Erro de classe de tese Extra} ou \endgroup esquecido na segunda compilação (não na primeira) na legenda float

Erro de classe de tese Extra} ou \endgroup esquecido na segunda compilação (não na primeira) na legenda float

Estou adaptando um artigo para o formato de tese e estou recebendo um erro na páginasegundocompilar meu documento (o primeiro parece funcionar bem). Estou usando o TeXshop, v. 2.47; Estou compilando usando pdfTex v.3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009). Tenho uma bibliografia em formato BibTex e estou utilizando natbibcitações. A mensagem de erro aponta para o primeiro lugar onde incluí uma citação na legenda de uma figura. A mensagem de erro:

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009)  \write18
enabled. entering extended mode (./MinExample.tex LaTeX2e <2009/09/24>
Babel <v3.8l> and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax,
dumylang, noh yphenation, german-x-2009-06-19, ngerman-x-2009-06-19,
ancientgreek, ibycus, ar abic, basque, bulgarian, catalan, pinyin,
coptic, croatian, czech, danish, dutc h, esperanto, estonian, farsi,
finnish, french, galician, german, ngerman, mono greek, greek,
hungarian, icelandic, assamese, bengali, gujarati, hindi, kannada ,
malayalam, marathi, oriya, panjabi, tamil, telugu, indonesian,
interlingua, i rish, italian, kurmanji, latin, latvian, lithuanian,
mongolian, mongolianlmc, b okmal, nynorsk, polish, portuguese,
romanian, russian, sanskrit, serbian, slova k, slovenian, spanish,
swedish, turkish, turkmen, ukenglish, ukrainian, upperso rbian, welsh,
loaded. (./duthesis.cls Document Class: duthesis 2008/01/04 v1.0
University of Denver Electronic Thesis  class
Package: `setspace' 6.7 <2000/12/01> )
(/usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/report.cls Document
Class: report 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
(./aastex_hack.sty) (./MinExample.aux (./Introduction.aux)
(./Chapter1.aux) (./Chapter2.aux) (./Chapter3.aux))
(/usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/omscmr.fd) [1]
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 22--22

[2] (./MinExample.toc
(/usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsfonts/umsb.fd) [3])
[4] (./MinExample.lot) [5] (./MinExample.lof

LaTeX Warning: Citation `[' on page vi undefined on input line 5.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `[' on page vi undefined on input line 5.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `[' on page vi undefined on input line 5.

! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. <argument> ...ider it to be very
reliable.\relax }
                                                   l.5 ...onsider it to be very reliable.\relax }}{2}

Aqui está meu preâmbulo minimizado e documento mestre:

\documentclass[11pt,lot,lof]{duthesis} \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}

\usepackage{natbib} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{epstopdf}
\usepackage{psfig} \usepackage{caption} \usepackage{subcaption}
\usepackage{deluxetable} \usepackage{aastex_hack} \def\mic{$\mu$m$\;$}

\includeonly{Chapter3} \title{Theis title} \submitted{2013}
\author{David Tennant} \advisor{The Master} \abstract {abstract}


\include{Introduction} \include{Chapter1} \include{Chapter2}


Então em Chapter3.tex:

\chapter{Interferometric Study of Wolf-Rayet stars}




\caption{Our attempts to reproduce the wideband data with a binary
orbit for WR 137. Both binary models adopted the values of
\citet{2005MNRAS.360..141L}; the missing angular parameter ($\Omega$ ,
longitude of the Ascending Node) was varied to find the best fit to
the Position Angle and separation derived from interferometric
measurements at a particular phase in two cases.  The resulting models
are shown for \citealt{2010RMxAC..38...54R}, yielding
$\Omega=112\degr$, and the value that best agrees with our data,
$\Omega=137\degr$.  Both agree with the separations predicted by
\citealt{2005MNRAS.360..141L} to within their published error bars.
The data point from PTI's NW baseline was taken in poor weather
conditions, so we do not consider it to be very reliable.}


Fig1 é um arquivo eps, que funcionou no documento que enviei para publicação, então não acho que haja problema com ele. O duthesisarquivo de classe fica assim:

\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{duthesis}
         [2008/01/04 v1.0 University of Denver Electronic Thesis class]





\def\@submittedyear{\ifnum\month>10 \stepcounter{subyear}\thesubyear  

\def\@submittedmonth{\ifnum\month>10 January\else\ifnum\month>5
November   \else June\fi\fi}

\long\def\@abstract{\@latex@error{No \noexpand\abstract given}\@ehc}

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%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix} %\section*{\Huge{Appendix
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\def\@division{Natural Sciences and Mathematics} \def\@dept{Physics
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    of \@division \\
    University of Denver   \end{center}   \vspace{.3in}   \begin{center}   in Partial fulfillment  \\
    of the Requirements for the Degree \\
    of Doctor of Philosophy   \end{center}   \vspace{.3in}   \begin{center}
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    University of Denver   \end{center}   \vspace{.3in}   \begin{center}   in Partial fullfillment  \\
    of the Requirements for the Degree \\
    of Doctor of Philosophy   \end{center}   \vspace{.3in}   \begin{center}
          by \\
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    \@submitted \\
    Advisor: \@advisor   \end{center}   \clearpage   }}

\newcommand{\makeapprovalpage}{{   \thispagestyle{empty}  
\vspace*{0in}   \begin{center}   \sc{   \large{
    Graduate Studies \\
    At \\
    The University of Denver}}   \end{center}   \vspace{.3in}   \small   \noindent Upon the recommendation of the chairperson of the \@deptpref
\@dept { }this dissertation is   hereby accepted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of \\
    \begin{center}  Doctor of Philosophy   \end{center}   \vspace{.3in}   \flushright   \begin{minipage}{2.5in}   \begin{center}
~\hrulefill \\ \vspace{-.065in}   Professor in charge of dissertation
\\ ABC\\   \vspace{1in}
    ~\hrulefill \\   Dissertation Committee Members \\   ~\hrulefill \\   X\\   Y\\   Z\\   \vspace{1in} ~\hrulefill \\ \vspace{-.06in}  
Vice Provost for Graduate Studies \\   \end{center}    \end{minipage} 
\vspace{.5in}   \flushleft   \begin{minipage}{1.5in}   \begin{center}
~\hrulefill \\ \vspace{-.06in}   Date \\   \end{center}  
\end{minipage}   \clearpage   }}

\newcommand*{\makecopyrightpage}{   \thispagestyle{empty}  
\vspace*{0in}   \begin{center}
    \copyright\ Copyright by \@author, \number\year. \\
    All Rights Reserved   \end{center}   \clearpage   } \def\makededication{   \ifx\@dedication\undefined   \else
    \vspace*{3in}    \begin{center}
    \@dedication \end{center}

    \clearpage   \fi   }      \newcommand*{\quotationpage}{   \thispagestyle{empty}   \vspace*{0in} \begin{flushright}
{\Large{Endings...}}  \end{flushright}    \end{flushright}
\begin{flushright} Quotation \end{flushright}   \clearpage   }
\newcommand*{\makeabstract}{   \newpage   %\thispagestyle{empty}  
    \noindent Author: \@author\newline   Title:  \@title\newline   Advisor: \@advisor \newline   Degree Date: \@submitted\newline
           \Large \textbf{Abstract}
    \@abstract   \clearpage   }

\def\makeacknowledgements{   \ifx\@acknowledgements\undefined   \else
      \Large \textbf{Acknowledgements}
    \clearpage   \fi   }

\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Tables}\listoftables}}  
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Figures}\listoffigures}}
\DeclareOption{los}{   \renewcommand*{\makelos}{
    \section*{List of Symbols\@mkboth {LIST OF SYMBOLS}{LIST OF SYMBOLS}}
    \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Symbols}   } }


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%%  %% End of file `duthesis.cls'.

e o aastex_hack.sty é apenas uma lista de símbolos e abreviações

%% Bibliography stuff from aastex.cls
%% lines 1551-1648
\newcommand\aj{\ref@jnl{AJ}}% Astronomical Journal 
\newcommand\araa{\ref@jnl{ARA\&A}}% Annual Review of Astron and Astrophys 
\newcommand\apj{\ref@jnl{ApJ}}% Astrophysical Journal 
\newcommand\apjl{\ref@jnl{ApJ}}% Astrophysical Journal, Letters 
\newcommand\apjs{\ref@jnl{ApJS}}% Astrophysical Journal, Supplement 
\newcommand\ao{\ref@jnl{Appl.~Opt.}}% Applied Optics 
\newcommand\apss{\ref@jnl{Ap\&SS}}% Astrophysics and Space Science 
\newcommand\aap{\ref@jnl{A\&A}}% Astronomy and Astrophysics 
\newcommand\aapr{\ref@jnl{A\&A~Rev.}}% Astronomy and Astrophysics Reviews 
\newcommand\aaps{\ref@jnl{A\&AS}}% Astronomy and Astrophysics, Supplement 
\newcommand\azh{\ref@jnl{AZh}}% Astronomicheskii Zhurnal 
\newcommand\baas{\ref@jnl{BAAS}}% Bulletin of the AAS 
\newcommand\jrasc{\ref@jnl{JRASC}}% Journal of the RAS of Canada 
\newcommand\memras{\ref@jnl{MmRAS}}% Memoirs of the RAS 
\newcommand\mnras{\ref@jnl{MNRAS}}% Monthly Notices of the RAS 
\newcommand\pra{\ref@jnl{Phys.~Rev.~A}}% Physical Review A: General Physics 
\newcommand\prb{\ref@jnl{Phys.~Rev.~B}}% Physical Review B: Solid State 
\newcommand\prc{\ref@jnl{Phys.~Rev.~C}}% Physical Review C 
\newcommand\prd{\ref@jnl{Phys.~Rev.~D}}% Physical Review D 
\newcommand\pre{\ref@jnl{Phys.~Rev.~E}}% Physical Review E 
\newcommand\prl{\ref@jnl{Phys.~Rev.~Lett.}}% Physical Review Letters 
\newcommand\pasp{\ref@jnl{PASP}}% Publications of the ASP 
\newcommand\pasj{\ref@jnl{PASJ}}% Publications of the ASJ 
\newcommand\qjras{\ref@jnl{QJRAS}}% Quarterly Journal of the RAS 
\newcommand\skytel{\ref@jnl{S\&T}}% Sky and Telescope 
\newcommand\solphys{\ref@jnl{Sol.~Phys.}}% Solar Physics 
\newcommand\sovast{\ref@jnl{Soviet~Ast.}}% Soviet Astronomy 
\newcommand\ssr{\ref@jnl{Space~Sci.~Rev.}}%          % Space Science Reviews 
\newcommand\zap{\ref@jnl{ZAp}}% Zeitschrift fuer Astrophysik 
\newcommand\nat{\ref@jnl{Nature}}% Nature 
\newcommand\iaucirc{\ref@jnl{IAU~Circ.}}% IAU Cirulars 
\newcommand\aplett{\ref@jnl{Astrophys.~Lett.}}% Astrophysics Letters 
\newcommand\apspr{\ref@jnl{Astrophys.~Space~Phys.~Res.}}% Astrophysics Space Physics Research 
\newcommand\bain{\ref@jnl{Bull.~Astron.~Inst.~Netherlands}}% Bul. Astr. Inst. of the Netherlands 
\newcommand\fcp{\ref@jnl{Fund.~Cosmic~Phys.}}% Fundamental Cosmic Physics 
\newcommand\gca{\ref@jnl{Geochim.~Cosmochim.~Acta}}% Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 
\newcommand\grl{\ref@jnl{Geophys.~Res.~Lett.}}% Geophysics Research Letters 
\newcommand\jcp{\ref@jnl{J.~Chem.~Phys.}}% Journal of Chemical Physics 
\newcommand\jgr{\ref@jnl{J.~Geophys.~Res.}}% Journal of Geophysics Research 
\newcommand\jqsrt{\ref@jnl{J.~Quant.~Spec.~Radiat.~Transf.}}% Journal of Quantitiative Spectroscopy and Radiative Trasfer 
\newcommand\memsai{\ref@jnl{Mem.~Soc.~Astron.~Italiana}}% Mem. Societa Astronomica Italiana 
\newcommand\nphysa{\ref@jnl{Nucl.~Phys.~A}}% Nuclear Physics A 
\newcommand\physrep{\ref@jnl{Phys.~Rep.}}% Physics Reports 
\newcommand\physscr{\ref@jnl{Phys.~Scr}}% Physica Scripta 
\newcommand\planss{\ref@jnl{Planet.~Space~Sci.}}% Planetary Space Science 
\newcommand\procspie{\ref@jnl{Proc.~SPIE}}% Proceedings of the SPIE 
\newcommand\pasa{\ref@jnl{PASA}} % Publications of the Astron. Soc. of Australia
\newcommand\nar{\ref@jnl{New A Rev.}} % New Astronomy Review


%% Symbols from aastex.cls
%% lines 1649-1771
\let\la=\lesssim            % For Springer A&A compliance... 
\newcommand\fd{\mbox{$.\!\!^{\mathrm d}$}}% 
\newcommand\fh{\mbox{$.\!\!^{\mathrm h}$}}% 
\newcommand\fm{\mbox{$.\!\!^{\mathrm m}$}}% 
\newcommand\fs{\mbox{$.\!\!^{\mathrm s}$}}% 
\newcommand\fp{\mbox{$.\!\!^{\scriptscriptstyle\mathrm p}$}}% 
 \mbox{.\kern -0.7ex\raisebox{.9ex}{\scriptsize$\prime$}}% 
  \kern  0.13ex.% 
  \kern -0.95ex\raisebox{.9ex}{\scriptsize$\prime\prime$}% 
  \kern -0.1ex% 
\newcommand\ubvr{\mbox{$U\!BV\!R$}}%% UBVR system 
\newcommand\ub{\mbox{$U\!-\!B$}}%   % U-B 
\newcommand\bv{\mbox{$B\!-\!V$}}%   % B-V 
\newcommand\vr{\mbox{$V\!-\!R$}}%   % V-R 
\newcommand\ur{\mbox{$U\!-\!R$}}%   % U-R 
%%%%\newcommand\nodata{ ~$\cdots$~ }% 
\newcommand\Mercury{\astro{\char1}}% Mercury symbol, "1" 
\newcommand\Venus{\astro{\char2}}% Venus symbol, "2" 
\newcommand\Mars{\astro{\char4}}% Mars symbol, "4" 
\newcommand\Jupiter{\astro{\char5}}% Jupiter symbol, "5" 
\newcommand\Saturn{\astro{\char6}}% Saturn symbol, "6" 
\newcommand\Uranus{\astro{\char7}}% Uranus symbol, "7" 
\newcommand\Neptune{\astro{\char8}}% Neptune symbol, "8" 
\newcommand\Pluto{\astro{\char9}}% Pluo symbol, "9" 
\newcommand\Moon{\astro{\char10}}% Moon symbol, "M" 
\newcommand\VEq{\Aries}% vernal equinox (Aries) 
\newcommand\AEq{\Libra}% autumnal equinox (Libra) 
 \font\astro@font=Astrosym at\dimen@ 
  Please use class option `astro', since you are using the astro font.% 
  \[email protected]\relax 
  \[email protected]\ht\z@\dimen@i-\dimen@ 
  \advance\[email protected]\p@\advance\[email protected]\p@ 
 \advance\[email protected]\p@\advance\[email protected]\p@ 
 \advance\[email protected]\p@\advance\[email protected]\p@ 
 \advance\[email protected]\p@\advance\[email protected]\p@ 
 \advance\[email protected]\p@\advance\[email protected]\p@ 
 \advance\[email protected]\p@\advance\[email protected]\p@ 

Desculpe se isso é muita informação, este é meu primeiro post e quero ser completo.


Como o seu problema aparece apenas na segunda execução, é algo que quebrou quando foi gravado no arquivo "lof" (lista de figuras) na primeira execução. Isso normalmente ocorre devido a um comando frágil em uma legenda e à visualização dos avisos

LaTeX Warning: Citation `[' on page vi undefined on input line 5.

antes do erro, provavelmente os comandos de citação na legenda são os culpados. Portanto, sem verificar mais, meu palpite é que adicionar \protectna frente \citete/ou \citealtresolverá esse problema.

informação relacionada