O sistema congela no Ubuntu 20.04 e o WiFi para de funcionar

O sistema congela no Ubuntu 20.04 e o WiFi para de funcionar

De repente, comecei a enfrentar um problema estranho há alguns dias, que parece acontecer apenas às vezes. Se estou transmitindo vídeo ou mesmo fazendo uma chamada de áudio em um navegador (Chrome ou Firefox), meu sistema às vezes congela completamente e o último meio segundo do áudio é reproduzido em loop. Eu tenho que fazer um desligamento forçado pressionando longamente o botão liga / desliga. A última vez que isso aconteceu, encontrei as entradas do syslog imediatamente anteriores a isto:

May 12 15:15:22 Machine gnome-shell[12407]: [19904:20:0512/151522.107395:ERROR:webrtc_video_engine.cc(3350)] Absent receive stream; ignoring clearing encoded frame sink for ssrc 0
May 12 15:15:44 Machine gnome-shell[12407]: [19904:20:0512/151544.534097:ERROR:webrtc_video_engine.cc(3350)] Absent receive stream; ignoring clearing encoded frame sink for ssrc 0
May 12 15:16:08 Machine gnome-shell[2103]: ../clutter/clutter/clutter-actor.c:10558: The clutter_actor_set_allocation() function can only be called from within the implementation of the ClutterActor::allocate() virtual function.
May 12 15:16:29 Machine gnome-shell[2103]: ../clutter/clutter/clutter-actor.c:10558: The clutter_actor_set_allocation() function can only be called from within the implementation of the ClutterActor::allocate() virtual function.
May 12 15:17:01 Machine CRON[20644]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
May 12 15:17:34 Machine gnome-shell[12407]: [19904:20:0512/151734.483733:ERROR:webrtc_video_engine.cc(3350)] Absent receive stream; ignoring clearing encoded frame sink for ssrc 0
May 12 15:19:21 Machine gnome-shell[12407]: [19904:20:0512/151921.527291:ERROR:webrtc_video_engine.cc(3350)] Absent receive stream; ignoring clearing encoded frame sink for ssrc 0
May 12 15:20:08 Machine gnome-shell[12407]: [19904:20:0512/152008.433602:ERROR:webrtc_video_engine.cc(3350)] Absent receive stream; ignoring clearing encoded frame sink for ssrc 0
May 12 15:20:55 Machine gnome-shell[2103]: ../clutter/clutter/clutter-actor.c:10558: The clutter_actor_set_allocation() function can only be called from within the implementation of the ClutterActor::allocate() virtual function.
May 12 15:24:32 Machine kernel: [12112.697501] perf: interrupt took too long (3145 > 3126), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 63500
May 12 15:26:18 Machine gnome-shell[2103]: message repeated 3 times: [ ../clutter/clutter/clutter-actor.c:10558: The clutter_actor_set_allocation() function can only be called from within the implementation of the ClutterActor::allocate() virtual function.]
May 12 15:30:01 Machine CRON[20950]: (root) CMD ([ -x /etc/init.d/anacron ] && if [ ! -d /run/systemd/system ]; then /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d anacron start >/dev/null; fi)

Não tenho certeza se está relacionado, mas meu sistema também congela ocasionalmente quando fecho a tampa. E os problemas que tive são bastante semelhantes aos deesta postagem. Eu também tenho uma GPU AMD Radeon dedicada além da Intel integrada e uma vez tive um problema com meu WiFi. Eu enfrentei enormes problemas de log do sistema antes de consertar isso para garantir que os arquivos syslog nunca ficassem tão grandes. Mas o único problema é que como meu sistema congela completamente, não tenho chance de ver se minha RAM e Swap foram completamente preenchidos ou não. E a solução dada não é aplicável a mim.

Caso seja relevante, recentemente enfrenteiesseproblema devido à atualização incorreta do kernel 5.8.0-50, que resolvi voltando para o kernel 5.8.0-43.

ATUALIZAÇÃO: Ainda não há solução e o congelamento ocasional do sistema continua acontecendo. Não consigo encontrar uma ocorrência comum porque às vezes acontecia mesmo quando nada estava sendo transmitido. Aconteceu três vezes quando o Firefox estava em execução e uma vez quando o Chrome estava. Além disso, tenho o KDE Plasma junto com o GNOME e o problema parece claramente mais frequente no KDE Plasma. E há alguma conexão com meu WiFi, talvez porque agora aconteceu duas vezes que, depois de fazer uma reinicialização forçada após o congelamento, o WiFi não funcionou. Eu tenho uma inicialização dupla e a inicialização no Windows e depois no Ubuntu corrige o WiFi.

ATUALIZAÇÃO: Decidi voltar para um kernel mais antigo por um palpite e funcionou bem por um ou dois dias, mas o problema não desapareceu. Isso ainda acontece e a execução de vídeo definitivamente tem algo a ver com isso, porque raramente acontece, a menos que um vídeo esteja sendo reproduzido. Não há nada no log do sistema que indique um problema.

ATUALIZAÇÃO: acabei de enfrentar várias falhas em um curto período de tempo. Pouco antes de um deles, o WiFi parou de funcionar no meio de uma sessão (desta vez o sistema reiniciou sozinho). Aqui estão os registros:

May 28 13:13:04 Machine wpa_supplicant[1103]: wlp8s0: CTRL-EVENT-BEACON-LOSS
May 28 13:13:05 Machine kernel: [ 382.206213] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:05 Machine wpa_supplicant[1103]: wlp8s0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=d8:32:14:ac:c3:51 reason=4 locally_generated=1
May 28 13:13:05 Machine NetworkManager[1080]: <warn> [1622187785.4714] sup-iface[0x5643f88e0120,wlp8s0]: connection disconnected (reason -4)
May 28 13:13:05 Machine kernel: [ 382.386690] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:05 Machine kernel: [ 382.386692] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:05 Machine wpa_supplicant[1103]: wlp8s0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=CORE type=WORLD
May 28 13:13:05 Machine NetworkManager[1080]: <info> [1622187785.5013] device (wlp8s0): supplicant interface state: completed -> disconnected
May 28 13:13:05 Machine NetworkManager[1080]: <info> [1622187785.5014] device (p2p-dev-wlp8s0): supplicant management interface state: completed -> disconnected
May 28 13:13:05 Machine kernel: [ 382.499354] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:05 Machine NetworkManager[1080]: <info> [1622187785.7671] device (wlp8s0): supplicant interface state: disconnected -> scanning
May 28 13:13:05 Machine NetworkManager[1080]: <info> [1622187785.7671] device (p2p-dev-wlp8s0): supplicant management interface state: disconnected -> scanning
May 28 13:13:05 Machine kernel: [ 382.682440] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:05 Machine kernel: [ 382.682444] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:05 Machine kernel: [ 382.694287] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:05 Machine kernel: [ 382.875265] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:05 Machine kernel: [ 382.875269] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:05 Machine kernel: [ 382.886876] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:06 Machine kernel: [ 383.067340] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:06 Machine kernel: [ 383.067343] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:06 Machine kernel: [ 383.078891] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:06 Machine kernel: [ 383.259781] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:06 Machine kernel: [ 383.259786] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:06 Machine kernel: [ 383.271428] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:06 Machine kernel: [ 383.452775] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:06 Machine kernel: [ 383.452779] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:06 Machine kernel: [ 383.464488] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:06 Machine gnome-shell[2785]: [2778:2903:0528/131306.670523:ERROR:connection_factory_impl.cc(429 )] Failed to connect to MCS endpoint with error -106
May 28 13:13:06 Machine kernel: [ 383.645343] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:06 Machine kernel: [ 383.645349] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:06 Machine kernel: [ 383.656982] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:06 Machine kernel: [ 383.837653] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:06 Machine kernel: [ 383.837655] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:06 Machine kernel: [ 383.849256] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:07 Machine kernel: [ 384.029730] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:07 Machine kernel: [ 384.029732] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:07 Machine kernel: [ 384.041264] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:07 Machine kernel: [ 384.221517] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:07 Machine kernel: [ 384.221520] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:07 Machine kernel: [ 384.233066] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:07 Machine kernel: [ 384.413455] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:07 Machine kernel: [ 384.413457] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:07 Machine kernel: [ 384.425027] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:07 Machine kernel: [ 384.606230] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:07 Machine kernel: [ 384.606234] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:07 Machine kernel: [ 384.617913] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:07 Machine kernel: [ 384.827768] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:07 Machine kernel: [ 384.827772] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:07 Machine kernel: [ 384.839466] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:08 Machine kernel: [ 385.021760] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:08 Machine kernel: [ 385.021764] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:08 Machine kernel: [ 385.033343] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:08 Machine kernel: [ 385.214743] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:08 Machine kernel: [ 385.214748] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:08 Machine kernel: [ 385.226332] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:08 Machine kernel: [ 385.408193] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:08 Machine kernel: [ 385.408198] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:08 Machine kernel: [ 385.419929] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:08 Machine kernel: [ 385.602564] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:08 Machine kernel: [ 385.602568] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:08 Machine kernel: [ 385.614334] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:08 Machine kernel: [ 385.796999] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:08 Machine kernel: [ 385.797003] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:08 Machine kernel: [ 385.808712] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:09 Machine kernel: [ 385.989881] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:09 Machine kernel: [ 385.989885] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:09 Machine kernel: [ 386.001417] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:09 Machine kernel: [ 386.181595] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:09 Machine kernel: [ 386.181598] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:09 Machine kernel: [ 386.193159] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:09 Machine kernel: [ 386.373430] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:09 Machine kernel: [ 386.373433] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:09 Machine kernel: [ 386.385040] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:09 Machine kernel: [ 386.566223] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:09 Machine kernel: [ 386.566227] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:09 Machine kernel: [ 386.577874] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:09 Machine kernel: [ 386.759163] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:09 Machine kernel: [ 386.759167] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:09 Machine kernel: [ 386.770887] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:10 Machine kernel: [ 386.953264] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:10 Machine kernel: [ 386.953268] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:10 Machine kernel: [ 386.965018] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:10 Machine kernel: [ 387.146871] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:10 Machine kernel: [ 387.146875] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:10 Machine kernel: [ 387.158537] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:10 Machine kernel: [ 387.366195] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:10 Machine kernel: [ 387.366199] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:10 Machine kernel: [ 387.377851] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:10 Machine kernel: [ 387.560208] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:10 Machine kernel: [ 387.560213] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:10 Machine kernel: [ 387.571827] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:10 Machine kernel: [ 387.753678] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:10 Machine kernel: [ 387.753682] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:10 Machine kernel: [ 387.765389] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 387.947248] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 387.947252] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 387.958835] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 388.139488] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 388.139492] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 388.151087] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 388.331842] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 388.331847] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 388.343403] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 388.524071] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 388.524076] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 388.535694] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 388.716655] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 388.716660] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 388.728373] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 388.909853] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:11 Machine kernel: [ 388.909857] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:12 Machine kernel: [ 388.921631] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:12 Machine kernel: [ 389.103311] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:12 Machine kernel: [ 389.103315] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:12 Machine kernel: [ 389.114925] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:12 Machine kernel: [ 389.296130] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:12 Machine kernel: [ 389.296134] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:12 Machine kernel: [ 389.307803] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:12 Machine kernel: [ 389.488445] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:12 Machine kernel: [ 389.488449] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:12 Machine kernel: [ 389.500061] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:12 Machine kernel: [ 389.681076] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:12 Machine kernel: [ 389.681080] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:12 Machine kernel: [ 389.692809] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:12 Machine kernel: [ 389.874830] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:12 Machine kernel: [ 389.874844] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:12 Machine kernel: [ 389.886718] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:13 Machine kernel: [ 390.068907] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:13 Machine kernel: [ 390.068912] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:13 Machine kernel: [ 390.080601] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff
May 28 13:13:13 Machine kernel: [ 390.262758] ath: phy0: Chip reset failed
May 28 13:13:13 Machine kernel: [ 390.262762] ath: phy0: Unable to reset channel, reset status -22
May 28 13:13:13 Machine kernel: [ 390.274446] ath: phy0: DMA failed to stop in 10 ms AR_CR=0xffffffff AR_DIAG_SW=0xffffffff DMADBG_7=0xffffffff

Suspeito que o superaquecimento do sistema tenha algo a ver com isso, porque o último aconteceu assim que eu entrei (a tela da área de trabalho nem havia carregado). Deixei o laptop desligado por 20 minutos e depois liguei e ele não travou até agora. Aqui está outra entrada de log antes da falha, caso isso ajude a identificar a origem.

May 28 13:20:17 Machine gnome-shell[3664]: libva error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/iHD_drv_video.so init failed
May 28 13:20:18 Machine gnome-shell[3664]: [3704:3704:0528/132018.336942:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(374)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.

E este alguns minutos depois:

May 28 13:27:04 Machine systemd[1]: Starting Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles...
May 28 13:27:04 Machine gnome-session-binary[1482]: Entering running state
May 28 13:27:04 Machine gsd-media-keys[1852]: Failed to grab accelerator for keybinding settingslayback-repeat
May 28 13:27:04 Machine gsd-media-keys[1852]: Failed to grab accelerator for keybinding settings:rfkill
May 28 13:27:04 Machine gsd-media-keys[1852]: Failed to grab accelerator for keybinding settings:hibernate
May 28 13:27:04 Machine gsd-media-keys[1852]: Failed to grab accelerator for keybinding settingslayback-random
May 28 13:27:04 Machine dbus-daemon[1100]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.ColorManager'
May 28 13:27:04 Machine systemd[1]: Started Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles.
May 28 13:27:04 Machine xbrlapi.desktop[2027]: openConnection: connect: No such file or directory
May 28 13:27:04 Machine xbrlapi.desktop[2027]: cannot connect to braille devices daemon brltty at :0
May 28 13:27:05 Machine org.gnome.Shell.desktop[2034]: The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
May 28 13:27:05 Machine org.gnome.Shell.desktop[2034]: > Warning: Unsupported maximum keycode 569, clipping.
May 28 13:27:05 Machine org.gnome.Shell.desktop[2034]: > X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
May 28 13:27:05 Machine org.gnome.Shell.desktop[2034]: > Internal error: Could not resolve keysym Invalid
May 28 13:27:05 Machine org.gnome.Shell.desktop[2034]: Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
May 28 13:27:07 Machine gnome-shell[1542]: Warning: Failed to start gsd-xsettings
May 28 13:27:08 Machine org.gnome.Shell.desktop[1542]: libinput error: client bug: timer event5 keyboard: scheduled expiry is in the past (-74ms), your system is too slow
May 28 13:27:08 Machine gnome-shell[1542]: JS WARNING: [resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/layout.js 24]: reference to undefined property "MetaWindowXwayland"

ATUALIZAÇÃO: Apesar de reinstalar o Ubuntu 20.04 (com uma atualização do kernel para 5.8.0-53), esse problema persiste. Reinstalado ontem, o primeiro sistema congelou hoje depois que abri a tampa do laptop e abri algumas guias no Chrome (o navegador já estava aberto). Eu não sei o que diabos está acontecendo e por que ninguém parece ajudar com isso.

ATUALIZAÇÃO: Há pouco tempo fechei a tampa do laptop (meu sistema não está configurado para suspender se isso acontecer). Abri-o e descobri que ele estava reiniciando sozinho. Encontrei as seguintes entradas de log daquela época:

Jun  2 18:15:49 Machine thermald[849]: sensor id 4 : No temp sysfs for reading raw tempJun  2 18:23:11 Machine kernel: [   51.336014] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.110 seconds) done.
Jun  2 18:23:11 Machine kernel: [   51.446664] OOM killer disabled.
Jun  2 18:23:11 Machine kernel: [   51.446667] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
Jun  2 18:23:11 Machine kernel: [   51.448174] printk: Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
Jun  2 18:23:11 Machine kernel: [   51.599021] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Synchronizing SCSI cache
Jun  2 18:23:11 Machine kernel: [   51.685897] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Stopping disk
Jun  2 18:23:11 Machine kernel: [   51.930059] [drm] enabling PCIE gen 2 link speeds, disable with radeon.pcie_gen2=0
Jun  2 18:23:11 Machine kernel: [   51.959324] [drm] PCIE GART of 2048M enabled (table at 0x00000000001D6000).

Outro monte de entradas são estas:

Jun  2 18:23:13 Machine thermald[849]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/etc/thermald/thermal-conf.xml"
Jun  2 18:23:13 Machine thermald[849]: error: could not parse file /etc/thermald/thermal-conf.xml
Jun  2 18:23:13 Machine thermald[849]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/etc/thermald/thermal-conf.xml"
Jun  2 18:23:13 Machine thermald[849]: error: could not parse file /etc/thermald/thermal-conf.xml
Jun  2 18:23:13 Machine thermald[849]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/etc/thermald/thermal-conf.xml"
Jun  2 18:23:13 Machine thermald[849]: error: could not parse file /etc/thermald/thermal-conf.xml

Pesquisei esse erro térmico, mas não consegui encontrar nenhuma solução clara que pudesse implementar.

Existe alguma chance de que ter o Gnome e o KDE Plasma instalados esteja causando isso? Especialmente porque defini o gdm3 como gerenciador de exibição em vez do sddm?

ATUALIZAÇÃO: AINDA não há solução para isso e o problema não desapareceu. Percebi algumas vezes que quando tenho cerca de 5 a 6 guias do Chrome (que eu também tinha antes) com sites possivelmente mais pesados, minha memória fica mais de 90% cheia e o sistema fica nervoso. Mas ainda não tenho certeza se essa é a causa raiz (por que o syslog não menciona nada sobre isso?). Também não entendo como minha instalação do Windows funciona bem com os 4 GB de RAM que tenho, mas o Ubuntu não. Aqui está outra entrada de log após a falha mais recente:

Jul  4 14:25:48 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: libva error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/iHD_drv_video.so init failed
Jul  4 14:25:48 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26685:26685:0704/142548.700456:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(374)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
Jul  4 14:25:53 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26646:26666:0704/142553.812893:ERROR:gcm_store_impl.cc(652)] LevelDB remove failed: NotFound:
Jul  4 14:25:53 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26646:26669:0704/142553.813045:ERROR:mcs_client.cc(526)] GCM Update failed!
Jul  4 14:27:18 Machine PackageKit: daemon quit
Jul  4 14:27:18 Machine systemd[1]: packagekit.service: Succeeded.
Jul  4 14:27:56 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26687:26690:0704/142756.708204:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(980)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
Jul  4 14:27:56 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26687:26690:0704/142756.796603:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(980)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
Jul  4 14:27:56 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26687:26690:0704/142756.852918:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(980)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
Jul  4 14:28:03 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26687:26690:0704/142803.997212:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(980)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
Jul  4 14:28:04 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26687:26690:0704/142804.080933:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(980)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
Jul  4 14:28:04 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26687:26690:0704/142804.141079:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(980)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
Jul  4 14:28:14 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26687:26690:0704/142814.603884:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(980)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
Jul  4 14:28:14 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26687:26690:0704/142814.668010:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(980)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
Jul  4 14:28:14 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26687:26690:0704/142814.780805:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(980)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
Jul  4 14:28:14 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26687:26690:0704/142814.860787:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(980)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
Jul  4 14:28:17 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: (transmission-gtk:27230): GLib-CRITICAL **: 14:28:17.210: g_file_test: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
Jul  4 14:28:17 Machine dbus-daemon[852]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' requested by ':1.212' (uid=1000 pid=27230 comm="transmission-gtk magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1EF2D24F1ECFF" label="unconfined")
Jul  4 14:28:17 Machine systemd[1]: Starting Hostname Service...
Jul  4 14:28:18 Machine dbus-daemon[852]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'
Jul  4 14:28:18 Machine systemd[1]: Started Hostname Service.
Jul  4 14:28:21 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26687:26690:0704/142821.884753:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(980)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
Jul  4 14:28:21 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26687:26690:0704/142821.964205:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(980)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
Jul  4 14:28:22 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26687:26690:0704/142822.068246:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(980)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
Jul  4 14:28:22 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26687:26690:0704/142822.140346:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(980)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
Jul  4 14:28:32 Machine google-chrome.desktop[26653]: [26685:26685:0704/142832.102447:ERROR:gl_utils.cc(314)] [.RendererMainThread-0x2c11bcb84700] GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION: Draw framebuffer is incomplete
Jul  4 14:28:48 Machine systemd[1]: systemd-hostnamed.service: Succeeded.

Sinceramente, acho bizarro que ninguém tenha uma resposta para isso, apesar de fornecer tantas informações.


Se você estiver usando tlpou slimbook-battery, desinstale-os.

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