Biografia dos autores para revistas Inderscience

Biografia dos autores para revistas Inderscience

Gostaria de criar um documento seguindo os templates da Indersciences. O problema é: as biografias dos autores devem aparecer na página de título e no topo da segunda página, mas ao compilar o código a seguir mostra apenas a parte da biografia pertencente à página de título. A página de título é uma única coluna terminada após as biografias. O resto do documento da Introdução tem duas colunas...


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\newtheorem{stheorem}[lemma]{Wrong Theorem}




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\JOURNALNAME{\TEN{\it Int. Journal, Vol. \theVOL, No. \theISSUE, \thePUBYEAR\hfill\thepage}}%

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\LRH{Author 1 et~al.}

\RRH{inderscience journal}







\title{paper Inderscience template}

\authorA{Author 1*}
\affA{Department of Computer Science,\\ University 1,\\ City 1, Country1 \\
E-mail: [email protected]\\
*Corresponding author}
\affB{Department of Computer Science,\\ University2,\\ City 2, Country2 \\
E-mail: [email protected]}
\affC{School of Informatics and Computer Science,\\ University3,\\ City 3, \\Country3 \\
E-mail: [email protected]}

 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper,    
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 

\KEYWORD{latex, paper, Inderscience}
\REF{to this paper should be made as follows: Author1., Author2. and Author3.(xxx) paper Indersciencetemplate', \it {Int. J. of XXXXXXX}, Vol..~x, No.~x,}


  Author1 is  blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla   
\noindent Author2 blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla 
\noindent Author3 blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla 



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Para mais explicações: eu gostaria de obter algo como

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

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