![Como posso fazer a grade corretamente?](https://rvso.com/image/266416/Como%20posso%20fazer%20a%20grade%20corretamente%3F.png)
Estou tentando colocar a grade no meu gráfico, e estou tendo esse problema abaixo. O estilo da grade deve ser linhas auxiliares, e tracejadas, isso eu sei fazer, mas o problema continua em colocar a grade corretamente.
Aqui está o código que estou usando.
x, y
10, 0.7
15, 0.6
20, 0.5
x, y
10, 0.4
15, 0.3
20, 0.2
/pgf/number format/.cd,
set decimal separator={,{\!}},
set thousands separator={}
every axis/.append style = {
line width = 0.5pt,
tick style = {line width=1pt},
grid style={dashed}
% provide shared options here with pgfplotsset:
height=6cm, width=9cm,
no markers=major
% this is the leftmost y axis (y2)
xmin=0,xmax=1,%--- CF
xshift=0cm,%-- CF
hide x axis,
axis y line*=left,
ymin=0, ymax=1.2,
ytick = {0,0.24,0.48,...,1.2},
xmin=0, xmax=10,
xshift=7cm,%-- CF
hide x axis,
axis y line*=right,
ymin=0, ymax=0.5,
ytick = {0,0.1,0.2,...,0.5},
xmin=0, xmax=25,
ymin=0, ymax=1.2,
minor ytick = {0,5,10,...,25},
axis x line*=bottom,
hide y axis,
xmin = 0, xmax=25,
ymin = 0, ymax=1.2,
hide x axis,
hide y axis,
\addplot+ [mark = none] table [col sep=comma, x=x, y=y]{dataCL.csv};
xmin = 0, xmax=25,
ymin = 0, ymax=0.5,
hide x axis,
hide y axis,
\addplot+ [mark = none] table [col sep=comma, x=x, y=y]{dataCD.csv};
Eu encontro uma maneira de fazer isso.
x, y
10, 0.7
15, 0.6
20, 0.5
x, y
10, 0.4
15, 0.3
20, 0.2
/pgf/number format/.cd,
set decimal separator={,{\!}},
set thousands separator={}
every axis/.append style = {
line width = 0.5pt,
tick style = {line width=1pt},
grid style={dashed}
% provide shared options here with pgfplotsset:
height=6cm, width=9cm,
no markers=major
% this is the leftmost y axis (y2)
xmin=0,xmax=1,%--- CF
% xshift=0cm,%-- CF
hide x axis,
axis y line*=left,
ymin=0, ymax=1.2,
ytick = {0,0.24,0.48,...,1.2},
xmin=0, xmax=10,
xshift=7cm,%-- CF
hide x axis,
axis y line*=right,
ymin=0, ymax=0.5,
ytick = {0,0.1,0.2,...,0.5},
xmin=0, xmax=25,
ymin=0, ymax=1.2,
minor ytick = {0,5,10,...,25},
axis x line*=bottom,
hide y axis,
xmin = 0, xmax=25,
ymin = 0, ymax=1.2,
hide x axis,
hide y axis,
\addplot+ [mark = none] table [col sep=comma, x=x, y=y]{dataCL.csv};
xmin = 0, xmax=25,
ymin = 0, ymax=0.5,
hide x axis,
hide y axis,
\addplot+ [mark = none] table [col sep=comma, x=x, y=y]{dataCD.csv};