Regex: Excluir palavras da seção --- comentários ---

Regex: Excluir palavras da seção --- comentários ---

Tenho em um blog muitos links começando com Quero excluir esses links (mas antes de /story1.html, /story2.html, etc., da seção de comentários específica

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<!-- FLAGS1 -->

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<!-- FLAGS1 -->


  • Ctrl+H
  • Encontre o que:(?:\A[\s\S]*<!-- FLAGS1 -->|\G)(?:(?!<!-- FLAGS1 -->)[\s\S])+?\Khttps://mywebsite\.com/(?=[\s\S]*<!-- FLAGS1 -->)
  • Substituir com:LEAVE EMPTY
  • confira Envolver
  • verifique expressão regular
  • Replace all


(?:                         # non capture group
  \A                        # beginning of file
  [\s\S]*                   # 0 or more any character
  <!-- FLAGS1 -->           # literally
 |                          # OR
  \G                        # restart from last match position
)                           # end group
(?:                         # non capture group (Tempered Greedy Token)
  (?!<!-- FLAGS1 -->)       # negative lookahead, make sure we haven't <!-- FLAGS1 -->
  [\s\S]                    # any character
)+?                         # end group, appears 1 or more times, not greedy
\K                          # forget all we have seen until this position
https://mywebsite\.com/     # text to be removed
(?=[\s\S]*<!-- FLAGS1 -->)  # positive lookahead, make sure we have <!-- FLAGS1 -->  after


<a href=""><img src="index_files/flag_lang_ru.jpg" width="28" height="19" title="ru" alt="ru" /></a>

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<a href=""><img src="index_files/flag_lang_ru.jpg" width="28" height="19" title="ru" alt="ru" /></a>

Resultado para determinado exemplo:

<a href=""><img src="index_files/flag_lang_ru.jpg" width="28" height="19" title="ru" alt="ru" /></a>

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<!-- FLAGS1 -->

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Captura de tela (depois):

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