Adicionando argumentos a um trecho de código \tikzset?

Adicionando argumentos a um trecho de código \tikzset?

Por favor, observe o seguinte trecho de código

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MOBILE TOWER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\node[station] (base) {#1};

%\draw[line join=bevel] (base.110) -- (base.70) -- (base.north west) -- (base.north east) -- cycle;
\draw[line join=bevel] (base.100) -- (base.80) -- (base.110) -- (base.70) -- (base.north west) -- (base.north east);
\draw[line join=bevel] (base.100) -- (base.70) (base.110) -- (base.north east);

% original yshift=.8pt
%\draw[line cap=rect] ([xshift=.5cm,yshift=.3pt] base.north) [antenna=1];
%\draw[line cap=rect] ([yshift=.3pt]ant1 |- base.north) -- node[above,shape=rectangle,inner ysep=+.3333em]{\dots} ([xshift=-.5cm,yshift=.3pt]base.north) [antenna=2];
\draw[line cap=rect] ([xshift=-.1768cm,yshift=.6pt]base.north -| base.right tail) [antenna=1];
\draw[line cap=rect] ([yshift=.6pt]ant1 |- base.north) -- node[above,shape=rectangle,inner ysep=+.3333em]{\dots} ([xshift=.1768cm,yshift=.6pt]base.north -| base.left tail) [antenna=2];

%\draw[line cap=rect] ([yshift=.3pt]ant1 |- base.north) -- ([xshift=-.5cm,yshift=.3pt]base.north) [antenna=2];
%\node at ($(ant1)!0.5!(ant2)$) {\dots};

Isso me permite escrever comandos como

\draw (-4,0) node[scale=2]{\MBS{a}} ;

e gerar uma figura com um rótulo 'a' no centro (em comunicações sem fio, este diagrama se refere a uma torre móvel). Agora o seguinte trecho de código

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RELAY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\tikzset{radiation/.style={{decorate,decoration={expanding waves,angle=90,segment length=4pt}}},
            \draw[semithick] (0,0) -- (1,4);% left line
            \draw[semithick] (3,0) -- (2,4);% right line
            \draw[semithick] (0,0) arc (180:0:1.5 and -0.5);
            \node[inner sep=4pt] (circ) at (1.5,5.5) {};
            \draw[semithick] (1.5,5.5) circle(8pt);
            \draw[semithick] (1.5,5.5cm-8pt) -- (1.5,4);
            \draw[semithick] (1.5,4) ellipse (0.5 and 0.166);
            \draw[semithick,radiation,decoration={angle=45}] (1.5cm+8pt,5.5) -- +(0:2);
            \draw[semithick,radiation,decoration={angle=45}] (1.5cm-8pt,5.5) -- +(180:2);

me permite escrever código como

\path (2,-1.2)  pic[scale=0.5,color=red] {relay};

que gera uma figura sem etiqueta no centro (para os curiosos, é referido como relé nas comunicações sem fio). Como consigo aquela rotulagem personalizada no centro semelhante ao primeiro exemplo (torre móvel).

Um exemplo completo de trabalho é fornecido no código a seguir.

\tikzset{antenna/.style={insert path={-- coordinate (ant#1) ++(0,0.25) -- +(135:0.25) + (0,0) -- +(45:0.25)}}}
\tikzset{station/.style={naming,draw,shape=dart,shape border rotate=90, minimum width=10mm, minimum height=10mm,outer sep=0pt,inner sep=3pt}}
%\tikzset{mobile/.style={naming,draw,shape=rectangle,minimum width=15mm,minimum height=7.5mm, outer sep=0pt,inner sep=3pt}}
\tikzset{mobile/.style={naming,draw,shape=rectangle,minimum width=12mm,minimum height=6mm, outer sep=0pt,inner sep=3pt}}
%\tikzset{radiation/.style={{decorate,decoration={expanding waves,angle=90,segment length=4pt}}}}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RELAY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\tikzset{radiation/.style={{decorate,decoration={expanding waves,angle=90,segment length=4pt}}},
            \draw[semithick] (0,0) -- (1,4);% left line
            \draw[semithick] (3,0) -- (2,4);% right line
            \draw[semithick] (0,0) arc (180:0:1.5 and -0.5);
            \node[inner sep=4pt] (circ) at (1.5,5.5) {};
            \draw[semithick] (1.5,5.5) circle(8pt);
            \draw[semithick] (1.5,5.5cm-8pt) -- (1.5,4);
            \draw[semithick] (1.5,4) ellipse (0.5 and 0.166);
            \draw[semithick,radiation,decoration={angle=45}] (1.5cm+8pt,5.5) -- +(0:2);
            \draw[semithick,radiation,decoration={angle=45}] (1.5cm-8pt,5.5) -- +(180:2);

%%%%%%%%% MOBILE PHONE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style={rectangle,minimum width=0pt}]
\node[mobile] (box) {#1};

\draw ([xshift=.25cm] box.south west) circle (4pt)
      ([xshift=-.25cm]box.south east) circle (4pt);

\fill ([xshift=.25cm] box.south west) circle (1pt)
      ([xshift=-.25cm]box.south east) circle (1pt);

\draw (box.north) [antenna=1];
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MOBILE BASE STATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\node[station] (base) {#1};

%\draw[line join=bevel] (base.110) -- (base.70) -- (base.north west) -- (base.north east) -- cycle;
\draw[line join=bevel] (base.100) -- (base.80) -- (base.110) -- (base.70) -- (base.north west) -- (base.north east);
\draw[line join=bevel] (base.100) -- (base.70) (base.110) -- (base.north east);

% original yshift=.8pt
%\draw[line cap=rect] ([xshift=.5cm,yshift=.3pt] base.north) [antenna=1];
%\draw[line cap=rect] ([yshift=.3pt]ant1 |- base.north) -- node[above,shape=rectangle,inner ysep=+.3333em]{\dots} ([xshift=-.5cm,yshift=.3pt]base.north) [antenna=2];
\draw[line cap=rect] ([xshift=-.1768cm,yshift=.6pt]base.north -| base.right tail) [antenna=1];
\draw[line cap=rect] ([yshift=.6pt]ant1 |- base.north) -- node[above,shape=rectangle,inner ysep=+.3333em]{\dots} ([xshift=.1768cm,yshift=.6pt]base.north -| base.left tail) [antenna=2];

%\draw[line cap=rect] ([yshift=.3pt]ant1 |- base.north) -- ([xshift=-.5cm,yshift=.3pt]base.north) [antenna=2];
%\node at ($(ant1)!0.5!(ant2)$) {\dots};

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DIAGRAM STARTS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\begin{tikzpicture}%[every path/.append style={thick}]
\draw (-4,0) ellipse (8 and 3);
\draw (8,0) ellipse (8 and 3);

\draw (-4,0) node[scale=2]{\MBS{a}} ;
\draw (8,0) node[scale=2,color=red]{\MBS{2}} ;
\path (2,1)  pic[scale=0.5,color=red] {relay};
\path (2,-1.2)  pic[scale=0.5,color=red] {relay};
\draw (1,0) node[scale=.8]{\UE{1}};
\draw (-1,0) node[scale=.8]{\UE{2}};


Algo assim?

insira a descrição da imagem aqui



\tikzset{radiation/.style={{decorate,decoration={expanding waves,angle=90,segment length=4pt}}},
            \draw[semithick] (0,0) -- (1,4);% left line
            \draw[semithick] (3,0) -- (2,4);% right line
            \draw[semithick] (0,0) arc (180:0:1.5 and -0.5) node[above, midway]{#1};
            \node[inner sep=4pt] (circ) at (1.5,5.5) {};
            \draw[semithick] (1.5,5.5) circle(8pt);
            \draw[semithick] (1.5,5.5cm-8pt) -- (1.5,4);
            \draw[semithick] (1.5,4) ellipse (0.5 and 0.166);
            \draw[semithick,radiation,decoration={angle=45}] (1.5cm+8pt,5.5) -- +(0:2);
            \draw[semithick,radiation,decoration={angle=45}] (1.5cm-8pt,5.5) -- +(180:2);


\path (2,-1.2)  pic[scale=0.5,color=red] {relay=B};


informação relacionada