ajustar a distância entre as linhas e repetir o cabeçalho em cada página?

ajustar a distância entre as linhas e repetir o cabeçalho em cada página?

Eu enfrentei um problema em longtable, como cada coluna é longa, ela é impressa em uma página como mostra a imagem, e também quando vai para a próxima página precisa repetir o cabeçalho da primeira linha.

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

\newcommand{\first}{\setcounter{temp}{1}\thetemp- }
\newcommand{\following}{\stepcounter{temp}\par\thetemp- }

        \captionof{table}{Comparison Between the Wormhole Attacks}
            \textbf{Wormhole types} & \textbf{Encapsulation} & \textbf{Out of Band} & \textbf{High Power} & \textbf{Packet Relay} & \textbf{Protocol Deviations} \\\hline      
            & \first there is a smaller probability of RREQ being discarded than other RREQs which are repeatedly received by intermediate nodes.
                \following RREQ packet arriving to destination, does not keep middle nodes as hops, and then it appears to have passed through minimum number of hops. 
            & \first Control packet arrives faster due to no process from middle nodes
                \following Less probability of discarding compare to RREQs which are repeatedly received by middle nodes.
                \following Control packets arrive at destination, middle nodes not use as hops, pass through less number of hops 
            & \first Control packets arrive faster
                \following Less probability of discarding compare to RREQs which are repeatedly received by middle nodes.
                \following Control packets arrive at destination, middle nodes not use as hops, pass through less number of hops    
            & \first Two nodes think they are neighbors although they are not, and every RREQ to be sent to neighbors will arrive to relay nodes invisibility.
                \following Control packet seems to arrive using minimum number of hops   
            & control packet arrives faster \\\hline  
            & \first there is a smaller probability of RREQ being discarded than other RREQs which are repeatedly received by intermediate nodes.
            \following RREQ packet arriving to destination, does not keep middle nodes as hops, and then it appears to have passed through minimum number of hops. 
            & \first Control packet arrives faster due to no process from middle nodes
            \following Less probability of discarding compare to RREQs which are repeatedly received by middle nodes.
            \following Control packets arrive at destination, middle nodes not use as hops, pass through less number of hops 
            & \first Control packets arrive faster
            \following Less probability of discarding compare to RREQs which are repeatedly received by middle nodes.
            \following Control packets arrive at destination, middle nodes not use as hops, pass through less number of hops    
            & \first Two nodes think they are neighbors although they are not, and every RREQ to be sent to neighbors will arrive to relay nodes invisibility.
            \following Control packet seems to arrive using minimum number of hops   
            & control packet arrives faster \\\hline   



Para repetir títulos, use \endfirstheade \endhead. Para aumentar o espaço entre as linhas, você pode usar makecelle dentro \setcellgapsde \makegapedcellsum grupo. Você não precisará centerdo ambiente longtalecentralizado por padrão. Aliás, sua mesa não cabe na largura (e eu não corrigi).

\newcommand{\first}{\setcounter{temp}{1}\thetemp- }
\newcommand{\following}{\stepcounter{temp}\par\thetemp- }

%    \begin{center}  longtable is centered by default
        %\captionof{table}{Comparison Between the Wormhole Attacks}
{\makegapedcells        \begin{longtable}{|p{1.8cm}|>{\RaggedRight}p{2.5cm}|>{\RaggedRight}p{2.4cm}|>{\RaggedRight}p{2.1cm}|>{\RaggedRight}p{2.2cm}|>{\RaggedRight}p{2.2cm}|}
           \caption{Comparison Between the Wormhole Attacks}\\ \hline
            \textbf{Wormhole types} & \textbf{Encapsulation} & \textbf{Out of Band} & \textbf{High Power} & \textbf{Packet Relay} & \textbf{Protocol Deviations} \\\hline
\textbf{Wormhole types} & \textbf{Encapsulation} & \textbf{Out of Band} & \textbf{High Power} & \textbf{Packet Relay} & \textbf{Protocol Deviations} \\\hline
            & \first there is a smaller probability of RREQ being discarded than other RREQs which are repeatedly received by intermediate nodes.
                \following RREQ packet arriving to destination, does not keep middle nodes as hops, and then it appears to have passed through minimum number of hops.
            & \first Control packet arrives faster due to no process from middle nodes
                \following Less probability of discarding compare to RREQs which are repeatedly received by middle nodes.
                \following Control packets arrive at destination, middle nodes not use as hops, pass through less number of hops
            & \first Control packets arrive faster
                \following Less probability of discarding compare to RREQs which are repeatedly received by middle nodes.
                \following Control packets arrive at destination, middle nodes not use as hops, pass through less number of hops
            & \first Two nodes think they are neighbors although they are not, and every RREQ to be sent to neighbors will arrive to relay nodes invisibility.
                \following Control packet seems to arrive using minimum number of hops
            & control packet arrives faster \\\hline
            & \first there is a smaller probability of RREQ being discarded than other RREQs which are repeatedly received by intermediate nodes.
            \following RREQ packet arriving to destination, does not keep middle nodes as hops, and then it appears to have passed through minimum number of hops.
            & \first Control packet arrives faster due to no process from middle nodes
            \following Less probability of discarding compare to RREQs which are repeatedly received by middle nodes.
            \following Control packets arrive at destination, middle nodes not use as hops, pass through less number of hops
            & \first Control packets arrive faster
            \following Less probability of discarding compare to RREQs which are repeatedly received by middle nodes.
            \following Control packets arrive at destination, middle nodes not use as hops, pass through less number of hops
            & \first Two nodes think they are neighbors although they are not, and every RREQ to be sent to neighbors will arrive to relay nodes invisibility.
            \following Control packet seems to arrive using minimum number of hops
            & control packet arrives faster \\\hline

%    \end{center}

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