Atalho de teclado para pesquisar texto selecionado/destacado

Atalho de teclado para pesquisar texto selecionado/destacado

No Chrome, você pode destacar algum texto em uma página da web e usar o menu de contexto do botão direito para abrir uma pesquisa no Google pelo texto selecionado em uma nova guia.

Seria muito conveniente se eu pudesse acessar esse recurso usando um atalho de teclado em vez do menu do botão direito. Tentei pesquisar extensões existentes e também vasculhei a lista de atalhos de teclado existentes aqui:

Alguém sabe uma maneira de conseguir isso?


Isso funcionará no Chrome:

  • Primeiro destaque algum texto
  • Hit CTRL+ C- Isso copia o texto
  • Hit CTRL+ T- Isso cria uma nova aba e a torna o foco
  • Hit CTRL+ V- Isso cola o texto na Omnibox (o padrão do Chrome é o cursor lá)
  • Hit Enter- Isso pesquisará o texto na Omnibox

Quer automatizar isso? UsarAutoHotKeypara torná-lo uma macro automática usando CTRL+ Alt+ S Use este script::

  Send ^c
  Send ^t
  Send ^v
  Send {Enter}

Para sua informação, testei este script e ele funciona no Chrome.


Também tenho duas respostas para isso no AHK.

Isso é aplicável globalmente em qualquer lugar (não apenas no Chrome). Basta selecionar o texto e pressionar Windows+G

#g::  ;;Google selected text
   Send, ^c

Uma é esta do meuresponda aqui. Selecione Texto e pressione Windows+ Shift+ G. Isso é diferente porque apenas fornece um link na área de transferência.

; Search google for the highlighted word
; then get the first link address and put it on the Clipboard

^!r:: Reload

    bak = %clipboard%
    Send, ^c
    ;clipboard = %bak%`r`n%clipboard%
    Query = %clipboard%
    wb := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")
    ;wb := IEGet()
    wb.Visible := false
    wb.Navigate("" Query)
    While wb.readyState != 4 || wb.document.readyState != "complete" || wb.busy ; wait for the page to load
      sleep 100
    ; loop % (Nodes := wb.document.getElementById("rso").childNodes).length
    ;     Links_urls .= (A_index = 1) ? Nodes[A_index-1].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href : "`n" . Nodes[A_index-1].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href
    ; Msgbox %Links_urls%

    Nodes := wb.document.getElementById("rso").childNodes
    First_link := Nodes[0].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href
    Clipboard = %First_link%
    TrayTip, First Link on Google Search, %First_link% `r`n Ctrl+V to paste the link


Com base no que Parivar Saraff sugeriuaqui, aqui está um script AutoHotKey 3 em 1:

;Hotkey Modifier Symbols (for how to customize the hotkeys)

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

;                               Google-search selected text
;  Usage:ctrl+shift+G
   Send, ^c
   Sleep 150
   Run, ;(изм.себе на


;                               Google-dictionary selected text
;  Usage:ctrl+shift+D
   Send, ^c
   Sleep 150
   Run, ;(изм.себе на


;                           Wikipedia-search selected text by using google "site:" operator
;  Usage:ctrl+shift+W
   Send, ^c
   Sleep 150
   Run, %Clipboard% ;(изм.себе на


também destaque script de conversão de texto(uma combinação dessas variações de script na web):

;Hotkey Modifier Symbols (for how to customize the hotkeys)

    ;Hotkey Modifier Symbols (for how to customize the hotkeys)

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

cycleNumber := 1

#IfWinNotActive ahk_class XLMAIN

                                ;Highlighting any text, and then pressing that HotKey will cycle through the 4 most common text casings, converting the highlighted text right in-line.

                                    ;For example:

    ;If you highlight "This is a test sentence", and then hit that HotKey once, it'll make it all UPPERCASE ("THIS IS A TEST SENTENCE").
    ;Hit the HotKey again, it'll convert it to lowercase ("this is a test sentence").
    ;Hit it again and it'll convert it to Sentence case ("This is a test sentence"). (First letter is capitalized, rest is lower-case).
    ;Finally, hit it one more time and it'll convert it to Mixed case, or what I often call, "camel-case" ("This Is A Test Sentence"). (Each word is capitalized).

;  Usage:Ctrl+Shift+C

If (cycleNumber==1)
cycleNumber:= 2
Else If (cycleNumber==2)
cycleNumber:= 3
Else If (cycleNumber==3)
cycleNumber:= 4
cycleNumber:= 1

    clipSave := Clipboard
    Clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard so that ClipWait has something to detect
    SendInput, ^c ; Copies selected text
    StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `n, All ; Fix for SendInput sending Windows linebreaks 
    StringUpper, Clipboard, Clipboard
    Len:= Strlen(Clipboard) ;Set number of characters ;Set number of characters
    SendInput, ^v ; Pastes new text
    Send +{left %Len%} ;Re-select text
    VarSetCapacity(clipSave, 0) ; Free memory
    Clipboard := clipSave ;Restore previous clipboard

    clipSave := Clipboard
    Clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard so that ClipWait has something to detect
    SendInput, ^c ; Copies selected text
    StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `n, All ; Fix for SendInput sending Windows linebreaks
    StringLower, Clipboard, Clipboard
    Len:= Strlen(Clipboard) ;Set number of characters
    SendInput, ^v ; Pastes new text
    Send +{left %Len%} ;Re-select text
    VarSetCapacity(clipSave, 0) ; Free memory
    Clipboard := clipSave ;Restore previous clipboard

    clipSave := Clipboard
    Clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard so that ClipWait has something to detect
    SendInput, ^c ; Copies selected text
    StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `n, All ; Fix for SendInput sending Windows linebreaks
    StringLower, Clipboard, Clipboard
    Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "(((^|([.!?]+\s+))[a-z])| i | i')", "$u1")
    Len:= Strlen(Clipboard) ;Set number of characters
    SendInput, ^v ; Pastes new text
    Send +{left %Len%} ;Re-select text
    VarSetCapacity(clipSave, 0) ; Free memory
    Clipboard := clipSave ;Restore previous clipboard

    clipSave := Clipboard
    Clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard so that ClipWait has something to detect
    SendInput, ^c ; Copies selected text
    StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `n, All ; Fix for SendInput sending Windows linebreaks
    StringUpper Clipboard, Clipboard, T
    Len:= Strlen(Clipboard) ;Set number of characters
    SendInput, ^v ; Pastes new text
    Send +{left %Len%} ;Re-select text
    VarSetCapacity(clipSave, 0) ; Free memory
    Clipboard := clipSave ;Restore previous clipboard


                        ; Convert selected text to inverted case
                                    ;    Ex: THIS_is-a_tESt -> this_IS-A_TesT
; Usage:ctrl+Shift+I 
    ; save original contents of clipboard
    Clip_Save:= ClipboardAll

    ; empty clipboard
    Clipboard:= ""

    ; copy highlighted text to clipboard
    Send ^c{delete}

    ; clear variable that will hold output string
    Inv_Char_Out:= ""

    ; loop for each character in the clipboard
    Loop % Strlen(Clipboard)
        ; isolate the character
        Inv_Char:= Substr(Clipboard, A_Index, 1)

        ; if upper case
        if Inv_Char is upper
            ; convert to lower case
           Inv_Char_Out:= Inv_Char_Out Chr(Asc(Inv_Char) + 32)
        ; if lower case
        else if Inv_Char is lower
            ; convert to upper case
           Inv_Char_Out:= Inv_Char_Out Chr(Asc(Inv_Char) - 32)
            ; copy character to output var unchanged
           Inv_Char_Out:= Inv_Char_Out Inv_Char
    ; send desired text
    Send %Inv_Char_Out%
    Len:= Strlen(Inv_Char_Out)

    ; highlight desired text
    Send +{left %Len%}

    ; restore original clipboard
    Clipboard:= Clip_Save
                            ; Text–only paste from ClipBoard (while the clipboard formatted text itself is being untouched)
; Usage:ctrl+Shift+I 
   Clip0 = %ClipBoardAll%
   Clipboard = %Clipboard%  ; Convert clipboard text to plain text.
   StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard,%A_SPACE%",", All ; Remove space introduced by WORD
   StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `n, All ; Fix for Send sending Windows linebreaks
   Send ^v                       ; For best compatibility: SendPlay
   Sleep 50                      ; Don't change clipboard while it is pasted! (Sleep > 0)
   ClipBoard = %Clip0%           ; Restore original ClipBoard
   VarSetCapacity(Clip0, 0)      ; Free memory

                                    ; Wrap selected text in double quotes->" "
; Usage:Ctrl+Shift+Q
    clipSave := Clipboard
    Clipboard = ; Empty the clipboard so that ClipWait has something to detect
    SendInput, ^c ; Copies selected text
    StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `n, All ; Fix for SendInput sending Windows linebreaks
    Clipboard := Chr(34) . Clipboard . Chr(34)
    Len:= Strlen(Clipboard) ;Set number of characters
    SendInput, ^v ; Pastes new text
    Send +{left %Len%} ;Re-select text
    VarSetCapacity(clipSave, 0) ; Free memory
    Clipboard := clipSave ;Restore previous clipboard

   SplashTextOn,,,Updated script,
   Send, ^s


UsandoAutoHotKeycomo acima

  Send ^c
  Sleep 100
  Send ^t
  Send ^v
  Send {Enter}

PERCEBER: adicionei 'Sleep 100' para evitar pesquisas anteriores na área de transferência

informação relacionada