Vim-Latex spell checking : ignore comment regions

Vim-Latex spell checking : ignore comment regions

I'm using the Vim-Latex environment for writing french documents. The problem is that when I comment a line containing a command, the spell checking tool highlights the command as a spelling mistake.

Is it possible to set the spell check tool in a way that it ignore commented lines?


there is an option for that, you just have to add

let g:tex_comment_nospell=1

in your .vimrc.

About the internals, this variable is used in the file /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/tex.vim in my installation.

[Edit for older versions]

Checking vim source tree in older versions, this variable appears from revision 1073, which is after vim 7.0 and 7.1. As stated by the diff, this modification introduces the lines

if !exists("g:tex_comment_nospell") || !g:tex_comment_nospell
    syn cluster texCommentGroup contains=texTodo,@Spell
    syn cluster texCommentGroup contains=texTodo,@NoSpell

so maybe adding

:autocmd BufEnter *.tex syntax cluster texCommentGroup contains=texTodo,@NoSpell

in your .vimrc would do the trick, at least it works on vim 7.3. If this does not work, you could try to get a more recent syntax file and put it into .vim/syntax/tex.vim

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