Obtendo erro 403 ao acessar o bucket do Google Cloud Storage via S3 genérico

Obtendo erro 403 ao acessar o bucket do Google Cloud Storage via S3 genérico

Estou tentando salvar backups de nossa rede de sites em um Google Cloud Storare Nearline Bucket por meio do plug-in Updraft plus Wordpress. O plug-in afirma ter se conectado com sucesso ao meu bucket.

"Conectado com sucesso. Conseguimos usar o bucket e criar arquivos nele. A conexão foi criptografada."

No entanto, quando tento fazer upload do backup, recebo um erro 403 proibido. Há algo que preciso fazer no Google Admin Console, alguns direitos que preciso conceder? Não consigo encontrar nada útil :/

Este é o erro:

0039.941 (0) Saving backup history. Total backup size: 366.7 MB
0039.955 (0) Requesting upload of the files that have not yet been successfully uploaded (5)
0039.960 (0) Cloud backup selection (1/1): s3generic with instance (1/1) (last)
0039.961 (0) Beginning dispatch of backup to remote (s3generic) (instance identifier s-f1ecbdca7de6aada6eb49815ca9374ca)
0040.371 (0) S3-Compatible (Generic): Set endpoint: storage.googleapis.com
0040.373 (0) S3-Compatible (Generic): upload (n/a): backup_2019-04-01-1218_Pando_Media_b5f0f2c0e14e-plugins.zip (chunks: 4) -> s3generic://pando-media-backups/backup_2019-04-01-1218_Pando_Media_b5f0f2c0e14e-plugins.zip
0040.437 (0) S3-Compatible (Generic): exception (UpdraftPlus_S3Exception) whilst trying initiateMultipartUpload: **UpdraftPlus_S3::initiateMultipartUpload(): [403] Unexpected HTTP status (line: 586, file: /var/www/ud07_1/html/pando/wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/includes/S3.php)**
0040.439 (0) S3-Compatible (Generic): upload: failed: could not get uploadId for multipart upload (backup_2019-04-01-1218_Pando_Media_b5f0f2c0e14e-plugins.zip)
0040.440 (0) An error condition has occurred for the first time during this job



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