sobreposição de bordas do autômato tikz

sobreposição de bordas do autômato tikz

Eu tenho dois estados posicionados horizontalmente e preciso conectá-los, ou seja, A -> B e A <- B, como posso posicionar as arestas de forma que elas não se sobreponham e meu diagrama não se torne um A <-> B mas em vez disso é visível que é possível navegar um do outro e colocar a mensagem de entrada acima e abaixo.

 (APPEND_COL) edge[???] node[anchor=east,above,xshift=+3.0em]{delete column} (DELETE_COL)
 (DELETE_COL) edge[???] node[anchor=east,above,xshift=+3.0em]{append column} (APPEND_COL)

Eu tentei configurar ??? para cima, para baixo, dobre para a esquerda = 20, dobre para a direita = 20, mas nada disso produz o comportamento pretendido ...

ATUALIZAÇÃO: ok aqui o código completo, e outra coisa, como posso fazer com que os loops esquerdo e direito não sejam tão grandes?


 % State: FULL_QR
 \node[initial above,state,anchor=north] (FULL_QR)
  Recompute QR \\

 % State: Append column update
 \node[state,           % layout (defined above)
  below left of=FULL_QR,% Position is to the right of FULL_QR
  node distance=5.0cm,  % distance to FULL_QR
  anchor=south] (APPEND_COL) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
 \begin{tabular}{l}     % content
  Append column \\
  \ \ QR update

 % State: Delete column update
 \node[state,            % layout (defined above)
  below right of=FULL_QR,% Position is to the right of FULL_QR
  node distance=5.0cm,   % distance to FULL_QR
  anchor=south] (DELETE_COL) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
 \begin{tabular}{l}      % content
  Delete column \\
  \ \ QR update

 % State: Append column update
 \node[state,                % layout (defined above)
  below right of=APPEND_COL, % Position is to the bottom of APPEND_COL
  node distance=5.0cm,       % distance to APPEND_COL
  anchor=south] (APPEND_ROW) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
 \begin{tabular}{l}          % content
  Append row \\
  \ \ QR update

 % draw the paths and and print some Text below/above the graph
 \path (FULL_QR) edge[bend right=20] node[anchor=west,above,xshift=-3.0em]{append column} (APPEND_COL)
       (FULL_QR) edge[bend left=20] node[anchor=east,above,xshift=+3.0em]{delete
 column} (DELETE_COL)
       (APPEND_COL) edge[bend right=20]
 node[anchor=west,below,xshift=-3.0em]{append row} (APPEND_ROW)
       (DELETE_COL) edge[bend left=20]
 node[anchor=east,below,xshift=+3.0em]{append row} (APPEND_ROW)
       (APPEND_COL) edge[above]
       node[anchor=west,above,xshift=+0.0em]{delete column} (DELETE_COL)
       (DELETE_COL) edge[below]
       node[anchor=east,below,xshift=+0.0em]{append column} (APPEND_COL)
       (APPEND_COL) edge[loop left] node[anchor=west,above,yshift=+1.5em,xshift=+2.0em]{append column}
       (APPEND_COL) (DELETE_COL) edge[loop right] node[anchor=east,above,yshift=+1.5em,xshift=-2.0em]{delete column}


insira a descrição da imagem aqui


Como as linhas de conexão têm direções opostas, você terá que usar bend left=<value>para ambas as linhas, não bend leftpara uma e bend rightpara outra:



 % State: FULL_QR
 \node[initial above,state,anchor=north] (FULL_QR)
  Recompute QR \\

 % State: Append column update
 \node[state,           % layout (defined above)
  below left of=FULL_QR,% Position is to the right of FULL_QR
  node distance=5.0cm,  % distance to FULL_QR
  anchor=south] (APPEND_COL) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
 \begin{tabular}{l}     % content
  Append column \\
  \ \ QR update

 % State: Delete column update
 \node[state,            % layout (defined above)
  below right of=FULL_QR,% Position is to the right of FULL_QR
  node distance=5.0cm,   % distance to FULL_QR
  anchor=south] (DELETE_COL) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
 \begin{tabular}{l}      % content
  Delete column \\
  \ \ QR update

 % State: Append column update
 \node[state,                % layout (defined above)
  below right of=APPEND_COL, % Position is to the bottom of APPEND_COL
  node distance=5.0cm,       % distance to APPEND_COL
  anchor=south] (APPEND_ROW) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
 \begin{tabular}{l}          % content
  Append row \\
  \ \ QR update

 % draw the paths and and print some Text below/above the graph
 \path (FULL_QR) edge[bend right=20] node[anchor=west,above,xshift=-3.0em]{append column} (APPEND_COL)
       (FULL_QR) edge[bend left=20] node[anchor=east,above,xshift=+3.0em]{delete
 column} (DELETE_COL)
       (APPEND_COL) edge[bend right=20]
 node[anchor=west,below,xshift=-3.0em]{append row} (APPEND_ROW)
       (DELETE_COL) edge[bend left=20]
 node[anchor=east,below,xshift=+3.0em]{append row} (APPEND_ROW)
       (APPEND_COL) edge[above, bend left=5]
       node[anchor=west,above,xshift=+0.0em]{delete column} (DELETE_COL)
       (DELETE_COL) edge[below, bend left=5]
       node[anchor=east,below,xshift=+0.0em]{append column} (APPEND_COL)
       (APPEND_COL) edge[loop left] node[anchor=west,above,yshift=+1.5em,xshift=+2.0em]{append column}
       (APPEND_COL) (DELETE_COL) edge[loop right] node[anchor=east,above,yshift=+1.5em,xshift=-2.0em]{delete column}



informação relacionada