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\subsection{Optical Layout}
    \includegraphics[width=14.7cm, page= 1]{corps/ch1/figures/Optics_design_with_beams.pdf}
    \caption{\textbf{Design of Optically-Contacted Cavity-Microscope.} \textbf{a}, Schematic of optics including the main laser beams. The cavity mirror (light gray) and the aspheric lens (dark gray) are optically contacted together. The cavity mode is shown in red. The focused beams at \SI{460}{\nm} and \SI{780}{\nm} are drawn in blue and orange. \textbf{b}, Picture of final assembly. An open-access online 3D model of the cavity is shown in Ref.~\cite{sauerwein_quems_2023}. Click \href{}{here} for quick access.}

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