Windows 10: sfc e dism não podem reparar corrupção

Windows 10: sfc e dism não podem reparar corrupção

Existem vários posts nessa linha, mas as correções que responderam outras dúvidas não resolveram meu problema.

  • Windows 10 Pró
    • Atualizei do W7 Pro e fiz um "Reset", pois estava tendo alguns problemas com um protetor de tela e queria fazer uma instalação mais limpa sem reformatar
  • sfc /scannowencontrou corrupção encontrada, mas não foi possível reparar malgunbd.ttf[ CBS.logabaixo]
    • Em seguida, tentei vários DISMcomandos, primeiro especificando nenhuma fonte e depois um /Source:
      Dism /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:"D:\sources\install.wim"
        Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
        Version: 10.0.10240.16384
        Details for image : d:\sources\install.wim
          Index : 1
          Name : Windows 10 Pro
          Description : Windows 10 Pro
          Size : 13,736,528,128 bytes
        The operation completed successfully.
      Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:wim:"D:\sources\install.wim":1 /LimitAccess
         Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
         Version: 10.0.10240.16384
         Image Version: 10.0.10240.16384
           Error: 0x800f081f
             The source files could not be found.
             Use the "Source" option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature.
             For more information on specifying a source location, see
         The DISM log file can be found at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log
      • A fonte acima é uma ISO baixada recentemente da MS, e também tentei um .cabarquivo baixado por um dos postadores aqui, mas não parecia conter os arquivos de fonte relevantes.
    • Tentei substituir malgunbd.ttfpelo mesmo arquivo de fonte de outro computador W10 que sfc /scannowroda sem erros, o que não adiantou(me faz pensar se o banco de dados SFCusado para determinar se os arquivos do sistema são válidos está corrompido)
      • Entendo que com o W10, pode ser feito um reparo/reinstalação que apenas substituirá os arquivos do sistema, deixando os programas, configurações e dados previamente instalados intactos, mas parece um exagero se o problema for apenas um único arquivo de fonte.


  • cbs.log:
    2015-09-23 21:00:12, Info  CSI   000050ad [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"malgunbd.ttf" of Microsoft-Windows-Font-TrueType-MalgunGothicBold, Version = 10.0.10240.16384, pA = amd64, nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35} in the store, hash mismatch
    2015-09-23 21:00:12, Info  CSI   000050b0 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"malgunbd.ttf" of Microsoft-Windows-Font-TrueType-MalgunGothicBold, Version = 10.0.10240.16384, pA = amd64, nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35} in the store, hash mismatch
    2015-09-23 21:00:12, Info  CSI   000050b1 [SR] This component was referenced by [l:252{126}]"Microsoft-OneCore-Fonts-DesktopFonts-windows-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.10240.16384.aa769378d5daebe8af8c9f1c3efdd70e"
    2015-09-23 21:00:12, Info  CSI   000050b2 [SR] This component was referenced by [l:346{173}]"Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-Package-AutoMerged-windows~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.10240.16384.Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-Package-AutoMerged-windows-Deployment"
    2015-09-23 21:00:12, Info  CSI   000050b5 [SR] Could not reproject corrupted file [ml:42{21},l:40{20}]"\??\C:\WINDOWS\fonts"\[l:24{12}]"malgunbd.ttf"; source file in store is also corrupted
    2015-09-23 21:00:12, Info  CSI   000050b8 [SR] Repair complete
    2015-09-23 21:00:12, Info  CSI   000050b9 [SR] Committing transaction
    2015-09-23 21:00:12, Info  CSI   000050be [SR] Verify and Repair Transaction completed. All files and registry keys listed in this transaction  have been successfully repaired
  • dism.log: (nenhuma fonte especificada)
    13:00:07, Info      DISM   DISM.EXE: <----- Starting Dism.exe session ----->
    13:00:07, Info      DISM   DISM.EXE:
    13:00:07, Info      DISM   DISM.EXE: Host machine information: OS Version=10.0.10240, Running architecture=amd64, Number of processors=8
    13:00:07, Info      DISM   DISM.EXE: Dism.exe version: 10.0.10240.16384
    13:00:07, Info      DISM   DISM.EXE: Executing command line: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Dism.exe" /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
    13:00:08, Warning   DISM   DISM OS Provider: PID=1912 TID=9724 Unable to set the DLL search path to the servicing stack folder. C:\Windows may not point to a valid Windows folder. - CDISMOSServiceManager::Final_OnConnect
    13:00:08, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Provider has not previously been encountered.  Attempting to initialize the provider. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:00:08, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Loading Provider from location C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Temp\D205D094-AE23-4DDE-9CF0-828A4790B1F2\PEProvider.dll - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:00:08, Warning   DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Failed to Load the provider: C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Temp\D205D094-AE23-4DDE-9CF0-828A4790B1F2\PEProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider(hr:0x8007007e)
    13:00:08, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Failed to get and initialize the PE Provider.  Continuing by assuming that it is not a WinPE image. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect
    13:00:08, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Finished initializing the Provider Map. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect
    13:00:08, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Getting Provider DISMLogger - CDISMProviderStore::GetProvider
    13:00:08, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Provider has previously been initialized.  Returning the existing instance. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:00:08, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Getting Provider OSServices - CDISMProviderStore::GetProvider
    13:00:08, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Provider has previously been initialized.  Returning the existing instance. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:00:09, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Provider has not previously been encountered.  Attempting to initialize the provider. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:00:09, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Loading Provider from location C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Temp\D205D094-AE23-4DDE-9CF0-828A4790B1F2\Wow64provider.dll - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:00:09, Warning   DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Failed to get the IDismObject Interface - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider(hr:0x80004002)
    13:00:09, Warning   DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Failed to Load the provider: C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Temp\D205D094-AE23-4DDE-9CF0-828A4790B1F2\Wow64provider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider(hr:0x80004002)
    13:00:09, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Provider has not previously been encountered.  Attempting to initialize the provider. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:00:09, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Loading Provider from location C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Temp\D205D094-AE23-4DDE-9CF0-828A4790B1F2\SmiProvider.dll - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:00:09, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Temp\D205D094-AE23-4DDE-9CF0-828A4790B1F2\SmiProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
    13:00:09, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
    13:00:09, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Provider has not previously been encountered.  Attempting to initialize the provider. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:00:09, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Loading Provider from location C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Temp\D205D094-AE23-4DDE-9CF0-828A4790B1F2\EmbeddedProvider.dll - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:00:09, Warning   DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=1912 TID=9724 Failed to Load the provider: C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Temp\D205D094-AE23-4DDE-9CF0-828A4790B1F2\EmbeddedProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider(hr:0x8007007e)
    13:00:09, Info      DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=1912 TID=9724 CBS session options=0x48100! - CDISMPackageManager::Internal_Finalize
    13:03:08, Info      DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=1912 TID=1900  Error in operation: source for package or file not found, ResolveSource() unsuccessful. (CBS HRESULT=0x800f081f) - CCbsConUIHandler::Error
    13:03:08, Error     DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=1912 TID=9724 Failed finalizing changes. - CDISMPackageManager::Internal_Finalize(hr:0x800f081f)
    13:03:08, Error     DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=1912 TID=9724 The source files could not be found; their location must be specified using the /source option to restore the feature. - GetCbsErrorMsg
    13:03:08, Error     DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=1912 TID=9724 Failed processing package changes with session option CbsSessionOptionRepairStoreCorruption - CDISMPackageManager::RestoreHealth(hr:0x800f081f)
    13:03:08, Error     DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=1912 TID=9724 The source files could not be found; their location must be specified using the /source option to restore the feature. - GetCbsErrorMsg
    13:03:08, Error     DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=1912 TID=9724 Failed to restore the image health. - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ProcessCmdLine_CleanupImage(hr:0x800f081f)
    13:03:08, Error     DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=1912 TID=9724 Failed while processing command cleanup-image. - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ExecuteCmdLine(hr:0x800f081f)
    13:03:08, Info      DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=1912 TID=9724 Further logs for online package and feature related operations can be found at %WINDIR%\logs\CBS\cbs.log - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ExecuteCmdLine
    13:03:08, Info      DISM   DISM.EXE: Image session has been closed. Reboot required=no.
    13:03:08, Info      DISM   DISM.EXE:
    13:03:08, Info      DISM   DISM.EXE: <----- Ending Dism.exe session ----->
  • dism.log: (fonte: install.wim)
    13:06:20, Info      DISM   DISM.EXE: <----- Starting Dism.exe session ----->
    13:06:20, Info      DISM   DISM.EXE:
    13:06:20, Info      DISM   DISM.EXE: Host machine information: OS Version=10.0.10240, Running architecture=amd64, Number of processors=8
    13:06:20, Info      DISM   DISM.EXE: Dism.exe version: 10.0.10240.16384
    13:06:20, Info      DISM   DISM.EXE: Executing command line: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Dism.exe" /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:C:\users\ron\downloads\
    13:06:21, Warning   DISM   DISM OS Provider: PID=12608 TID=11328 Unable to set the DLL search path to the servicing stack folder. C:\Windows may not point to a valid Windows folder. - CDISMOSServiceManager::Final_OnConnect
    13:06:21, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Attempting to initialize the logger from the Image Session. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect
    13:06:21, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Provider has not previously been encountered.  Attempting to initialize the provider. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:06:21, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Loading Provider from location C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Temp\BD1F1F9B-95B3-41C0-9336-5F3CD9D0A587\LogProvider.dll - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:06:21, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Temp\BD1F1F9B-95B3-41C0-9336-5F3CD9D0A587\LogProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
    13:06:21, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Found and Initialized the DISM Logger. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_InitializeLogger
    13:06:21, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Provider has not previously been encountered.  Attempting to initialize the provider. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:06:21, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Loading Provider from location C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Temp\BD1F1F9B-95B3-41C0-9336-5F3CD9D0A587\PEProvider.dll - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:06:21, Warning   DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Failed to Load the provider: C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Temp\BD1F1F9B-95B3-41C0-9336-5F3CD9D0A587\PEProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider(hr:0x8007007e)
    13:06:21, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Failed to get and initialize the PE Provider.  Continuing by assuming that it is not a WinPE image. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect
    13:06:21, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Finished initializing the Provider Map. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect
    13:06:21, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Provider has not previously been encountered.  Attempting to initialize the provider. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:06:21, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Loading Provider from location C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Temp\BD1F1F9B-95B3-41C0-9336-5F3CD9D0A587\UnattendProvider.dll - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:06:21, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Temp\BD1F1F9B-95B3-41C0-9336-5F3CD9D0A587\UnattendProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
    13:06:21, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
    13:06:21, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Provider has not previously been encountered.  Attempting to initialize the provider. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:06:21, Info      DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Loading Provider from location C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Temp\BD1F1F9B-95B3-41C0-9336-5F3CD9D0A587\Wow64provider.dll - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider
    13:06:21, Warning   DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Failed to get the IDismObject Interface - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider(hr:0x80004002)
    13:06:21, Warning   DISM   DISM Provider Store: PID=12608 TID=11328 Failed to Load the provider: C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Temp\BD1F1F9B-95B3-41C0-9336-5F3CD9D0A587\Wow64provider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider(hr:0x80004002)
    13:06:22, Info      DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=12608 TID=11328 Processing the top level command token(cleanup-image). - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::Private_ValidateCmdLine
    13:06:22, Info      DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=12608 TID=11328 Attempting to route to appropriate command handler. - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ExecuteCmdLine
    13:06:22, Info      DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=12608 TID=11328 Routing the command... - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ExecuteCmdLine
    13:06:22, Warning   DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=12608 TID=11328 CBS AddSource failed with HRESULT=0x8007007b! - CDISMPackageManager::Internal_Finalize
    13:06:22, Info      DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=12608 TID=11328 CBS session options=0x48100! - CDISMPackageManager::Internal_Finalize
    13:08:52, Info      DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=12608 TID=11404  Error in operation: source for package or file not found, ResolveSource() unsuccessful. (CBS HRESULT=0x800f081f) - CCbsConUIHandler::Error
    13:08:52, Error     DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=12608 TID=11328 Failed finalizing changes. - CDISMPackageManager::Internal_Finalize(hr:0x800f081f)
    13:08:52, Error     DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=12608 TID=11328 The source files could not be found; their location must be specified using the /source option to restore the feature. - GetCbsErrorMsg
    13:08:52, Error     DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=12608 TID=11328 Failed processing package changes with session option CbsSessionOptionRepairStoreCorruption - CDISMPackageManager::RestoreHealth(hr:0x800f081f)
    13:08:52, Error     DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=12608 TID=11328 The source files could not be found; their location must be specified using the /source option to restore the feature. - GetCbsErrorMsg
    13:08:52, Error     DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=12608 TID=11328 Failed to restore the image health. - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ProcessCmdLine_CleanupImage(hr:0x800f081f)
    13:08:52, Error     DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=12608 TID=11328 Failed while processing command cleanup-image. - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ExecuteCmdLine(hr:0x800f081f)
    13:08:52, Info      DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=12608 TID=11328 Further logs for online package and feature related operations can be found at %WINDIR%\logs\CBS\cbs.log - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ExecuteCmdLine
    13:08:52, Info      DISM   DISM Manager: PID=11312 TID=9104 Closing session event handle 0x190 - CDISMManager::CloseImageSession
    13:08:52, Info      DISM   DISM.EXE: Image session has been closed. Reboot required=no.
    13:08:52, Info      DISM   DISM.EXE:
    13:08:52, Info      DISM   DISM.EXE: <----- Ending Dism.exe session ----->


Finalmente consegui reparar minha instalação do Windows de forma que SFCretornou um resultado normal.

Usando uma imagem USB do W10 recém-baixada, fiz uma atualização local conforme sugerido nos magicandre1981comentários de.

Depois disso, havia um arquivo diferente que estava corrompido e não pôde ser reparado.

Novamente, DISMinicialmente não consertei isso. No entanto, consegui determinar que o arquivo em questão estava localizado nas pastas C:\windows\winsxse também nas C:\windows\system32pastas.

Como a instalação anterior não sinalizou esse arquivo como corrompido, imaginei que poderia usar a cópia desse arquivo das instalações anteriores como um arquivo bom.

Antes de executar o DISM novamente, executei o seguinte em um prompt de comando elevado e reiniciei a máquina, conforme instruções em um artigo thewindowsclub.comque não está acessível no momento. Não tenho certeza se a reinicialização é necessária, pois isso não é mencionado em outro artigo.

net stop wuauserv
cd %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution
ren Download Download.old
net start wuauserv
net stop bits
net start bits
net stop cryptsvc
cd %systemroot%\system32
ren catroot2 catroot2old
net start cryptsvc

Executando o DISM e usando c:\windows.old\windows\winsxs como fonte, consegui reparar a loja. E então a execução do SFC resultou no reparo do arquivo original.

Por que isso está acontecendo, não tenho ideia. Em uma máquina diferente (e com conexão de Internet/ISP diferente), a instalação atualizada (do W7) do W10 também mostrou um arquivo corrompido ao executar o SFC. Nessa máquina, o DISM conseguiu repará-lo usando o Windows Update padrão como fonte.


No DISM.log vejo este erro:

AddSource failed with HRESULT=0x8007007b! 
Error in operation: source for package or file not found, ResolveSource() unsuccessful.

Erro 0x8007007bsignifica ERROR_INVALID_NAME:

C:\>err 0x8007007b
# for hex 0x8007007b / decimal -2147024773
  STIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME                                     stierr.h
# as an HRESULT: Severity: FAILURE (1), FACILITY_WIN32 (0x7), Code 0x7b
# for hex 0x7b / decimal 123
  ERROR_INVALID_NAME                                             winerror.h
# The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is
# incorrect.
# 2 matches found for "0x8007007b"

Certifique-se de que a unidade D: seja realmente sua unidade ISO montada em DVD.

Extraí os 2 pacotes em arquivos .cab e os carreguei em meu OneDrive.

Baixe e extraia ambos em C:\Fonte:

E agora execute este comando:

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth /source:C:\Source

Isto funciona?

informação relacionada