Como diminuir a margem da página em todos os lados da página?

Como diminuir a margem da página em todos os lados da página?

Consideremos o seguinte exemplo:


 \markboth{The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra}{}

The title of the book is a perfect way to synthesize the point of view of Vin-
cenzo Capasso (VK) about the role played by mathematics in nature and all
human activities, as mentioned by Willi J ̈ger in the Introduction. As VK
mentioned in one of his speeches, “it is important that our scientific com-
munity appreciates the importance of theory and mathematics to face the
enormous challenges which arise from the emerging fields of Biology and Medi-
cine, Industry and Economics to improve the quality of Life.” His enthusiasm
and new ideas have brought him in this challenging mission. By transferring
methods and tools from one field to another, by learning novel mathemat-
ical methods and ideas from the observation of real world phenomena and
behavior, and by approaching real industrial problems, he has accepted to
play a fundamental role in both the Italian and European community in the
establishment and reinforcement of communication channels between Acad-
emia (methods) and Industry (applications), being himself a driving force of
the scientific and technological progress that we are observing in our daily


Isto produz:

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

Mas eu gostaria de produzir a seguinte saída:

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

Quero diminuir a margem esquerda, direita, superior e inferior da página. Como posso fazer isso ?


O geometrypacote permite manipular quase todas as dimensões da página de uma variedade muito flexível de maneiras. Em particular, você pode simplesmente dizer algo como


para obter margens de um quarto de polegada ao redor.

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