Estou tentando instalar o Ubuntu em um pen drive Samsung USB 3.1 de 32 GB. Inicializando pela UEFI. Eu também tentei em Kingston, mas com o mesmo problema: ele trava. Eu escolho apagar tudo e instalar o Ubuntu usando todas as unidades. Usando criptografia. Estou usando live usb (YUMI multiboot) para instalar no segundo usb
Posso fornecer as últimas entradas na instalação sem postar tudo por causa da limitação do comprimento da postagem, a última entrada é onde ela fica travada e a instalação continua infinitamente: ...
Jul 11 13:28:07 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-sdc({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Generic_Flash_Disk_E5AD3FC5-0:0', 'path': '/dev/sdc', 'wipe': 'superblock-recursive', 'preserve': False, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'type': 'disk', 'id': 'disk-sdc'})
Jul 11 13:28:07 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: /dev/sdc is multipath device member? False
Jul 11 13:28:07 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: /dev/sdc is multipath device member? False
Jul 11 13:28:07 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/sdc'}, {'/dev/sdc'}]
Jul 11 13:28:07 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sdc'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Jul 11 13:28:08 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Jul 11 13:28:08 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.387
Jul 11 13:28:08 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: devsync happy - path /dev/sdc now exists
Jul 11 13:28:08 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: return volume path /dev/sdc
Jul 11 13:28:08 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/sdc'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False)
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.227
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: devsync happy - path /dev/sdc now exists
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: return volume path /dev/sdc1
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: volume_path=/dev/sdc1 found slaves: ['sdc1']
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: kname_is_iscsi: no iscsi disk found for kname sdc1
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: kname_is_iscsi: no iscsi disk found for kname sdc1
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: Running command ['mount', '-t', 'vfat', '-o', 'defaults', '/dev/sdc1', '/target/boot/efi'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/sdc1'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/sdc1'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: volspec: path=/dev/sdc1 type=part
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: info[DEVLINKS] = ['/dev/disk/by-partuuid/1a53bf68-db25-3343-aaef-dbe699f8ee73', '/dev/disk/by-id/usb-Generic_Flash_Disk_E5AD3FC5-0:0-part1', '/dev/disk/by-uuid/FCB8-D90A', '/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:14.0-usb-0:2:1.0-scsi-0:0:0:0-part1']
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring mount: mount-0
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: TIMED BLOCK_META: 246.457
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: curtin command block-meta
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin: SUCCESS: running 'curtin block-meta simple'
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: builtin took 247.250 seconds
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: stage_partitioning took 247.250 seconds
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning: SUCCESS: configuring storage
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: curtin: Installation finished.
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: Skipping unmount: config disabled target unmounting
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: TIMED INSTALL_COMMAND: 247.252
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[5975]: finish: cmd-install: SUCCESS: curtin command install
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_event.3940[3940]: executing curtin install partitioning step
Jul 11 13:28:09 ubuntu subiquity_event.3940[3940]: executing curtin install extract step
Jul 11 13:28:10 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[8962]: start: cmd-install: curtin command install
Jul 11 13:28:10 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[8962]: unknown type for url 'cp:///tmp/tmpotqs2shy/mount', assuming type 'tgz'
Jul 11 13:28:10 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[8962]: curtin: Installation started. (22.1-43-g9e9f66e83)
Jul 11 13:28:10 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[8962]: LANG=en_US.UTF-8
Jul 11 13:28:10 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[8962]: merged config: {'sources': {'00_cmdline': {'type': 'tgz', 'uri': 'cp:///tmp/tmpotqs2shy/mount'}}, 'stages': ['extract'], 'extract_commands': {'builtin': ['curtin', 'extract']}, 'hook_commands': {'builtin': ['curtin', 'hook']}, 'partitioning_commands': {'builtin': ['curtin', 'block-meta', 'simple']}, 'curthooks_commands': {'builtin': ['curtin', 'curthooks'], '002-setupcon-save-only': ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'setupcon', '--save-only']}, 'late_commands': {'builtin': []}, 'network_commands': {'builtin': ['curtin', 'net-meta', 'auto']}, 'apply_net_commands': {'builtin': []}, 'install': {'log_file': '/var/log/installer/curtin-install.log', 'log_file_append': True, 'error_tarfile': '/var/log/installer/curtin-errors.tar', 'resume_data': '/tmp/tmpkoljkd3_/resume-data.json', 'save_install_config': False, 'save_install_log': False, 'unmount': 'disabled'}, 'reporting': {'subiquity': {'type': 'journald', 'identifier': 'curtin_event.3940.7'}}, 'grub': {'probe_additional_os': True, 'terminal': 'unmodified'}, 'kernel': {'package': 'linux-generic-hwe-22.04'}, 'pollinate': {'user_agent': {'subiquity': '0+git.1dbbc6f7_939'}}, 'storage': {'config': [{'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Generic_Flash_Disk_E5AD3FC5-0:0', 'path': '/dev/sdc', 'wipe': 'superblock-recursive', 'preserve': False, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'type': 'disk', 'id': 'disk-sdc'}, {'device': 'disk-sdc', 'size': 1127219200, 'wipe': 'superblock', 'flag': 'boot', 'number': 1, 'preserve': False, 'grub_device': True, 'offset': 1048576, 'path': '/dev/sdc1', 'type': 'partition', 'id': 'partition-0'}, {'fstype': 'fat32', 'volume': 'partition-0', 'preserve': False, 'type': 'format', 'id': 'format-0'}, {'device': 'disk-sdc', 'size': 2147483648, 'wipe': 'superblock', 'number': 2, 'preserve': False, 'offset': 1128267776, 'path': '/dev/sdc2', 'type': 'partition', 'id': 'partition-1'}, {'fstype': 'ext4', 'volume': 'partition-1', 'preserve': False, 'type': 'format', 'id': 'format-1'}, {'device': 'disk-sdc', 'size': 28180480000, 'wipe': 'superblock', 'number': 3, 'preserve': False, 'offset': 3275751424, 'path': '/dev/sdc3', 'type': 'partition', 'id': 'partition-2'}, {'volume': 'partition-2', 'keyfile': '/tmp/luks-key-z6auxjwy', 'path': '/dev/mapper/dm_crypt-0', 'preserve': False, 'type': 'dm_crypt', 'id': 'dm_crypt-0'}, {'name': 'ubuntu-vg', 'devices': ['dm_crypt-0'], 'preserve': False, 'type': 'lvm_volgroup', 'id': 'lvm_volgroup-0'}, {'name': 'ubuntu-lv', 'volgroup': 'lvm_volgroup-0', 'size': '28160557056B', 'wipe': 'superblock', 'preserve': False, 'path': '/dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv', 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'id': 'lvm_partition-0'}, {'fstype': 'ext4', 'volume': 'lvm_partition-0', 'preserve': False, 'type': 'format', 'id': 'format-2'}, {'path': '/', 'device': 'format-2', 'type': 'mount', 'id': 'mount-2'}, {'path': '/boot', 'device': 'format-1', 'type': 'mount', 'id': 'mount-1'}, {'path': '/boot/efi', 'device': 'format-0', 'type': 'mount', 'id': 'mount-0'}], 'version': 2}, 'write_files': {'etc_default_keyboard': {'content': '# KEYBOARD CONFIGURATION FILE\n\n# Consult the keyboard(5) manual page.\n\nXKBMODEL="pc105"\nXKBLAYOUT="us"\nXKBVARIANT=""\nXKBOPTIONS=""\n\nBACKSPACE="guess"\n', 'path': 'etc/default/keyboard', 'permissions': 420}, 'etc_machine_id': {'content': '2a219ad1a24c4575bc8518c5d8e1026b\n', 'path': 'etc/machine-id', 'permissions': 292}, 'etc_netplan_installer': {'content': "# This is the network config written by 'subiquity'\nnetwork:\n ethernets: {}\n version: 2\n", 'path': 'etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml'}, 'etc_netplan_installer_wifi': {'content': "# This is the network config written by 'subiquity'\nnetwork:\n version: 2\n wifis: {}\n", 'path': 'etc/netplan/00-installer-config-wifi.yaml', 'permissions': '0600'}, 'md5check': {'content': '{\n "checksum_missmatch": [\n],\n "result": "pass"\n}\n', 'path': 'var/log/installer/casper-md5check.json', 'permissions': 420}, 'media_info': {'content': 'Ubuntu 23.04 "Lunar Lobster" - Release amd64 (20230418)', 'path': 'var/log/installer/media-info', 'permissions': 420}, 'nonet': {'content': 'network: {config: disabled}\n', 'path': 'etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/subiquity-disable-cloudinit-networking.cfg'}}}
Jul 11 13:28:10 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[8962]: 'reporter' not found in config file.
Jul 11 13:28:10 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[8962]: curtin: Installation started. (22.1-43-g9e9f66e83)
Jul 11 13:28:10 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[8962]: {'WORKING_DIR': '/tmp/tmpt31xj534/scratch', 'OUTPUT_FSTAB': '/tmp/tmpt31xj534/state/fstab', 'OUTPUT_INTERFACES': '/tmp/tmpt31xj534/state/interfaces', 'OUTPUT_NETWORK_CONFIG': '/tmp/tmpt31xj534/state/network_config', 'OUTPUT_NETWORK_STATE': '/tmp/tmpt31xj534/state/network_state', 'TARGET_MOUNT_POINT': '/target', 'CONFIG': '/tmp/tmpt31xj534/state/config'}
Jul 11 13:28:10 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[8962]: start: cmd-install/stage-extract: writing install sources to disk
Jul 11 13:28:10 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[8962]: start: cmd-install/stage-extract/builtin: running 'curtin extract'
Jul 11 13:28:12 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[8962]: start: cmd-install/stage-extract/builtin/cmd-extract: curtin command extract
Jul 11 13:28:12 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[8962]: Installing sources: [{'type': 'tgz', 'uri': 'cp:///tmp/tmpotqs2shy/mount'}] to target at /target
Jul 11 13:28:12 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[8962]: start: cmd-install/stage-extract/builtin/cmd-extract: acquiring and extracting image from cp:///tmp/tmpotqs2shy/mount
Jul 11 13:28:12 ubuntu subiquity_log.3940[8962]: Running command ['sh', '-c', 'mkdir -p "$2" && cd "$2" && rsync -aXHAS --one-file-system "$1/" .', '--', '/tmp/tmpotqs2shy/mount', '/target'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Por favor ajude!