Eu instalei o Ubuntu SDK conformeeste guia, mas agora quero adicionar um emulador Ubuntu Touch, porém a página Dispositivos no IDE está em branco, veja captura de tela:
Estou usando Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
O que estou fazendo de errado?
Estou exatamente na mesma condição... página de dispositivos em branco/Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS. Ao iniciar o qtcreator do terminal, recebi um rastreamento de erro:
file:///usr/share/qtcreator/ubuntu/qml/devicespage.qml:2:1: o módulo "Ubuntu.Components" versão 1.0 não está instalado
Parece que já existe um ticket deste problema:
~$ qtcreator
void DBusMenuExporterPrivate::addAction(QAction*, int): Already tracking action "Follow Symbol Under Cursor" under id 187
file:///usr/share/qtcreator/ubuntu/qml/devicespage.qml:2:1: module "Ubuntu.Components" version 1.0 is not installed
import Ubuntu.Components 1.0
file:///usr/share/qtcreator/ubuntu/qml/publishpage.qml:2:1: module "Ubuntu.Components" version 1.0 is not installed
import Ubuntu.Components 1.0
file:///usr/share/qtcreator/welcomescreen/widgets/SessionItem.qml:51: ReferenceError: projectNameText is not defined
file:///usr/share/qtcreator/welcomescreen/develop.qml:93: ReferenceError: pageCaption is not defined
file:///usr/share/qtcreator/welcomescreen/widgets/PageLoader.qml:46: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null
file:///usr/share/qtcreator/welcomescreen/widgets/PageLoader.qml:46: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null
file:///usr/share/qtcreator/welcomescreen/widgets/PageLoader.qml:46: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null
No go tool chain set from kit "Desktop".
No go tool chain set from kit "UbuntuSDK for armhf (GCC ubuntu-sdk-14.10-utopic)".
No go tool chain set from kit "Desktop".
No go tool chain set from kit "UbuntuSDK for armhf (GCC ubuntu-sdk-14.10-utopic)".
file:///usr/share/qtcreator/welcomescreen/widgets/SessionItem.qml:51: ReferenceError: projectNameText is not defined
file:///usr/share/qtcreator/welcomescreen/develop.qml:93: ReferenceError: pageCaption is not defined
QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
load glyph failed err=6 face=0xe8cd00, glyph=2797