bigfoot com a opção "para" não pode contar notas de rodapé por página

bigfoot com a opção "para" não pode contar notas de rodapé por página

Estou compondo um documento grande e complexo com dezenas de milhares de notas de rodapé. Algumas dessas notas são substanciais, enquanto muitas outras são muito curtas.

Portanto, preciso usar a numeração de notas de rodapé "por página", com a qual o perpagepacote lida bem.

Gostaria também de colocar as notas curtas dentro de um único parágrafo quando for conveniente, enquanto as notas de rodapé mais longas têm o seu próprio parágrafo. O bigfootpacote \DeclareNewFootnote[para]{default}faz isso muito bem.

No entanto, tive dificuldade para fazer com que os dois comportamentos funcionassem juntos: quando a paragrafação das notas está correta, não contará notas de rodapé por página.

Aqui está um MWE.



Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 



A solução seguiu uma versão modificada da sugestão de Harish:



Estou usando \AtBeginDocumentetc., em vez do original \DeclareNewFootnote[para]{default}seguindo a sugestão do autor do pacoteem seus comentários sobre o pacote.No entanto, para meus propósitos, ambos funcionam bem.


Não é a melhor idéia deixar outros pacotes lidarem com coisas que bigfootfuncionam bem por conta própria: você sempre corre o risco de que eles possam interferir no bigfoot.

footmischoje em dia pode perpagese usar, então a resposta aceita pode muito bem funcionar.

De qualquer forma, seu problema parece inteiramente auto-feito: seu MWE carrega perpagesem realmente fazer nada com ele ( perpageapenas fornece facilidades para alterar contadores em geral, mas não toca em nenhum contador existente). O bigfoot.dtxarquivo em si contém alguns exemplos mínimos de uso perpageadequado, eu acho.

EDIT BY LOCKSTEP: No exemplo do OP, \MakePerPage{footnotedefault}precisa ser adicionado.



Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 


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