![Arquivo de texto para arquivo delimitado por vírgula](https://rvso.com/image/1542123/Arquivo%20de%20texto%20para%20arquivo%20delimitado%20por%20v%C3%ADrgula.png)
Eu tenho um arquivo de texto que precisa ser convertido em um arquivo delimitado por vírgulas. Importei meu arquivo de texto para o Excel e depois escolhi a largura fixa e de acordo com isso separei minhas colunas, mas parece não ter sucesso na abordagem que fiz. Em vez disso, recebo os resultados divididos em colunas. Existe uma maneira de abordar isso para que minha amostra se pareça com meu resultado?
O que obtive, como resultado, foi999999 20170826 10:0000 94862546 10420011 43867426 but all I did was set the width in excel. How can my sample look like my given result?
Sample: (This is my file currently)
Result :
Sample CSV record of the fixed length record from above
*C.ID Student ID, usually 7 digits (same as value from position 20-26)
*E.STAFF Teacher staff ID, default to 999999 (same as value from position 1-6)
*E.DATE Service Date, mm/dd/yyyy format (same as value from position 7-14 but different format)
*E.TIME Time of service, hh:mm format (same as value from position 15-19; ie – 09:45, 14:15)
*E.SAC Service code, 4 digits (same as value from position 42-45)
*E.DESC Description of service, IH or WD depending on type of file
*E.class classroom #, 4 digits (same as value from position 27-30)
*E.DUR Event duration, hh:mm format (same as value from position 31-34 but in hour and minutes format; ie – 04:20)
*E.PREP Preparation duration, hh:mm format, default to 0
*E.CL.DUR Student duration, hh:mm format, same value as event duration
*E.ATT Attendance code, use 1 for present or 6 for absent (default to 1)
*E.RECIP Recipient code, use 1 for with client or 9 for no recipient (default to 1)
*E.LOC Location code, use 1 for at center or 9 at other location (default to 1)
*E.PROJ Project code, use 1 always (default to 1)
*E.NO.REC Number of Recipients, use 1 or 0 (default to 1)
*E.FILLER Filler, use 0 always (default to 0)