주어진 데이터로 인해 테이블 ​​너비가 넘침

주어진 데이터로 인해 테이블 ​​너비가 넘침

저는 이런 테이블이 있는 걸 좋아해요테이블

그러나 테이블이 오른쪽으로 늘어나고 너비를 초과합니다. 나는 다음과 같이 시도했습니다.

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=numeric, sorting=none]{biblatex}
%\usepackage{makeidx}         % allows index generation
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\usepackage{multicol}        % used for the two-column index
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\usepackage[varvw]{newtxmath}       % selects Times Roman as basic font
%\makeindex             % used for the subject index
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% Math packages
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\caption{Sensor Data in Smart Healthcare}

    \textbf{Sl.No} & \textbf{Name of the Sensor} & \textbf{Measuring/Capturing Factor} & \textbf{Application in Smart Healthcare} & \textbf{Help in Disease Detection} \\
    1 & Accelerometer & Linear Acceleration & Use to capture the linear movement of a patient while performing any activities & Cardiac, Arthritis, Obesity, PCOD \\
    2 & Gyroscope & Angular Velocity & Use to capture the angular movement of a patient while performing any activities; such as rotation of the smart phone to change position & Cardiac, Arthritis, Obesity, PCOD \\
    3 & Image Sensor & Image \& Video & Use to capture the activities of a patient, while we need image data & Eye Health, Skin Health \\
    4 & Temperature & Body Temperature & Use to capture body temperature & Covid-19, Flu, Dengue, Pneumonia \\
    5 & Blood Pressure & Blood Pressure (Systolic and Diastolic) & Use to measure blood pressure of a patient & Cardiac, Obesity, PCOD \\
    6 & Oxygen Level & Oxygen level & Use to measure oxygen level in blood of a patient & Cardiac, Obesity, PCOD \\
    7 & Heart Rate & Heart Rate & Use to measure heart rates of a patient & Cardiac, Obesity, PCOD \\


나는 svmultdocumentclass를 가지고 있지 않기 때문에 `article.'을 사용합니다. 페이지 디자인에서 크게 다르지 않기를 바라며 텍스트의 테이블 위치도 동일한 규칙을 따릅니다.

나는 당신의 테이블을 조금 다시 작성하고 싶습니다. 모든 수직선을 제거하고 수평에서는 첫 번째, 두 번째 및 마지막 줄만 사용합니다.

여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요


\usepackage{newtxtext}          %
\usepackage[varvw]{newtxmath}    % selects Times Roman as basic font


\caption{Sensor Data in Smart Healthcare}
\begin{tblr}{colspec = {@{} c X[l] X[1.32, l] X[2.2, l] X[1.5, l] @{}},
             rowsep = 3pt,
             row{1} = {c, m, font=\bfseries} 
Sl.No   &   Name of the Sensor
            &   Measuring/Capturing Factor
                &   {Application in\\ Smart Healthcare}
                    &   {Help in\\ Disease Detection}
1   &   Accelerometer 
        &   Linear Acceleration 
            &   Use to capture the linear movement of a patient while performing any activities
                &   Cardiac, Arthritis, Obesity, PCOD 
2   &   Gyroscope 
        &   Angular Velocity 
            &   Use to capture the angular movement of a patient while performing any activities; such as rotation of the smart phone to change position 
                &   Cardiac, Arthritis, Obesity, PCOD 
3   &   Image Sensor 
        &   Image \& Video 
            &   Use to capture the activities of a patient, while we need image data 
                &   Eye Health, Skin Health 
4   &   Temperature 
        &   Body Temperature 
            &   Use to capture body temperature 
                &   Covid-19, Flu, Dengue, Pneumonia
5   &   Blood Pressure 
        &   Blood Pressure (Systolic and Diastolic) 
            &   Use to measure blood pressure of a patient 
                &   Cardiac, Obesity, PCOD
6   &   Oxygen Level 
        &   Oxygen level 
            &   Use to measure oxygen level in blood of a patient 
                &   Cardiac, Obesity, PCOD
7   &   Heart Rate 
        &   Heart Rate 
            &   Use to measure heart rates of a patient 
                &   Cardiac, Obesity, PCOD

귀하의 문서 클래스로 제안된 솔루션을 테스트하고 그 결과가 위에 표시된 결과와 얼마나 다른지 알려주십시오.


아마 s.th를 할 수도 있습니다. 이와 같이:


\usepackage[varvw]{newtxmath}% selects Times Roman as basic font

\usepackage{array, tabularx, booktabs}
% booktabs is only because I am too lazy to define \heavyrulewidth.




\noindent Some text\hfill some text\hfill some text

\noindent A thick rule showing textwidth:


\hrule height 1cm

\caption{Sensor Data in Smart Healthcare}%
   !{\vrule width \heavyrulewidth}%
   !{\vrule width \heavyrulewidth}%
  \noalign{\hrule height \heavyrulewidth}% <- This yields a \hline which is slightly thicker.
  \textbf{Name of the Sensor}&%
  \textbf{Measuring/\hskip0pt Capturing Factor}&%
  \textbf{Application in Smart Healthcare}&%
  \textbf{Help in Disease Detection}\\%
  %\noalign{\hrule height \lightrulewidth}%
  \noalign{\hrule height \heavyrulewidth}% <- This yields a \hline which is slightly thicker.
  Linear Acceleration&%
  Use to capture the linear movement of a patient while performing any activities&%
  Cardiac, Arthritis, Obesity, PCOD\\%
  Angular Velocity&%
  Use to capture the angular movement of a patient while performing any activities;
    such as rotation of the smart phone to change position&%
  Cardiac, Arthritis, Obesity, PCOD\\%
  Image Sensor&%
  Image \& Video&%
  Use to capture the activities of a patient, while we need image data&%
  Eye Health, Skin Health\\%
  Body Temperature&%
  Use to capture body temperature&%
  Covid-19, Flu, Dengue, Pneumonia\\%
  Blood Pressure&%
  Blood Pressure (Systolic and Diastolic)&%
  Use to measure blood pressure of a patient&%
  Cardiac, Obesity, PCOD\\%
  Oxygen Level&%
  Oxygen level&%
  Use to measure oxygen level in blood of a patient&%
  Cardiac, Obesity, PCOD\\%
  Heart Rate&%
  Heart Rate&%
  Use to measure heart rates of a patient&%
  Cardiac, Obesity, PCOD\\%
  \noalign{\hrule height \heavyrulewidth}% <- This yields a \hline which is slightly thicker.


여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하세요

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