Instalei recentemente o easystroke em meu sistema Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Quero adicionar um toque de atalho para o mesmo. Vocês podem me dizer qual comando usar? a localização do Android Studio é
/home/antony/Documents/Android Studio Installation Files/android-studio/bin/studio.sh
para outros aplicativos como o Firefox eu uso
wmctrl -a Firefox || firefox
mas isso não funciona para Android Studio
xdg-open of /home/....
abre o arquivo bash no editor de texto em vez do terminal.
Por favor me ajudem pessoal
Com este comando:
wmctrl -a "Android Studio" || "/home/antony/Documents/Android Studio Installation Files/android-studio/bin/studio.sh"
Use o caminho completo entre aspas duplas.
deman wmctrl
-a <WIN>
Switch to the desktop containing the window <WIN>, raise the window, and give it
<WIN> This argument specifies a window that is the target of an action. By default the
argument is treated as if were a string, and windows are examined until one is
found with a title the contains the specified string as a substring. The substring
matching is done in a case insensitive manner. The -F option may be used to force
exact, case sensitive title matching. The option -i may be used to interpret the
window target as a numeric window identity instead of a string.
Experimente isto:
xdotool type "sh '/home/antony/Documents/Android Studio Installation Files/android-studio/bin/studio.sh'" ; xdotool key KP_Enter
se não funcionar, tente isso:
wmctrl -a "Android Studio" || "/home/antony/Documents/Android Studio Installation Files/android-studio/bin/studio.sh"