juju bootstap 명령이 '준비 중...'에서 '파괴 중...'으로 변경됩니다(인스턴스가 시작되었지만 배포되지 않음).

juju bootstap 명령이 '준비 중...'에서 '파괴 중...'으로 변경됩니다(인스턴스가 시작되었지만 배포되지 않음).

MAAS, JUJU 기반 OpenStack 클라우드를 설정하려고 하는데 juju 컨트롤러를 설치할 수 없는 것 같습니다.

그만큼부트스트랩명령이 '에서 성공한 것 같습니다.Juju GUI 2.1.10 릴리스 설치 준비', 그러나 '파괴 중...'으로 이동하여 마침내 오류 메시지가 표시됩니다.

오류 cmd supercommand.go:458 부트스트랩 모델 실패: 부트스트랩 인스턴스가 시작되었지만 배포 상태로 변경되지 않았습니다: 인스턴스 "4y3h7q"가 시작되었지만 배포되지 않았습니다.

juju 컨트롤러를 적절하게 부트스트랩하는 방법이나 수행할 수 있는 디버그 단계에 대한 힌트가 있습니까?

$ juju bootstrap mycloud-controller mycloud--upload-tools --show-log
2016-09-13 14:49:05 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:63 running juju [2.0-beta15 gc go1.6.2]
2016-09-13 14:49:05 INFO cmd cmd.go:141 Adding contents of "/home/phil/.local/share/juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa.pub" to authorized-keys
2016-09-13 14:49:05 INFO cmd cmd.go:141 Adding contents of "/home/phil/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" to authorized-keys
Creating Juju controller "mycloud-controller" on mycloud
2016-09-13 14:49:06 INFO juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:641 combined bootstrap constraints:
Bootstrapping model "controller"
Starting new instance for initial controller
Launching instance
2016-09-13 14:49:06 WARNING juju.provider.maas environ.go:717 no architecture was specified, acquiring an arbitrary node
 - 4y3h7q
2016-09-13 14:49:09 INFO juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:520 newest version: 2.0-beta15.1
2016-09-13 14:49:09 INFO juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:548 picked bootstrap tools version: 2.0-beta15.1
Building tools to upload (2.0-beta15.1-xenial-amd64)
2016-09-13 14:49:09 INFO juju.environs.tools build.go:170 found existing jujud
2016-09-13 14:49:09 INFO juju.environs.tools build.go:180 target: /tmp/juju-tools772659553/jujud
2016-09-13 14:49:25 INFO juju.environs.sync sync.go:322 built tools 2.0-beta15.1-xenial-amd64 (14941kB)
Installing Juju agent on bootstrap instance
Preparing for Juju GUI 2.1.10 release installation
2016-09-13 15:09:22 INFO juju.provider.common destroy.go:20 destroying model "controller"
2016-09-13 15:09:22 INFO juju.provider.common destroy.go:31 destroying instances
2016-09-13 15:09:22 INFO juju.provider.common destroy.go:51 destroying storage
2016-09-13 15:09:23 ERROR cmd supercommand.go:458 failed to bootstrap model: bootstrap instance started but did not change to Deployed state: instance "4y3h7q" is started but not deployed

주주 버전: 2.0-beta15-xenial-amd64


Sep 13 23:49:06 agatha maas.node: [INFO] unfavoring-asha: Status transition from READY to ALLOCATED
Sep 13 23:49:07 agatha maas.node: [INFO] unfavoring-asha: allocated to user root
Sep 13 23:49:08 agatha maas.node: [INFO] unfavoring-asha: Status transition from ALLOCATED to DEPLOYING
Sep 13 23:52:04 agatha maas.import-images: [INFO] Started importing boot images.
Sep 13 23:52:04 agatha maas.import-images: [INFO] Downloading image descriptions from http://localhost:5240/MAAS/images-stream/streams/v1/index.json
Sep 13 23:52:05 agatha maas.import-images: [INFO] Downloading boot resources from http://localhost:5240/MAAS/images-stream/streams/v1/index.json
Sep 13 23:52:05 agatha maas.import-images: [INFO] Writing boot image metadata and iSCSI targets.
Sep 13 23:52:05 agatha maas.import-images: [INFO] Installing boot images snapshot /var/lib/maas/boot-resources/snapshot-20160913-145205
Sep 13 23:52:16 agatha maas.import-images: [INFO] Updating boot image iSCSI targets.
Sep 13 23:52:17 agatha maas.import-images: [INFO] Cleaning up old snapshots and cache.
Sep 13 23:52:17 agatha maas.import-images: [INFO] Finished importing boot images.
Sep 14 00:09:22 agatha maas.node: [INFO] unfavoring-asha: Releasing node
Sep 14 00:09:22 agatha maas.node: [INFO] unfavoring-asha: Status transition from DEPLOYING to RELEASING
Sep 14 00:09:22 agatha maas.node: [INFO] unfavoring-asha: Status transition from RELEASING to READY

업데이트--keep-broken명령 에 사용할 수 있는 옵션이 있음을 발견하고 bootstrap이 옵션을 사용하여 부트스트랩을 다시 실행했습니다.

Preparing for Juju GUI 2.1.10 release installation
2016-09-13 19:06:27 INFO juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:600 bootstrap failed but --keep-broken was specified so model is not being destroyed.
When you are finished diagnosing the problem, remember to run juju destroy-model --force
to clean up the model.
2016-09-13 19:06:27 ERROR cmd supercommand.go:458 failed to bootstrap model: bootstrap instance started but did not change to Deployed state: instance "4y3h7s" is started but not deployed

그래서 내 질문은 지금입니다.깨진 이미지의 문제를 어떻게 진단할 수 있나요?

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