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title = {Probe},
editor = {Prost, G.},
address = {Leipzig},
year = {1962},
endyear = {1964},
volumes = {4},
edition = {2},
addendum = {ND: München und Leipzig 2001},
가지고 싶다:
프로스트, G., Hrsg. 조사. 2. Aufl. 4Bde. 라이프치히, 1962~1964(ND: 뮌헨과 라이프치히 2001).
\ifx\tempa\tempb\setunit{\addspace}\fi% Just a space before the addendum
\DeclareFieldFormat{addendum}{\mkbibparens{#1}}% The addendum should be in parentheses
title = {Probe},
editor = {Prost, G.},
address = {Leipzig},
year = {1962},
endyear = {1964},
volumes = {4},
edition = {2},
addendum = {ND: München und Leipzig 2001},