
No momento, estou usando essas duas consultas WMI para obter informações sobre unidades em uma máquina:
get-wmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Namespace root\CIMV2
-Computername $name
get-wmiObject -Class Win32_DiskDrive -Namespace root\CIMV2
-Computername $name
O primeiro me fornece DeviceIDs que se referem às letras das unidades e, em seguida, algumas informações sobre essas unidades (incluindo números de série do volume, etc.)
O segundo me fornece DeviceIDs que mapeiam \\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE#
e informações como o número de série (parece ser diferente), partições, índices, portas/ids scsi e assim por diante.
Também vi coisas como Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition
which fornecerão coisas como Disk # e Partition # e Disk Index.
Minha pergunta é: existem maneiras/valores comuns que podem ser consultados onde ele verifica se o DeviceID de Win32_DiskDrive
está mapeado como um volume em qualquer lugar e qual é esse volume (ou esses volumes)?
Eu sei que deve haver uma maneira, existem tantos objetos Win32 que não tenho certeza de qual valor rastrear entre eles. Qualquer ajuda seria tremendamente útil! Idealmente, eu gostaria de poder definir uma função que chame o nome de um computador e liste todos os dispositivos de disco, todos os volumes e indique quais letras de volume estão em qual unidade.
Powershell/WMI para mapear IDs de dispositivos de unidade montados para letra de volume
Minha pergunta é: existem formas/valores comuns que podem ser consultados onde ele verifica se o DeviceID do Win32_DiskDrive está mapeado como um volume em qualquer lugar e qual é esse volume (ou esses volumes)?
Parece queClasse Win32_Volumeé o que você precisa usar. Fornece AMBOS os valores do DeviceID e da letra da unidade
Exemplo de sintaxe do PowerShell 1
get-wmiObject -Class Win32_Volume -Namespace root\CIMV2 | Format-List -Property Name, DriveLetter, __Path, DeviceID
Exemplo de sintaxe do PowerShell 2
get-wmiObject -Class Win32_Volume -Namespace root\CIMV2
Minha pergunta é: existem formas/valores comuns que podem ser consultados onde ele verifica se o DeviceID do Win32_DiskDrive está mapeado como um volume em qualquer lugar e qual é esse volume (ou esses volumes)?
Eu sei que deve haver uma maneira, existem tantos objetos Win32 que não tenho certeza de qual valor rastrear entre eles. Qualquer ajuda seria tremendamente útil! Idealmente, eu gostaria de poder definir uma função que chame o nome de um computador e liste todos os dispositivos de disco, todos os volumes e indique quais letras de volume estão em qual unidade.
Galeria Technet - Powershell
(Forneça o script do PowerShell abaixo criado como uma função. Você pode executá-lo localmente ou em uma máquina remota. Consulte o hiperlink para obter detalhes completos na fonte.)
Depois de construir a função, basta executar algumas maneiras diferentes:
pressione Enter para obter detalhes do disco local e do volumeGet-RemoteDiskInformation -ComputerName <ComputerName>
para obter detalhes de disco e volume de um sistema remoto
Lógica de função do PowerShell
Function Get-RemoteDiskInformation
Get inventory data for specified computer systems.
Gather inventory data for one or more systems using wmi. Data proccessing utilizes multiple runspaces
and supports custom timeout parameters in case of wmi problems. You can optionally include
drive, memory, and network information in the results. You can view verbose information on each
runspace thread in realtime with the -Verbose option.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
Specifies the target computer for data query.
.PARAMETER ThrottleLimit
Specifies the maximum number of systems to inventory simultaneously
Specifies the maximum time in second command can run in background before terminating this thread.
.PARAMETER ShowProgress
Show progress bar information
.PARAMETER PromptForCredential
Prompt for remote system credential prior to processing request.
.PARAMETER Credential
Accept alternate credential (ignored if the localhost is processed)
PS > Get-RemoteDiskInformation -ComputerName test1
Query and display disk related information about test1
PS > $cred = Get-Credential
PS > Get-RemoteDiskInformation -ComputerName Test1 -Credential $cred
Zachary Loeber
Version Info:
1.1 - 01/04/2014
- Added missing computername property to diskelements variable
1.0 - 12/13/2013
- Initial release (kind of, this bit of code is modified from a prior function I rolled into an all inclusive system information gathering
[Parameter( HelpMessage="Refrain from applying drive space GB/MB/KB pretty formatting.")]
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Maximum number of concurrent runspaces.")]
$ThrottleLimit = 32,
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Timeout before a runspaces stops trying to gather the information.")]
$Timeout = 120,
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Display progress of function.")]
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Set this if you want the function to prompt for alternate credentials.")]
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Set this if you want to provide your own alternate credentials.")]
$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty
# Gather possible local host names and IPs to prevent credential utilization in some cases
Write-Verbose -Message 'Get-RemoteDiskInformation: Creating local hostname list'
$IPAddresses = [net.dns]::GetHostAddresses($env:COMPUTERNAME) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IpAddressToString
$HostNames = $IPAddresses | ForEach-Object {
try {
} catch {
# We do not care about errors here...
} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty HostName -Unique
$LocalHost = @('', '.', 'localhost', $env:COMPUTERNAME, '::1', '') + $IPAddresses + $HostNames
Write-Verbose -Message 'Get-RemoteDiskInformation: Creating initial variables'
$runspacetimers = [HashTable]::Synchronized(@{})
$runspaces = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
$bgRunspaceCounter = 0
if ($PromptForCredential)
$Credential = Get-Credential
Write-Verbose -Message 'Get-RemoteDiskInformation: Creating Initial Session State'
$iss = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault()
foreach ($ExternalVariable in ('runspacetimers', 'Credential', 'LocalHost'))
Write-Verbose -Message "Get-RemoteDiskInformation: Adding variable $ExternalVariable to initial session state"
$iss.Variables.Add((New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry -ArgumentList $ExternalVariable, (Get-Variable -Name $ExternalVariable -ValueOnly), ''))
Write-Verbose -Message 'Get-RemoteDiskInformation: Creating runspace pool'
$rp = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $ThrottleLimit, $iss, $Host)
$rp.ApartmentState = 'STA'
# This is the actual code called for each computer
Write-Verbose -Message 'Get-RemoteDiskInformation: Defining background runspaces scriptblock'
$ScriptBlock =
$runspacetimers.$bgRunspaceID = Get-Date
Write-Verbose -Message ('Get-RemoteDiskInformation: Runspace {0}: Start' -f $ComputerName)
$WMIHast = @{
ComputerName = $ComputerName
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
if (($LocalHost -notcontains $ComputerName) -and ($Credential -ne $null))
$WMIHast.Credential = $Credential
Filter ConvertTo-KMG
Converts byte counts to Byte\KB\MB\GB\TB\PB format
Accepts an [int64] byte count, and converts to Byte\KB\MB\GB\TB\PB format
with decimal precision of 2
3000 | convertto-kmg
$bytecount = $_
switch ([math]::truncate([math]::log($bytecount,1024)))
0 {"$bytecount Bytes"}
1 {"{0:n2} KB" -f ($bytecount / 1kb)}
2 {"{0:n2} MB" -f ($bytecount / 1mb)}
3 {"{0:n2} GB" -f ($bytecount / 1gb)}
4 {"{0:n2} TB" -f ($bytecount / 1tb)}
Default {"{0:n2} PB" -f ($bytecount / 1pb)}
Write-Verbose -Message ('Get-RemoteDiskInformation: Runspace {0}: Disk information' -f $ComputerName)
$WMI_DiskMountProps = @('Name','Label','Caption','Capacity','FreeSpace','Compressed','PageFilePresent','SerialNumber')
# WMI data
$wmi_diskdrives = Get-WmiObject @WMIHast -Class Win32_DiskDrive
$wmi_mountpoints = Get-WmiObject @WMIHast -Class Win32_Volume -Filter "DriveType=3 AND DriveLetter IS NULL" |
Select $WMI_DiskMountProps
$AllDisks = @()
$DiskElements = @('ComputerName','Disk','Model','Partition','Description','PrimaryPartition','VolumeName','Drive','DiskSize','FreeSpace','UsedSpace','PercentFree','PercentUsed','DiskType','SerialNumber')
foreach ($diskdrive in $wmi_diskdrives)
$partitionquery = "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID=`"$($diskdrive.DeviceID.replace('\','\\'))`"} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition"
$partitions = @(Get-WmiObject @WMIHast -Query $partitionquery)
foreach ($partition in $partitions)
$logicaldiskquery = "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID=`"$($partition.DeviceID)`"} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition"
$logicaldisks = @(Get-WmiObject @WMIHast -Query $logicaldiskquery)
foreach ($logicaldisk in $logicaldisks)
$PercentFree = [math]::round((($logicaldisk.FreeSpace/$logicaldisk.Size)*100), 2)
$UsedSpace = ($logicaldisk.Size - $logicaldisk.FreeSpace)
$diskprops = @{
ComputerName = $ComputerName
Disk = $diskdrive.Name
Model = $diskdrive.Model
Partition = $partition.Name
Description = $partition.Description
PrimaryPartition = $partition.PrimaryPartition
VolumeName = $logicaldisk.VolumeName
Drive = $logicaldisk.Name
DiskSize = if ($RawDriveData) { $logicaldisk.Size } else { $logicaldisk.Size | ConvertTo-KMG }
FreeSpace = if ($RawDriveData) { $logicaldisk.FreeSpace } else { $logicaldisk.FreeSpace | ConvertTo-KMG }
UsedSpace = if ($RawDriveData) { $UsedSpace } else { $UsedSpace | ConvertTo-KMG }
PercentFree = $PercentFree
PercentUsed = [math]::round((100 - $PercentFree),2)
DiskType = 'Partition'
SerialNumber = $diskdrive.SerialNumber
Write-Output (New-Object psobject -Property $diskprops | Select $DiskElements)
# Mountpoints are weird so we do them seperate.
if ($wmi_mountpoints)
foreach ($mountpoint in $wmi_mountpoints)
$PercentFree = [math]::round((($mountpoint.FreeSpace/$mountpoint.Capacity)*100), 2)
$UsedSpace = ($mountpoint.Capacity - $mountpoint.FreeSpace)
$diskprops = @{
ComputerName = $ComputerName
Disk = $mountpoint.Name
Model = ''
Partition = ''
Description = $mountpoint.Caption
PrimaryPartition = ''
VolumeName = ''
VolumeSerialNumber = ''
Drive = [Regex]::Match($mountpoint.Caption, "(^.:)").Value
DiskSize = if ($RawDriveData) { $mountpoint.Capacity } else { $mountpoint.Capacity | ConvertTo-KMG }
FreeSpace = if ($RawDriveData) { $mountpoint.FreeSpace } else { $mountpoint.FreeSpace | ConvertTo-KMG }
UsedSpace = if ($RawDriveData) { $UsedSpace } else { $UsedSpace | ConvertTo-KMG }
PercentFree = $PercentFree
PercentUsed = [math]::round((100 - $PercentFree),2)
DiskType = 'MountPoint'
SerialNumber = $mountpoint.SerialNumber
Write-Output (New-Object psobject -Property $diskprops | Select $DiskElements)
Write-Warning -Message ('Get-RemoteDiskInformation: {0}: {1}' -f $ComputerName, $_.Exception.Message)
Write-Verbose -Message ('Get-RemoteDiskInformation: Runspace {0}: End' -f $ComputerName)
function Get-Result
$More = $false
foreach ($runspace in $runspaces)
$StartTime = $runspacetimers[$runspace.ID]
if ($runspace.Handle.isCompleted)
Write-Verbose -Message ('Get-RemoteDiskInformation: Thread done for {0}' -f $runspace.IObject)
$runspace.PowerShell = $null
$runspace.Handle = $null
elseif ($runspace.Handle -ne $null)
$More = $true
if ($Timeout -and $StartTime)
if ((New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime).TotalSeconds -ge $Timeout -and $runspace.PowerShell)
Write-Warning -Message ('Timeout {0}' -f $runspace.IObject)
$runspace.PowerShell = $null
$runspace.Handle = $null
if ($More -and $PSBoundParameters['Wait'])
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
foreach ($threat in $runspaces.Clone())
if ( -not $threat.handle)
Write-Verbose -Message ('Get-RemoteDiskInformation: Removing {0} from runspaces' -f $threat.IObject)
if ($ShowProgress)
$ProgressSplatting = @{
Activity = 'Get-RemoteDiskInformation: Getting asset info'
Status = '{0} of {1} total threads done' -f ($bgRunspaceCounter - $runspaces.Count), $bgRunspaceCounter
PercentComplete = ($bgRunspaceCounter - $runspaces.Count) / $bgRunspaceCounter * 100
Write-Progress @ProgressSplatting
while ($More -and $PSBoundParameters['Wait'])
foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName)
$psCMD = [System.Management.Automation.PowerShell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock)
$null = $psCMD.AddParameter('bgRunspaceID',$bgRunspaceCounter)
$null = $psCMD.AddParameter('ComputerName',$Computer)
$null = $psCMD.AddParameter('RawDriveData',$RawDriveData)
$null = $psCMD.AddParameter('Verbose',$VerbosePreference) # Passthrough the hidden verbose option so write-verbose works within the runspaces
$psCMD.RunspacePool = $rp
Write-Verbose -Message ('Get-RemoteDiskInformation: Starting {0}' -f $Computer)
Handle = $psCMD.BeginInvoke()
PowerShell = $psCMD
IObject = $Computer
ID = $bgRunspaceCounter
Get-Result -Wait
if ($ShowProgress)
Write-Progress -Activity 'Get-RemoteDiskInformation: Getting asset info' -Status 'Done' -Completed
Write-Verbose -Message "Get-RemoteDiskInformation: Closing runspace pool"
Você provavelmente poderia expandir essa função com alguns testes e leitura para obter mais detalhes de outras classes e valores WMI para conectar; abaixo estão alguns que encontrei para fornecer bons detalhes relacionados à sua consulta para um ponto de partida com essa tarefa.
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Volume | Select-Object -Property *
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_DiskDrive | Select-Object -Property *
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DiskPartition | Select-Object -Property *
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk | Select-Object -Property *
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition | Select-Object -Property *