \coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);     
        \draw coordinate (O) (0,0,-.05) ellipse [radius=.2];
        \foreach \xy/\yx in {x/y, y/x} {
          \fill[white] (xyz cs: \xy = -1, \yx = -.05) -- (xyz cs: \xy =  1, \yx=-.05)
                    -- (xyz cs: \xy =  1, \yx =  .05) -- (xyz cs: \xy = -1, \yx= .05) -- cycle;
          \foreach \lmr in {-.05, 0, .05}
            \draw[gray] (xyz cs: \xy=-1, \yx = \lmr) -- (xyz cs: \xy=1, \yx=\lmr);
          \draw[fill=white, radius=.15] (xyz cs: \xy = -1) ellipse[]
                                        (xyz cs: \xy =  1) ellipse[];
        \draw[fill=white] (0,0,0) ellipse [radius=.2];
    % original coordinate system
    \foreach \xyz/\Label in {x/left,y/right,z/above}
        \draw[->,blue] (O) -- (xyz cs: \xyz=\r) node[\Label]{$\xyz$};
    % angle of first rotation around z-axis
    \draw[canvas is xy plane at z=0,->] (1.5,0) arc (0:\angpsi:1.5);
    \node at ({1.7*cos(\angpsi/2)},{1.7*sin(\angpsi/2)},0){$\psi$};
    \draw[canvas is xy plane at z=0,->] (0,1.5) arc (90:90+\angpsi:1.5);
    \node at ({-1.7*sin(\angpsi/2)},{1.7*cos(\angpsi/2)},0){$\psi$};    
    % new coordinate system
        \foreach \xyz/\Label in {x/left,y/right}
            \draw[->,green] (O) -- (xyz cs: \xyz=\r) node[\Label]{$\xyz'$};
        % angle of second rotation around new y-axis
        \draw[canvas is xz plane at y=0,->] (1.5,0) arc (0:-\angtheta:1.5);
        \node at ({1.7*cos(\angtheta/2)},0,{-1.7*sin(\angtheta/2)}){$\theta$};
        \draw[canvas is xz plane at y=0,->] (0,1.5) arc (90:90-\angtheta:1.5);
        \node at ({1.7*sin(\angtheta/2)},0,{1.7*cos(\angtheta/2)}){$\theta$};
        \foreach \xyz/\Label in {z/above}
            \draw[->,magenta] (O) -- (xyz cs: \xyz=\r) node[\Label]{$\xyz''$};
        % angle of third rotation around new x-axis
        \draw[canvas is yz plane at x=0,->] (1.5,0) arc (0:\angphi:1.5);
        \node at (0,{1.7*cos(\angphi/2)},{1.7*sin(\angphi/2)}){$\varphi$};
        \draw[canvas is yz plane at x=0,->] (0,1.5) arc (90:90+\angphi:1.5);
        \node at (0,{-1.7*sin(\angphi/2)},{1.7*cos(\angphi/2)}){$\varphi$};
    % rotated coordinate system
        \foreach \xyz/\Label in {x/left,y/right,z/above}
            \draw[->,densely dashed,red] (O) -- (xyz cs: \xyz=\r) node[\Label]{$\tilde\xyz$};

% z-x-z Euler angles
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2,tdplot_main_coords,> = Triangle]
    % change ratation to z-y-x Tait-Bryan / Cardan angles
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\angpsi}{-10}  % or alpha
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\angtheta}{-20}    % or beta
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\angphi}{-10}  % or gamma

    \pgfmathsetmacro{\r}{2} % unit length radius      
    \coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);     
        \draw coordinate (O) (0,0,-.05) ellipse [radius=.2];
        \foreach \xy/\yx in {x/y, y/x} {
          \fill[white] (xyz cs: \xy = -1, \yx = -.05) -- (xyz cs: \xy =  1, \yx=-.05)
                    -- (xyz cs: \xy =  1, \yx =  .05) -- (xyz cs: \xy = -1, \yx= .05) -- cycle;
          \foreach \lmr in {-.05, 0, .05}
            \draw[gray] (xyz cs: \xy=-1, \yx = \lmr) -- (xyz cs: \xy=1, \yx=\lmr);
          \draw[fill=white, radius=.15] (xyz cs: \xy = -1) ellipse[]
                                        (xyz cs: \xy =  1) ellipse[];
        \draw[fill=white] (0,0,0) ellipse [radius=.2];
    % original coordinate system
    \foreach \xyz/\Label in {x/left,y/right,z/above}
        \draw[->,blue] (O) -- (xyz cs: \xyz=\r) node[\Label]{$\xyz$};
    % angle of first rotation around z-axis
    \draw[canvas is xy plane at z=0,->] (1.5,0) arc (0:\angpsi:1.5);
    \node at ({1.7*cos(\angpsi/2)},{1.7*sin(\angpsi/2)},0){$\psi$};
    \draw[canvas is xy plane at z=0,->] (0,1.5) arc (90:90+\angpsi:1.5);
    \node at ({-1.7*sin(\angpsi/2)},{1.7*cos(\angpsi/2)},0){$\psi$};    
    % new coordinate system
        \foreach \xyz/\Label in {x/left,y/right}
            \draw[->,green] (O) -- (xyz cs: \xyz=\r) node[\Label]{$\xyz'$};
        % angle of second rotation around new x-axis
        \draw[canvas is yz plane at x=0,->] (1.5,0) arc (0:\angtheta:1.5);
        \node at (0,{1.7*cos(\angtheta/2)},{1.7*sin(\angtheta/2)}){$\theta$};
        \draw[canvas is yz plane at x=0,->] (0,1.5) arc (90:90+\angtheta:1.5);
        \node at (0,{-1.7*sin(\angtheta/2)},{1.7*cos(\angtheta/2)}){$\theta$};
        \foreach \xyz/\Label in {y/right}
            \draw[->,magenta] (O) -- (xyz cs: \xyz=\r) node[\Label]{$\xyz''$};
        % angle of third rotation around new z-axis
        \draw[canvas is xy plane at z=0,->] (1.5,0) arc (0:\angphi:1.5);
        \node at ({1.7*cos(\angphi/2)},{1.7*sin(\angphi/2)},0){$\varphi$};
        \draw[canvas is xy plane at z=0,->] (0,1.5) arc (90:90+\angphi:1.5);
        \node at ({-1.7*sin(\angphi/2)},{1.7*cos(\angphi/2)},0){$\varphi$};
    % rotated coordinate system
        \foreach \xyz/\Label in {x/left,y/right,z/above}
            \draw[->,densely dashed,red] (O) -- (xyz cs: \xyz=\r) node[\Label]{$\tilde\xyz$};



타이트 브라이언 자직스 Tait-Bryan_zyx 오일러 zxz 오일러_zxz

관련 정보