Xubuntu 19.10 - Tela preta com ponteiro do mouse

Xubuntu 19.10 - Tela preta com ponteiro do mouse

Xubuntu 19.10 no Dell Optiplex 755 - funciona perfeitamente.

O único problema é que quando deixo o pc sem supervisão por algum tempo, descubro que só há uma tela preta com o ponteiro do mouse visível. Caso contrário, não há nada na tela.

Consigo ctrl-alt-f1 e fazer login via terminal e reinicializar e tudo recomeça normalmente.

Qualquer ideia?


A mesma situação com MSI VR600X.

É útil para mim:https://www.stephenwagner.com/2019/05/05/ubuntu-linux-black-screen-frozen-system-after-upgrade-install/

Reparo provisório

Para fazer o sistema inicializar:

After turning on your PC, hold the right SHIFT key to get to the GRUB bootloader.
Once GRUB is open, press the “e” key to edit the first highlighted entry “Ubuntu”.
Move your cursor down to the line that starts with “linux”, and use the right arrow key to find the section with the words “ro quiet splash”.
Add “nomodeset” after these words.


Feel free to remove “quiet” and “splash” for more verbosity to troubleshoot the boot process.
Press “CTRL + X” or “F10” to boot.
The system should now boot.

Correção Permanente

Para resolver permanentemente o problema:

Once the system has booted using the temporary fix, log in.
Open a terminal window (Applications -> Terminal, or press the “Start” button and type terminal).
Either “su” in to root, or use “sudo” to open your favorite text editor and edit the file “/etc/default/grub” (I use nano which can be install by running “dnf install nano”):

nano /etc/default/grub

Locate the line with the variable “GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT”, and add “nomodeset” to the variables. Feel free to remove “splash” and “quiet” if you’d like text boot. Here’s an example of my line after editing (yours will look different):

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset"

Save the file and exit the text editor (CTRL+X to quit, the press “y” and enter to save).
At the bash prompt, execute the following command to regenerate the grub.conf file on the /boot partition from your new default file:


Restart your system, it should now boot!

Observação: sempre certifique-se de ter um backup completo do sistema antes de modificar qualquer arquivo do sistema!

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