How do I identify disk partitions from volume/UUID in Ubuntu File Manager (like /dev/sdx)?

How do I identify disk partitions from volume/UUID in Ubuntu File Manager (like /dev/sdx)?

Ubuntu "file manager" lists disk partition as "104 GB volume". "Properties" gives more information, but uses the disks UUID.

"Open on disks" just starts the "disks" application.

I like to operate on the partition, like move or resize it.

How do I get my /dev/ name from the UUID?

Preferably using a simple command.


To resolve UUIDs to their full unix path use

sudo blkid

It will output something like this:

[root@EXAMPLE ~]# sudo blkid
/dev/sda1: UUID="12345678-dc78-4096-1111-c71111111111" TYPE="xfs"
/dev/sdb1: UUID="12345678-dc78-4096-1111-c71111111112" TYPE="xfs"

All the disk names will also be linked in the virtual directory /dev/disk/by-uuid.

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